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Best Solo Lennon


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Recently PBS has been airing specials on the Beatles, very interesting.

I was never a big Lennon fan, but the song "Mind Games" strikes me as very strong in his solo career. The lyrics are excellent, the musicianship is very good, and his singing and harmonizing are top notch.

What do youthink his best song outside the Beatles was?

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Again, hard to pick just one. I love "Instant Karma", and "#9 Dream" among others. I also love "Beautiful Boy" from double Fantasy, especially since I became a Dad. He sounded like he was in a really good headspace at that point. Speaking of his last album, I always liked "Watching the Wheels", but this acoustic demo is even better than the official version IMO:


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This is another of My favorite John Lennon solo songs. I Love every lyric by John on this song:

"Everybody's smokin' and no ones getting High"...

"There's UFO's over New York and I ain't too surprised"...

Complete Brilliance from One of the Greatest Singer/Songwriters in the History of the World. The World is a very different Planet without You, Mr. John Winston Lennon.

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The whole Imagine album is a masterpiece ,IMO the best album ever by a solo artist. The last Lennon song I've discovered is "Out the Blue" from his album "Mind Games".

I've always been huge Lennon fan, I think he was the best musician of his generation, I mean, who achieved so much than he did ? A formidable career as a member of the Beatles, and then a fantastic solo career, who else did both things at the same level ?

He also had this incredible ability to combine pop and rock, as in the song below.


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i am a little surprised to see some choosing material from Double Fantasy. I felt this was his weakest offering by such a wide margin....

But that's what makes opinions what they are (one man's poison, etc etc)!

In a way, Instant Karma reminds me a little of "hats Off to Roy Harper".

"whatever Gets You Through the Night" has got to be one of his funnest "letting his hair down" songs. Just nonsense and a good time!

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