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Remembering JFK, this week the 50th anniversary of a dark day


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Strider, so the president died at around 1pm - that's what I thought, but today there was a nationwide (in the U.S.) moment of silence at 1:25pm in JFK's honor. Except for Dallas, which had a moment of silence at 12:30pm, as that was when the president was actually shot.

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What I don't get is this ... The President of The United States was murdered right in front of his place of employment.. What would any normal human being do less than an hour after this horrible event? Why go to the movies of course...

He was hiding.... because he was involved.

Hiding at the movies...your joking. a hitman chooses the movies to escape the biggest crime in history of the nation. Like where is the logic in any of this. There is no logic whatsoever, he was set up and they knew he did it before he even did it, just like how they blame al queda literally day after 911! Now al qaeda is the ally in syria...so the people behind 911 are now our allies even tho they are blamed for killing thousands and infiltrating every form of air defense and acrobatly flying 3 jets into key buildings, 2 of those buildings had all the evidence against the then current administration and its criminal overspending. I could sit here all day giving evidence against such non logic but to those who believe the propaganda, its kinda hard to persuade any sort of rebellion when to your eyes ears and brains everyhting is honky dory

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Hiding at the movies...your joking. a hitman chooses the movies to escape the biggest crime in history of the nation. Like where is the logic in any of this. There is no logic whatsoever, he was set up and they knew he did it before he even did it, just like how they blame al queda literally day after 911! Now al qaeda is the ally in syria...so the people behind 911 are now our allies even tho they are blamed for killing thousands and infiltrating every form of air defense and acrobatly flying 3 jets into key buildings, 2 of those buildings had all the evidence against the then current administration and its criminal overspending. I could sit here all day giving evidence against such non logic but to those who believe the propaganda, its kinda hard to persuade any sort of rebellion when to your eyes ears and brains everyhting is honky dory

Dude you're all over the map.. I'm not joking at all... Who goes to the movies when the President was assassinated right in front of their place of employment an hour earlier ..? Answer NOBODY!! Are you saying Oswald didn't murder Officer Tippet as well?

What was the first thing he did when the cops approached him in the movie theater? He took a swing at them...just like any innocent man would do.. "I am not resisting arrest"..

Nobody's hunky dory with the answers about JFK's killing or 911 for that matter.

How can you even say that? People are still questioning Abraham Lincoln's murder..

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You people..you wackos....Thanks this clearly puts the nail in the place where you sit among this debate. There is definitley no need to continue because such remarks come from desperation

The only one who seems desperate is you, sir. I have already listed several well-researched books that debunk several of the more prevalent conspiracy theories and show that Oswald was the gunman. That 'George Hickey accidentally shoots Kennedy' that everyone is talking about over on the Conspiracy thread like it is a recent development was debunked years ago as it is an old theory from 1977.

Look, I never said all conspiracies are untrue...the CIA did want to assassinate Castro and it did play a part in assassinating Allende in Chile. The Pentagon Papers showed there was malfeasance and dirty goings on in Vietnam. I, for many years, thought there had to be another gunman in JFK's murder, and as a child of Vietnam and Watergate, was predisposed to believe in a massive conspiracy to murder JFK.

But years of reading and looking at all the available evidence and science has led me to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the killer. Unfortunately, thanks to Jack Ruby, we will never know for sure what his motives were. Was Oswald a pawn for some shadowy forces? Again, it's impossible to know for certain.

Strider, so the president died at around 1pm - that's what I thought, but today there was a nationwide (in the U.S.) moment of silence at 1:25pm in JFK's honor. Except for Dallas, which had a moment of silence at 12:30pm, as that was when the president was actually shot.

I assume you meant 1:25pm EST? Which would have been 12:25pm CST...close to the 12:30pm time of shooting. It's difficult to nail it down precisely because some of the news reports posted don't list the time correctly or specify the Time Zone aired. But 1:00pm CST was the time Kennedy was pronounced dead. The report probably was broadcast shortly after that.

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no need for this bullshit.

You don't know what bullshit is do you. What i find is bullshit is your reasons for blaming lee, he swung at the officers arresting therefore hes guilty...hey man, i get it your lost in space somewhere, did it occur to you to do any investigating yourself instead of believing what the media tells you, the media that is run by there very people who benefit from such events....thats investigating , finding who has motive. JFK was anti war and anti Federal Reserve...Thats fucking motive

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You don't know what bullshit is do you. What i find is bullshit is your reasons for blaming lee, he swung at the officers arresting therefore hes guilty...hey man, i get it your lost in space somewhere, did it occur to you to do any investigating yourself instead of believing what the media tells you, the media that is run by there very people who benefit from such events....thats investigating , finding who has motive. JFK was anti war and anti Federal Reserve...Thats fucking motive

I could care less if we agree about this or not... There are many here that disagree about all sorts of things and all is good..

But calling a female poster a "twat" is bullshit and I hope they ban your ass pretty fckin quick.

