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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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I'll try not to beat this to death--yes, the Pats won (congrats to you KB), but that still rates as the "dumbest fucking play call" ever.

At any rate, the 2015 season should be interesting. I imagine the fanbases in Green Bay and Seattle will be pondering "What if" for a long, long time....

Thanks Paul.Just a fan,...

Read that article.

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For me, and I'm a Pats fan, it's not so much that NE won the game, as it is that Seattle LOST the game.

Like most of you, the play call was bizarre, and I had looked away knowing that Lynch was going to squirt into the end zone leaving not enough time for NE to do anything. All of a sudden I look back at the TV and NE is celebrating.

Pats did hang tough, for awhile there it looked like the game was getting away from them.

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Ok, I think I'm ready to rank the Big Games--this is based on games I remember seeing live, so not a lot of games from the past decades (60s and 70s mostly)...

1) Green Bay/Denver

2) Patriots/Panthers

3) Steelers/Cardinals

4) Bills/Giants

5) Pats/Seahawks

Edited by paul carruthers
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Just heard Johnny Manziel entered rehab over the weekend....glad Jerry had some sense put into his before he drafted that turd!

SAJ, you are correct about not having Lynch in the backfield. I still, for the life of me, cannot understand what the heck they were thinking. It still blows my mind!


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I don't think a team in any sport ever recovers from a championship shock like this. Not to mention their faith in the head coach has to be shaken to the core. I see a 9-7 season for Seattle in 2016.

Hello?!? Does the San Antonio Spurs championship last year ring a bell? Lots of people thought they wouldn't get over the shock of choking Game 6 and the 2013 championship away to the Miami Heat. But they did and won the 2014 championship.

All this Monday-morning quarterbacking by knee-jerk no-nothings is hilarious. I actually saw some comments on the internet that said Pete Carroll and the entire Seattle coaching staff should be fired! One moron even said Russell Wilson should be traded. :rolleyes:

Please...as if Seattle was San Francisco. The man just took your team to back-to-back Super Bowls and you wanna dump him?

People need to back away from their Twitter and relax. We just saw one of the greatest Super Bowls, from beginning to end, EVER!!! The game was so good it was a shame one team had to lose.

Everyone is forgetting that if Seattle executes that play properly, then Seattle scores and everyone raves about Carroll's outside-the-box thinking...the same bravura gunslinging coaching style that allowed Seattle to score the tying touchdown with 6 seconds left in the first half when EVERYONE was screaming for Seattle to kick the field goal and not risk running out of time!!!

Marshawn Lynch was given the ball on the one-yard line 5 times this season and only scored once. There were 106 passes from the one-yard line this year and no interceptions...until last night. New England throws from the goal line all the time. That's how both Belichick and Carroll coach.

Would you have them turn into Mike McCarthy and Lovie Smith? Two weeks ago everyone criticized McCarthy for running it at the goal line and settling for field goals. Now the same people are going to gang up on Carroll and Seattle for not playing it safe? You can't have it both ways. Seattle wouldn't have even been in the Super Bowl if Carroll had played it safe.

Walter, I feel for your son...some of my family and best friends are die-hard Seattle fans and I was having to tend to hurt feelings last night. But tell Junior not to worry. Seattle is a young team and Pete Carroll has an excellent staff (they're losing their defensive coach though) and they'll get thru this just like San Antonio got thru the Game 6 debacle. They'll be back.

America was just gifted with a great Super Bowl. If you're a Seattle fan, it hurts like hell. But it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

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^^^Yes, that's true. Mike and Mike mentioned it on their radio show this morning, which was the first time I heard why Baldwin got the 15-yard penalty. Because from what we saw on tv we couldn't fathom why there was an unsportsmanlike penalty, and Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth didn't elaborate either.

It was stupid, petty, classless. I think both Baldwin and Lockette (another hothead) will be given their walking papers. Better receivers are out there, either through free-agency or the draft.

Looks like the snow is going to delay the victory parade for the Patriots. Logan Airport is shut down and the Patriots are sill stranded in Arizona.

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At the very least, if you're not going to give the Ball to Lynch on 2nd down and want to keep the ball in Wilson's hands, why not have him run it out of the read option--but I don't want to flog what might already be a dead horse. I'll leave it to the guys at the barbershop to do that... :lol:

Yep, Paul. I don't care what is said otherwise, Lynch was getting 4 yards every time he touched it in the 2nd half. Run, run, run. I saw Striders stat on 109 1-yard pass completions - it still defies logic they didn't run it. It's not about stats, it's about game flow and attitude and at that time in that game, Lynch would not have been stopped 3 straight plays. What Green Bay or anyone else does, doesn't matter. Lynch would've been in the end zone. Plus the receiver wasn't even in the end zone when it was picked - what are you doing throwing it in the middle of the field, at the 1, with the box stacked? Nobody will ever convince me otherwise - it will go down as the stupidest play call in Super Bowl history. It'll top the list every time! I do believe we will begin hearing about disention over this. Comparing it to San Antonio in Game 6 of 7 in the NBA Finals doesn't hold water with me. Apples/oranges in every way. The second SB year is always tougher with free agents. It'll be interesting to see what this team looks like in the next year to two years.
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Yep, Paul. I don't care what is said otherwise, Lynch was getting 4 yards every time he touched it in the 2nd half. Run, run, run. I saw Striders stat on 109 1-yard pass completions - it still defies logic they didn't run it. It's not about stats, it's about game flow and attitude and at that time in that game, Lynch would not have been stopped 3 straight plays. What Green Bay or anyone else does, doesn't matter. Lynch would've been in the end zone. Plus the receiver wasn't even in the end zone when it was picked - what are you doing throwing it in the middle of the field, at the 1, with the box stacked? Nobody will ever convince me otherwise - it will go down as the stupidest play call in Super Bowl history. It'll top the list every time! I do believe we will begin hearing about disention over this. Comparing it to San Antonio in Game 6 of 7 in the NBA Finals doesn't hold water with me. Apples/oranges in every way. The second SB year is always tougher with free agents. It'll be interesting to see what this team looks like in the next year to two years.

