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Jimmy Page Promo Appearances - Toronto, July 2015


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Jimmy Page praises Toronto ahead of listening session for Led Zeppelin reissues

By Jane Stevenson | Postmedia Network


Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page poses for a photo at the Masonic Temple
building in Toronto, Ont. on Monday July 20, 2015. Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network

The song remains the same but the Toronto venue has not.

Rock legend and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page was recalling the time his British band first played T.O. at the century-old Masonic Temple back in 1969 — when it was called The Rock Pile — as he did interviews Monday afternoon in the celebrated location that now houses IT research firm, Info-Tech.

“It’s not quite so funky as it was,” said Page, 71, who will host 65 contest winners from across Canada Tuesday night inside the Temple’s famed Red Room (thrones included) to play tracks from the final three Led Zeppelin reissues — 1976’s Presence, 1979’s In Through the Out Door and 1982’s Coda — due July 31.

“It’s had a little bit of a (renovation),” said Page inside a glass enclosed boardroom on the second floor looking down onto the stage and floor below.

“But it hasn’t lost anything has it? The architectural details are still alive and well. But in those days I probably wouldn’t have seen too much out here at the front. I would have just been in the dressing room and coming out on the stage and going off again.”

Page claimed to have not seen the Red Room yet but was looking forward to it tonight.

“Well, it’ll be highly decorative, the room won’t it? And with all that architectural detail there’ll be all the architectural detail of the Led Zeppelin music. It’ll be interesting.”

Page has been on “epic challenge” promoting all of the Led Zeppelin album reissues and their companion albums that he oversaw, beginning in May 2014 with select playbacks around the world including at the Paris venue, L’Olympia, which I got to attend.

“We’re old pals then,” he says when I tell him I was in the crowd.

More seriously, he says Toronto was chosen for a playback session because of the relationship between the city and the band that goes back to the very beginning.

“It was nice to come to Canada and especially to come to Toronto,” said Page.

“Toronto was really supportive of Led Zeppelin in those days. And the press that we got from those very early shows, it seemed like honest reviews as opposed to what was appearing in Rolling Stone because that blanketed sort of North America a bit didn’t it? Heaven knows why they were negative reviews ... They (didn’t have a) clue what was going on during the albums or the shows.

“But here (in Toronto) it was just a fantastic response to what we were doing and an honest response because it was just so good anyway.

“We had a great following here and we came back as the years sort of went by with Zep ... When it was sort of said that we could come here (for the latest playback) to the original Rock Pile, well, that was so cool.”The reissues for Presence and In Through the Out Door will contain one disc of bonus material, while Coda will contain two, including a rare recording of Sugar Mama recorded in 1968 at Olympic Studios during sessions for the band’s eponymous debut.

Fans will also get a chance to hear the previously unreleased St. Tristan’s Sword, an instrumental recorded during the Led Zeppelin III sessions in 1970.


Led Zeppelin - Toronto Rock Pile appearances:

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^^ How much fun would that be. Intimate with only 65 people. If anyone here is attending have a great time and I hope we get to see/hear this :-)

Rolling Stone IMHO should do a full cover and article about how wrong they were back then!

Loving all these interviews and looking forward to the last reissues!

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Jimmy Page praises Toronto ahead of listening session for Led Zeppelin reissues

By Jane Stevenson | Postmedia Network


Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page poses for a photo at the Masonic Temple

building in Toronto, Ont. on Monday July 20, 2015. Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network

The song remains the same but the Toronto venue has not.

Rock legend and Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page was recalling the time his British band first played T.O. at the century-old Masonic Temple back in 1969 — when it was called The Rock Pile — as he did interviews Monday afternoon in the celebrated location that now houses IT research firm, Info-Tech.

“It’s not quite so funky as it was,” said Page, 71, who will host 65 contest winners from across Canada Tuesday night inside the Temple’s famed Red Room (thrones included) to play tracks from the final three Led Zeppelin reissues — 1976’s Presence, 1979’s In Through the Out Door and 1982’s Coda — due July 31.

“It’s had a little bit of a (renovation),” said Page inside a glass enclosed boardroom on the second floor looking down onto the stage and floor below.

“But it hasn’t lost anything has it? The architectural details are still alive and well. But in those days I probably wouldn’t have seen too much out here at the front. I would have just been in the dressing room and coming out on the stage and going off again.”

