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Give Me Your Best Guess

Charles J. White

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This bothered me, not because it isn't true, but it bothered me because I firmly believe that kids are missing out on the joy of saving your allowance and birthday money to sit down for 45 or 60 minutes and take in a new album from start to finish on your walkman/discman or bedroom stereo or even ipod.

Give me your best guess as to what format music is moving to and if you think it can make a comeback:


Edited by Charles J. White
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This bothered me, not because it isn't true, but it bothered me because I firmly believe that kids are missing out on the joy of saving your allowance and birthday money to sit down for 45 or 60 minutes and take in a new album from start to finish on your walkman/discman or bedroom stereo or even ipod.

Give me your best guess as to what format music is moving to and if you think it can make a comeback:


i thought vinyl was making a comeback .....

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I agree about videos and I've always felt that they were any detriment to a song. When I think back to the 60's especially, it was always so awesome to hear the variety of hits that came out on AM RADIO!! I've never gotten that from videos and hopefully they'll just fade out and die.

I have no problem with digital recording but I know the argument will go on forever about which sounds better, analog or digital? My ear isn't that sophisticated I guess and I prefer the ease of digital along with my Sony Sound Forge program. And who needs a console with a million sliders on it? :)

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Vinyl. This medium has outsold CD's in Canada since 2009. Ipods, CD's, Walkmans?!?!?! No. when I was a kid, it was an all day bus trip downtown to the record store that had the best sales. This was a monthly ritual. We'd leave in the morning and get home at dinner time. Then the next few weeks would be spent lying on the bedroom floor and listening to the new records, and anticipating the next trip downtown. Of course the medium can survive. People that buy music on vinyl are not interested in illegal downloads, and virtual music. They want the real artifact, and they want it in their physical collection. This medium has survived for 100 years, with highs and lows, but it will never die or disappear. Nothing else has even come close to its longevity. The music companies have been smart enough to figure out that they can pump this stuff out and people will buy it; it is virtually pirate proof because nobody wants a copy, they want the real thing. I have over 1000 LP's, and love the medium above all else.

Edited by The Dark Lord
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Vinyl. This medium has outsold CD's in Canada since 2009. Ipods, CD's, Walkmans?!?!?! No. when I was a kid, it was an all day bus trip downtown to the record store that had the best sales. This was a monthly ritual. We'd leave in the morning and get home at dinner time. Then the next few weeks would be spent lying on the bedroom floor and listening to the new records, and anticipating the next trip downtown. Of course the media can survive. People that buy music on vinyl are not interested in illegal downloads, and virtual music. They want the real artifact, and they want it in their physical collection. This medium has survived for 100 years, with highs and lows, but it will never die or disappear. Nothing else has even come close to its longevity. The music companies have been smart enough to figure out that they can pump this stuff out and people will buy it; it is virtually pirate proof because nobody wants a copy, they want the real thing. I have over 1000 LP's, and love the medium above all else.

Yep, I remember wearing out a 45 or two. :)

Edited by redrum
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^^ He really does not know what he is missing IMHO. The joy of putting on an album, either with or without a great set of headphones (real headphones!), the artwork,the warmth. Not sure how to answer as I think the Vinyl Community is still going strong :peace:

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^^ He really does not know what he is missing IMHO. The joy of putting on an album, either with or without a great set of headphones (real headphones!), the artwork,the warmth. Not sure how to answer as I think the Vinyl Community is still going strong :peace:

Where do you get units like that from?, mu unit only holds about 300 LPs I have the rest alongside in carrier bags. I have looked online but as yet I have not found anything suitable. It seems that furniture companies seem to think that people only have about 20 albums in their collection.
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Where do you get units like that from?, mu unit only holds about 300 LPs I have the rest alongside in carrier bags. I have looked online but as yet I have not found anything suitable. It seems that furniture companies seem to think that people only have about 20 albums in their collection.

A good unit to store records is this one (called Expedit) by Ikea:



They come in different colours and sizes.

(For some unknown reasons the black ones are cheaper than the rest).

Here is the UK site, look for yourself.


Edited by reswati
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Thanks very much reswati, they look just what I need, I'll need to get further information. Or can you tell me on the Expedit selection shown; will each square hold an album? I don't mean to sound like an idiot but it does not give the individual square dimensions. Cheers

Yes. My wife and I each have our own music rooms. We used the Ikea Expedit in her room, and they work wonderfully. Her LP's are nicely stored and organized. I used a different Ikea product for mine.

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I have an itunes account but digital downloads are my very last resort if an album that I am really keen on purchasing, sadly happens to be out of print.

I have always enjoyed purchasing music which is tangible! It is a wonderful feeling to be able to hold an album in your hands!! Whenever I buy a CD, I make sure that I put aside some time to sit and read the CD booklet!

I feel ecstatic knowing that vinyls are making a comeback! :) I have just about started saving up to kick start my vinyl collecting hobby! :D

I think it is rather silly to declare that the concept of an album is dead. There are bands (even today) who put out albums which are meant to be listened to, either in vinyl or CD form (with a good set of ear phones) and whose artwork is meant to be admired!!! Somehow, I have always been fascinated by bands like Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Pink Floyd (to name a few!) on account of the 'concept albums' they put out! For me personally, an album is all the more fascinating if it has some sort of a story to tell!

Those who believe that mp3 files are the 'in' thing, are missing out on the thrill of taking some time off to listen to an entire album from start to finish (with no gimmicks like the ipod shuffle!), admiring the album's artwork, taking time to read the liner notes and trying to make sense of what the band in question, is trying to convey through this album! I experienced this thrill that I speak of, just 3 days ago, when an album that I had been eager to get my hands on for months, finally arrived by post, at my door step. Trust me, this album was very hard to find and I had almost resigned myself to the fact that I had to settle for mere mp3 downloads! Luckily for me, Amazon UK had the album in stock and I took a gamble and ordered it! Here is the album cover in all its glory:


To top it all, on opening the CD case, I was gobsmacked to discover a gorgeous 15 page booklet which contained a large number of photos and newspaper articles, detailing the history of Cuca Records and the Garage Rock bands featured in this compilation. I was up till almost 3 AM, reading and admiring that booklet! :) No mp3 download on earth can possibly replicate all this!! Digital age or not, I have faith that the concept of an album is not dead and that vinyls will always be in vogue no matter what!! :)

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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