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Honestly. Let's be Honest


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This just came to Me and I thought I would make a topic out of it. There are no "right" or "wrong" answers to this "Question".

Do You consider yourself to be an easy going person, or somewhat of a "Hothead" (etc...) when someone happens to disagree with what You believe? I know and realize that there are certain things that others will say and do that You will not and could not agree with. That is the question:

Do you "yield" and agree or do You take a stand and Espouse what you Believe.

On this Great and Mighty Led Zeppelin Forum, I see and read some of Both.

I am ONE that will Never "Yield". I know that there are some that do and Many that don't. I think it comes down to Total Beliefs and Hardcore Convictions. Am I Correct or Incorrect? (This question relates to Led Zeppelin related topics and not to Led Zeppelin topics).

Edited to add: I have always been and will always be an easy-going and relaxed person. It would take some very strong and harsh words to make Me mad (on a forum or even in Person) to make me lose My Cool. And, to be Honest, that has never happened. Words are just Words, and Opinions are just Opinions, whether you agree or disagree with Me.

Edited by kingzoso
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I have noticed that only 2 people have replied to this (somewhat) inane topic that I started and over 270 people have at least read or viewed the topic. From that I gather that most of those who chose to read the topic, but not reply, means that a lot you are actually "Hotheads" but will not admit that you are. I can "respect" that.

However, all I have to do is venture over to any one of the political or/and the I hate Bush or Obama is king topics and I see/read that most of the people on this Awesome forum argue/bicker/call other fellow Led Zeppelin fans nasty words and worse. You are wrong/I am right... I am right/you are wrong... all that nonsense that is really very silly and Stupid.

Like I said, Words are Only Words and Opinions are Only Opinions. Can someone you have Never met, and say things that you do not like, make you that ignorant that you resort to such name-calling and ignorance? I guess it can. Not to me anyway.

Just edited to add: I gather/guess that those that I am referring to will read this but will not reply (as usual). I could name those that I am talking about and they know who they are. However, I will let the small masses who read this figure out who they are. It really should not be that HARD.

Farewell Sagittarius Rising (you were one and now you are gone). I wonder which new name you will come back as...

Remember this Topic is about being HONEST!!!... and I am just sticking to MY OWN HONESTY, regardless if others agree or vehemently disagree with me.

Edited by kingzoso
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Well, since you seem so desperate to make this thread have some legs, and I imagine I'm one of those you're referring to...

All the other threads I participate in have topics I have opinions on.

I have an interest in the discussions.

This thread doesn't seem to have much of a point, other than your last post where you seem to want people to argue in YOUR thread rather than in other threads.

So, to be honest, it seems you start a lot of threads for the sole reason of having a popular thread with a lot of participation.

And, to be fair, many of your threads have done just that.

But it still doesn't change the fact that you seem to have an underlying desire to create threads that will be popular.

Personally, I generally create threads simply because it's something I want to discuss.

Sometimes a lot of other people are interested, as well, and the thread becomes somewhat popular.

More often than not, the thread gets a few replies at best, and then fades into the background.

And that's fine, as well.

Obviously whatever it was I brought up wasn't as interesting to others as it was to me.

But I don't create threads solely for the purpose of getting a lot of participation.

The closest thread I can remember starting with the idea that it may stick around was a thread about favorite pizza.

This thread is a prime example.

You started it up, got only a few replies, and then resorted to making broad assumptions and vague accusations about the lack of responses to this thread in an obvious attempt to spur participation.

So, at least it worked a little, since I'm replying.

But I hardly see the point in a thread designed specifically just to argue.

At least the political threads I participate in have an actual topic to argue about.

So, yeah.

There ya go.

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Well, since you seem so desperate to make this thread have some legs, and I imagine I'm one of those you're referring to...

All the other threads I participate in have topics I have opinions on.

I have an interest in the discussions.

This thread doesn't seem to have much of a point, other than your last post where you seem to want people to argue in YOUR thread rather than in other threads.

So, to be honest, it seems you start a lot of threads for the sole reason of having a popular thread with a lot of participation.

And, to be fair, many of your threads have done just that.

But it still doesn't change the fact that you seem to have an underlying desire to create threads that will be popular.

Personally, I generally create threads simply because it's something I want to discuss.

Sometimes a lot of other people are interested, as well, and the thread becomes somewhat popular.

More often than not, the thread gets a few replies at best, and then fades into the background.

And that's fine, as well.

Obviously whatever it was I brought up wasn't as interesting to others as it was to me.

But I don't create threads solely for the purpose of getting a lot of participation.