Page claimed to have not seen the Red Room yet but was looking forward to it tonight.

“Well, it’ll be highly decorative, the room won’t it? And with all that architectural detail there’ll be all the architectural detail of the Led Zeppelin music. It’ll be interesting.”

Page has been on “epic challenge” promoting all of the Led Zeppelin album reissues and their companion albums that he oversaw, beginning in May 2014 with select playbacks around the world including at the Paris venue, L’Olympia, which I got to attend.

“We’re old pals then,” he says when I tell him I was in the crowd.

More seriously, he says Toronto was chosen for a playback session because of the relationship between the city and the band that goes back to the very beginning.

“It was nice to come to Canada and especially to come to Toronto,” said Page.

“Toronto was really supportive of Led Zeppelin in those days. And the press that we got from those very early shows, it seemed like honest reviews as opposed to what was appearing in Rolling Stone because that blanketed sort of North America a bit didn’t it? Heaven knows why they were negative reviews ... They (didn’t have a) clue what was going on during the albums or the shows.

“But here (in Toronto) it was just a fantastic response to what we were doing and an honest response because it was just so good anyway.

“We had a great following here and we came back as the years sort of went by with Zep ... When it was sort of said that we could come here (for the latest playback) to the original Rock Pile, well, that was so cool.”The reissues for Presence and In Through the Out Door will contain one disc of bonus material, while Coda will contain two, including a rare recording of Sugar Mama recorded in 1968 at Olympic Studios during sessions for the band’s eponymous debut.

Fans will also get a chance to hear the previously unreleased St. Tristan’s Sword, an instrumental recorded during the Led Zeppelin III sessions in 1970.


If anyone is going to this event, have a great time and if possible, please share stories and photos!

Oh and thanks to everyone who posted all the interviews!

Edited by Maaike Roeleveld
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Video: Interview with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page at Masonic Temple

Legendary guitarist Jimmy Page sat down with 680 NEWS entertainment reporter Rudy Blair at the Masonic Temple in Toronto to talk about the reissue of Led Zeppelin albums and his photographic autobiography.

Jul 21, 2015, 12:28 PM
Eleven and Half minutes:-)
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Video: Interview with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page at Masonic Temple

Legendary guitarist Jimmy Page sat down with 680 NEWS entertainment reporter Rudy Blair at the Masonic Temple in Toronto to talk about the reissue of Led Zeppelin albums and his photographic autobiography.

Jul 21, 2015, 12:28 PM
Eleven and Half minutes:-)

The jukebox in this interview is so SEXY

Edited by Charles J. White
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^^ Yes it is Charles:-)

In addition to the One on One Sam posted here is a video of the people waiting:-)

PlanetPage, this ones for you my friend!


Edit to add: How cute of that young fan asleep:-)

Edited by Deborah J
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....Deb, Thank you for the wonderful moment with Jimmy! Fans, it is truly beautiful day, as "The Star" has arrvied from the Universe itself for us!!...I have looked at all of my photos from The Charismatc City, Toronto from the 70's, Haunting Days of Youth Jimmy! very much on mind, the intense era!!

Edited by PlanetPage
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Hundreds line up to get stamp of Jimmy Page's autograph


Chris Fox, CP24.com

Published Tuesday, July 21, 2015 4:31PM EDT

Hundreds of fans who lined up all day for a chance to meet Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page in a downtown Toronto bookstore got a “whole lotta love.”

What they didn’t get was an actual autograph. Indigo warned fans ahead of time that Page would only be stamping books during his appearance and would not be providing customary personalized autographs.

Fans didn’t seem to care.

Many of the 300 fans who showed up were lined up outside the Bay and Bloor streets store first thing this morning to purchase a copy of his book for $85 (taxes included) and get a coveted wristband for this afternoon’s meet and greet.

Page was at Indigo Tuesday between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. to promote his new autobiographical photo book ‘Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page.’

“It is a once in a lifetime thing,” a fan named Danny told CP24. “I have been waiting since about 7 a.m. this morning and I am a few minutes away from meeting him. The only intelligent thing I can think of to say is just thank you for making the music that I have enjoyed for most of my life.”

“I have been waiting to meet him my whole life,” another fan named Jay told CP24. “I am about 50 and I discovered them (Led Zeppelin) when I was 11. I am probably going to be a blubbering mess.”