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Released on this very day 50 years ago in the U.K. (but not in the U.S.)...The Beatles second album "With the Beatles".


Hard to imagine such happiness exploding into the world on the same day as JFK's murder.

Edited by Strider
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I could care less if we agree about this or not... There are many here that disagree about all sorts of things and all is good..

But calling a female poster a "twat" is bullshit and I hope they ban your ass pretty fckin quick.

Thank you chase. I concur. Disagreement is fine, but leave the tacky, sexist (or racist/homophobic) insults out of it.

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I am not desperate for anything but the truth if anything at all. We all deserve to understand the events of that day. Events which are orchestrated, false flags and government cover ups go back thousands of years. Things don't just happen, important people like jfk die because they are against the very evil that fabricates society today.

Do you think Hitler just happen to target the wealthiest group of people in europe? The wealth and elite stage events to gain more power and wealth, that is why wars happen, the jews were targeted to fund the take over of europe and put an end to the banker clans. Well that didn't happen. Ask yourself why we target islam and protect israel? Why does everyone in the east hate israel? Maybe because they the Jews kicked out everyone left thousands homeless and clamed the "holy" land for themselves and we protect this stance because they control us. ww1 and its stupidity are the reason ww2 happened, the elite wealth create the problem and then fund both sides of the war.

FYI i am not pro hitler or nazi regime, im stating the blatant facts that are erased from our history books based on perspective. Money is the root of all evil and those who control the most are most certainly evil.

Just google bilderberg. A group of people made up of each nation wealth, the most powerful people in the world. They meet up discuss how to better themselves and their agenda. This is direct violation of the oath leaders take against such secret meetings. There isnt supposed to be secrecy between government and the people.

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I could care less if we agree about this or not... There are many here that disagree about all sorts of things and all is good..

But calling a female poster a "twat" is bullshit and I hope they ban your ass pretty fckin quick.

Yeah oppress the already oppressed. I didnt even know that poster was a female, but its obvious my ideas are against your views and as such attack and ban me for my love of personal freedom and dignity...You sheeple are so far up your own arse, I have spent hours now typing and all i get is oppression and outsider wacko garbage. Just stick your head in the sand a little more. I feel like a stupid keyboard crusader trying to defend my viewpoint here with non logic like he must be guilty he went to the movies and didnt give up without a fight lol...you know how stupid that sounds. Please...It is twisted to believe such sick propaganda aimed to destroy the integrity and patriotism of America. I dont even live in America yet here i am sticking up for american liberty's and freedoms. You wonder why i got angry...This is a serious issue not about politics but about the freedoms people lose in tyranny.

Edited by Psychedelic
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Yeah oppress the already oppressed. I didnt even know that poster was a female, but its obvious my ideas are against your views and as such attack and ban me for my love of personal freedom and dignity...You sheeple are so far up your own arse, I have spent hours now typing and all i get is oppression and outsider wacko garbage. Just stick your head in the sand a little more. I feel like a stupid keyboard crusader trying to defend my viewpoint here with non logic like he must be guilty he went to the movies and didnt give up without a fight lol...you know how stupid that sounds. Please...It is twisted to believe such sick propaganda aimed to destroy the integrity and patriotism of America. I dont even live in America yet here i am sticking up for american liberty's and freedoms. You wonder why i got angry...This is a serious issue not about politics but about the freedoms people lose in tyranny.

Like I said I don't care ... I think your views are interesting..

But you're talking dignity and at the same time calling people twats.. that's not very dignified..

I made no move to get you banned..

I am anything but a sheep.. and have been back and forth on JFK's assassination countless times.

Another shooter at the Grassy Knoll?

Killed because he threatened to get Castro?

Killed by the Russians / Cuban's because of the Missile Crisis?

Killed because he wanted to go public on Alien Visitations?

Killed by the Mafia because his brother, the Attorney General was out to get them?

Killed by the Mafia because he was sleeping with Marilyn Monroe?

Killed by LBJ so The U.S. could go into Vietnam?

and on and on... I've looked into them all so don't call me a sheep...I still come away with one constant... Lee Harvey Oswald was involved.

Edited by the chase
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I am not desperate for anything but the truth if anything at all. We all deserve to understand the events of that day. Events which are orchestrated, false flags and government cover ups go back thousands of years. Things don't just happen, important people like jfk die because they are against the very evil that fabricates society today.

Do you think Hitler just happen to target the wealthiest group of people in europe? The wealth and elite stage events to gain more power and wealth, that is why wars happen, the jews were targeted to fund the take over of europe and put an end to the banker clans. Well that didn't happen. Ask yourself why we target islam and protect israel? Why does everyone in the east hate israel? Maybe because they the Jews kicked out everyone left thousands homeless and clamed the "holy" land for themselves and we protect this stance because they control us. ww1 and its stupidity are the reason ww2 happened, the elite wealth create the problem and then fund both sides of the war.

FYI i am not pro hitler or nazi regime, im stating the blatant facts that are erased from our history books based on perspective. Money is the root of all evil and those who control the most are most certainly evil.

