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Oasis did have some good tunes. Funny story: I remember back in '96 or '97 I was in a London pub when I got into a friendly debate with three local girls who were absolutely convinced that Oasis would become bigger than the Beatles. They were all saying "You just watch! Oasis will be more popular than the Beatles ever were, and more respected too!" Lol.

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I've always thought Oasis tried to sound too much like the Beatles. I'd rather someone brought something new to it, rather than imitating (or attempting to imitate) someone, even if you're a really big fan.

What's the story, morning glory? is good, though.

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my all time favorite band i will never apologize for it! Noel inspired me to pick up the guitar and Page taught me to strive to be a better player.Great songs,they brought guitar pop back to England.Be Here Now will always be my favorite album ever,better than Revolver,To Our Childrens Childrens Children or Presence!(the other top 4 albums)

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