Though Page did not personally sign any autographs, he was seen shaking hands and posing for photos with fans throughout Tuesday’s appearance.

Page also took some time to talk about his new book telling those in attendance that it was an “interesting and unusual project.”

“The more I got into it, the more sort of value it seemed to have,” Page said.


^I would be smiling as well:-)

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Hi Ddladner!

Yes congrats to RedLesPaulDeluxe on being able to attend! Can't wait for you photos:-) Here is another video and maybe you are one in the crowd?:-)

Video: Forget the autographs, Jimmy Page stamps his book for fans at Toronto Indigo

The book tour, which has been underway since fall of last year, is to promote the re-release of his 2010 autobiography, Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page.

Jul 21, 2015, 6:36 PM
Fans of all ages is always so wonderful to see.
Edited by Deborah J
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One-on-one with Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page


CTV News: http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=661062

Sam,at the end of this interview Andrea Case says that the final 3 reissues will be released on CD,DVD, and digital download.She also says "and for those that want to see the band,a new DVD".

Is there any info on the "DVD's" or has she got it wrong?

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^Great photos! What a wonderful memory for you:-)

Jimmy Page treats fans to listening session in T.O.



TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015 10:35 PM EDT


TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015 10:45 PM EDT


In The Red Room with lots of medieval-looking mahogany wood, thrones, crosses, chandeliers AND Jimmy Page.

And so it went at Toronto’s Masonic Temple on Tuesday night as the 71-year-old Led Zeppelin guitarist held court inside the venue’s fabled Red Room on the fifth floor of the century-old hall for 65 lucky contest winners and some invitees, myself included.

It was four-and-a-half decades after the British rockers made their Toronto debut at the venue when it was known as The Rock Pile.

This time the event was an exclusive listening session of ten Zep songs followed by a half-hour Q&A with Toronto radio personality Jeff Woods for a special airing Aug 2.

The tunes in question were curated selections from the companion discs to the reissues of Led Zeppelin’s final three albums — 1976’s Presence, 1979’s In Through The Out Door and 1982’s Coda — which Page oversaw and are due for release July 31.

“You’re going on a musical journey,” said the black leather jacket-clad Page with his trademark long hair (now grey) tied back in a pony tail at the front of room where a red velvet curtain covered a tiny screen onto which photos, posters, tickets, and magazine covers of Zep in their heyday were displayed as the music played.

“All things bright and beautiful really,” he summed up.

Earlier in the day, Page signed (actually stamped) copies of his reissued 2010 photo biography, Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page, at Indigo Books at Bay and Bloor for 300 fans who lined up for wristbands to get inside.

But it was always the music that drew Zep fans to the music of the rock gods.

In the interview with Woods, Page said it was the chemistry of the four men — singer Robert Plant, bassist-keyboardist John Paul Jones, and drummer John Bonham — who made the band so special and there was never any question they would continue when Bonzo — as the drummer was known — died in 1980.

“We had this musical communion and this synchronicity and synergy even and it was almost like ESP at times, most of the time,” said Page. “So there’s this whole period from 1968, 10 years of these concerts, of all these improvisations, that when you lost one of the key members of it, you wouldn’t be able to continue.”

Bonham was represented in the music played Tuesday night by the mighty instrumental Bonzo’s Montreux, which got big applause from the strangely still audience, along with the cuts Fool in the Rain, Two Ones Are Won (the working title for Achilles Last Stand) and If It Keeps on Raining (the working title for When The Levee Breaks).

“By the way there’s marimbas on (Fool in the Rain) and that’s John Bonham playing those, which I’ve never told anyone before, but now you know and it will be on the Internet,” joked Page.

Next up for the legendary guitarist — “a holiday I think” — and then a return to playing the guitar again and working on some new music he’s written.

“Just focus all my energies on that, the same way I’ve been doing with all this Led Zeppelin stuff, and we’ll see what happens,” he said.


Edited by Deborah J
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Hi Patrycja!

Did you attend? :-)


^^^ So cool! Thanks for sharing!

Patrycja, if you were fortunate to attend, would love to hear more details!!


Hi Deb and Dd, yes! I did go and will post impressions of the day, it's just I'm getting the sleep cobwebs out just now, have to upload some photos, and try and find the right words for the experience... the last bit's always the trickiest... Talk soon :)

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