The closest thread I can remember starting with the idea that it may stick around was a thread about favorite pizza.

This thread is a prime example.

You started it up, got only a few replies, and then resorted to making broad assumptions and vague accusations about the lack of responses to this thread in an obvious attempt to spur participation.

So, at least it worked a little, since I'm replying.

But I hardly see the point in a thread designed specifically just to argue.

At least the political threads I participate in have an actual topic to argue about.

So, yeah.

There ya go.

You deserve an extra drumstick and slice of pecan pie for that, TypeO! Well said and spoken for...good on ya'!

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You deserve an extra drumstick and slice of pecan pie for that, TypeO! Well said and spoken for...good on ya'!

LOL, thanks, muh man!


Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, as well.

Let's be honest - you deserve it!

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I guess if were were al being totally honest on here and other forums we wouldn't use different names for ourselves We would all post under our own names. me included.

i know what you mean. .....

i have put my photo up, and the main reason i did that was because i really like this pic, because it reminds me of my first date with my hubby.

it would be great if we all put up our real photos, it would be more friendly i think. sometimes i get members confused, and get their names wrong ....


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i know what you mean. .....

i have put my photo up, and the main reason i did that was because i really like this pic, because it reminds me of my first date with my hubby.

it would be great if we all put up our real photos, it would be more friendly i think. sometimes i get members confused, and get their names wrong ....


I can't remember when I last posted my picture. I guess some never really have and never will.

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You have a better memory than I have then, I thought it was longer ago than that.

But like most social medias sites these days pople hide behind their anonymity to feel more comfortable in being vicous and nasty to other people. Twitter is probably the best example of that. It's harder to do that when people know who you really are.

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You have a better memory than I have then, I thought it was longer ago than that.

But like most social medias sites these days pople hide behind their anonymity to feel more comfortable in being vicous and nasty to other people. Twitter is probably the best example of that. It's harder to do that when people know who you really are.

i went back and had a look!

oh yes, i realize why they do it. i don't even bother with twitter, i waste enough time on the internet now as it is :(

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My response will explain why I am not really here anymore: Opinions aren't always opinions. People used to have the opinion that the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth. Those weren't "opinions" they were wrong assumptions. Not every statement is an "opinion." In addition, some "opinions" are prejudices and bigotry. Hitler had the opinion that the Jews should be annihilated and 6 million people died as a result. I am not interested in either hearing people's incorrect assumptions displayed and excused as "opinions" nor am I interested in hearing other people's prejudices and bigotry explained away as "opinions."

To answer your question, I am not easy-going. "Easy-going" people in my experience are often people who just don't...care.

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My response will explain why I am not really here anymore: Opinions aren't always opinions. People used to have the opinion that the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth. Those weren't "opinions" they were wrong assumptions. Not every statement is an "opinion." In addition, some "opinions" are prejudices and bigotry. Hitler had the opinion that the Jews should be annihilated and 6 million people died as a result. I am not interested in either hearing people's incorrect assumptions displayed and excused as "opinions" nor am I interested in hearing other people's prejudices and bigotry explained away as "opinions."

To answer your question, I am not easy-going. "Easy-going" people in my experience are often people who just don't...care.

Nicely put. Some peoples opinions are believed regardless of there being no evidence to support them. Feelings aren't facts, opinions arent facts, prejudices and bigotry are't facts. Yet for some they have to believe they are always right. You only have to read the politcal threads to see that. But thats human nature.

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My response will explain why I am not really here anymore: Opinions aren't always opinions. People used to have the opinion that the world was flat and that the sun revolved around the earth. Those weren't "opinions" they were wrong assumptions. Not every statement is an "opinion." In addition, some "opinions" are prejudices and bigotry. Hitler had the opinion that the Jews should be annihilated and 6 million people died as a result. I am not interested in either hearing people's incorrect assumptions displayed and excused as "opinions" nor am I interested in hearing other people's prejudices and bigotry explained away as "opinions."

To answer your question, I am not easy-going. "Easy-going" people in my experience are often people who just don't...care.

i agree with this, though my hubby is very easy - going, and he most certainly does care about a great many things, things that MATTER. he doesn't get all heated up over trivial shit, which is what i tend to do.

i'm trying to learn from him ......

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I agree. Well said TypeO (post #5). I can and do relate to what You said.

This is just a random, however a Very Powerful, "Quote" (not directed at you specifically ):

"I hope that You are not a Hothead like Your brother. You can't speak business with him".

From what quote (movie) does this come from? Anybody??? Anybody???

If anyone knows what I am referencing , I only ask that You be Honest and not look up this "quote" on Google. (Just kidding about that).

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