Walter, I don't suppose your being a Cowboy fan has any bearing whatsoever on you wanting the Seahawks to implode? :lol: Nothing would please Dallas and their fans more than for Seattle to self-destruct like the 49ers and cease being an obstacle in the NFC.

Methinks Seattle is made of sterner stuff...there was very little finger-pointing after the game and Pete took the hit for his OC Bevell. They'll pull together and not let this tear at the fabric of the team. And any player that does try to make an issue will be given the boot like Percy Harvin.

Oh sure, Seattle won't be able to pay everyone and there will be salary cap casualties. But the main core will still be there. The NFC West is still theirs for the taking and Wilson will only get better and tougher from this.

I think a lot of the anguish is because so many people have this irrational hatred of Belichick and the Patriots and love to see them lose. To see the Patriots so close to defeat and then save themselves with a great play was too much for some people and their irrational anger at the Patriots shifted to irrational anger at the Seahawks for somehow letting the Patriots win.

Which takes away from both teams in a sense.

One) New England played a great game, scheme-wise and athletically. There were only a couple throws where Brady was off and there weren't any big drops by his receivers a la Wes Welker a few years ago. They had the better stats and posession time and thoroughly deserved to win the game. The better team won.

Two) That doesn't take away from what Seattle accomplished in this season and this game. I mean, even with the Legion of Boom injured (losing Vale on that first interception added further stress on Seattle's secondary...Simon is their worst cornerback) and New England executing a perfect game plan, the Patriots still had to hold on for dear life to win the game.

Personally I am glad New England won because with the overreaction to the under-inflated ball hype, now Brady and Belichick can tell Roger Goodell and the NFL to "SUCK IT!" This was a bogus and needless distraction from the beginning, as a physicist in the New York Times proved last week, and further proof of both Goodell's incompetence and the general public's inability to think rationally when it comes to the Patriots.

Oh, and Las Vegas has the odds on next year's Super Bowl up and Seattle is number one. So at least the wise guys in Vegas have faith in Seattle's ability to regroup.

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Walter, I don't suppose your being a Cowboy fan has any bearing whatsoever on you wanting the Seahawks to implode? :lol: Nothing would please Dallas and their fans more than for Seattle to self-destruct like the 49ers and cease being an obstacle in the NFC.

Methinks Seattle is made of sterner stuff...there was very little finger-pointing after the game and Pete took the hit for his OC Bevell. They'll pull together and not let this tear at the fabric of the team. And any player that does try to make an issue will be given the boot like Percy Harvin.

Oh sure, Seattle won't be able to pay everyone and there will be salary cap casualties. But the main core will still be there. The NFC West is still theirs for the taking and Wilson will only get better and tougher from this.

I think a lot of the anguish is because so many people have this irrational hatred of Belichick and the Patriots and love to see them lose. To see the Patriots so close to defeat and then save themselves with a great play was too much for some people and their irrational anger at the Patriots shifted to irrational anger at the Seahawks for somehow letting the Patriots win.

Which takes away from both teams in a sense.

One) New England played a great game, scheme-wise and athletically. There were only a couple throws where Brady was off and there weren't any big drops by his receivers a la Wes Welker a few years ago. They had the better stats and posession time and thoroughly deserved to win the game. The better team won.

Two) That doesn't take away from what Seattle accomplished in this season and this game. I mean, even with the Legion of Boom injured (losing Vale on that first interception added further stress on Seattle's secondary...Simon is their worst cornerback) and New England executing a perfect game plan, the Patriots still had to hold on for dear life to win the game.

Personally I am glad New England won because with the overreaction to the under-inflated ball hype, now Brady and Belichick can tell Roger Goodell and the NFL to "SUCK IT!" This was a bogus and needless distraction from the beginning, as a physicist in the New York Times proved last week, and further proof of both Goodell's incompetence and the general public's inability to think rationally when it comes to the Patriots.

Oh, and Las Vegas has the odds on next year's Super Bowl up and Seattle is number one. So at least the wise guys in Vegas have faith in Seattle's ability to regroup.

You make some good points. I do seriously tip my hat to the Pats. Scoring 14 points in the 4th quarter and then one of the greatest picks of all-time, given the circumstances. They earned it. Next year it'll be Dallas vs. Green Bay for the NFC Championship, IMO.
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