Just google bilderberg. A group of people made up of each nation wealth, the most powerful people in the world. They meet up discuss how to better themselves and their agenda. This is direct violation of the oath leaders take against such secret meetings. There isnt supposed to be secrecy between government and the people.

Wow. You seem to have some issues there sir.

And, this post is just slightly off topic. Which is a shame since the actual topic of this tread is of personal interest to me and a few others. Too bad it's been totally derailed.

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Have you looked into lees ex wife and her children huh? Do you know they are still hiding in fear of the worst and refuse being videotaped to protect her children.? Did you know she claims she has no idea why lee forced her to take that infamous photo with his rifle, the one the media used as evidence. Do you know who George de Mohrenschildt is...the CIA contact who lees ex states appeared out of nowhere with sudden interest in lee a nobody. His testimony is famous in the warren commision. He is stated as a professor but in reality was lees contact to the CIA and probably helped set him up and confuse the hell outta him, why was lee at a movie theater, probably because he was just an idiot and was set up by his CIA superiors who benefited from Kennedy being gone, including Nixon, Ford, Bush,I wouldnt forget nelson Rockefeller either as he has direct relationship the rockefeller wealth that exceeds any other in the world. All you have to do is take the motive and apply it to the situation its very simple after your mind graps the going ons of kennedys peers at the time including the watergate scandel

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I too have concluded, to whatever extent one can, that Oswald acted alone. The George de Mohrenschildt thing is very bizarre though. Why would an accomplished, aristocratic person like him be hanging out with a low-rent loser like Oswald? Strange.

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Wow. You seem to have some issues there sir.

And, this post is just slightly off topic. Which is a shame since the actual topic of this tread is of personal interest to me and a few others. Too bad it's been totally derailed.

If i have done injustice to this thread then the mods can delete all my posts and dedication to the truth and you can have your version...thats called censorship and they have the power.

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I too have concluded, to whatever extent one can, that Oswald acted alone. The George de Mohrenschildt thing is very bizarre though. Why would an accomplished, aristocratic person like him be hanging out with a low-rent loser like Oswald? Strange.

De Mohrenschildt committed suicide on the day before he was to be interviewed by an investigator from the House Select Committee on Assassinations in 1977.

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Arguing with you people is pointless. You wouldn't believe it was Oswald even if he came to you as a ghost and confessed. Tell you what...why don't you conspiracy wackos go find the real killer: Bigfoot! :rolleyes:

see now this is why i get so angry.

why is it ok for you to call people wacko for having a different opinion?

this is what starts arguments. can't we just agree to disagree without the name calling?

from BOTH sides?

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Calling someone 'wacko' isn't quite as harsh as calling them a 'twat'.

And if one wants to dishonour the victims of 9/11 by saying they were murdered by their own country, well, I as an American, am definitely going to take issue with that.

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I do not recall much about Nov 22nd 1963 as I was too young at the time. I do remember the RFK and the Dr Martin Luther King assassinations as my parents were very emotional over it all. My parents had a special edition LIFE magazine devoted to JFK that I remember very well.

Regarding Oswald's daughter....she lives in Texas...someone I know met her there. She goes by a different last name ( obviously...wouldn't you..) but appeared to be a pretty normal . very nice young woman considering the circumstances...

Conspiracy theories....whatever....the bottom line is ...3 shots were fired that day that changed the entire course of not only a country...but the world..and most people"s reflections on what happened 50 years ago all seem to end with the same thought of what might have been....

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see now this is why i get so angry.

why is it ok for you to call people wacko for having a different opinion?

this is what starts arguments. can't we just agree to disagree without the name calling?

from BOTH sides?

You are right Slave to Zep. I created this thread to honor the memory of a great man. John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Not to get into the conspiracy debate that rages on and will continue to. Strider has no absolute proof that there was not another gun any more than those in high places can prove Oswald was the lone gunman. There is scientific evidence that points to shots fired from an angle not in line with Oswald's position from his sniper's nest. I know Oswald was guilty. We all know that.

Aside from the assassination, a great man died for no reason. A great woman was put through alot of trauma and so was the whole Kennedy family. And an entire nation and world that loved him. Sure there are some that will criticize him. Let them do it. But please do it somewhere else on another day. None of his actions were worthy of his fate. He died for this country. He fought for this country in the Navy. Honor him for he deserved it.

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Calling someone 'wacko' isn't quite as harsh as calling them a 'twat'.

And if one wants to dishonour the victims of 9/11 by saying they were murdered by their own country, well, I as an American, am definitely going to take issue with that.

that is a ridiculous statement, imho.

twat, wacko, weirdo, jerk, idiot ...... all the same.

i for one do not say that the victims of 9/11 were murdered by their own country, but i do question some of the things that happened that day, and so do lots of the victims families and rescuers. i feel to not look into the discrepancies further, is to dishonour them.

and lets get back on topic.

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