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if you expected Rock and Roll as the opener.

everyone i spoke to on the night was 100% certain.

got talking to the guy who runs Tight but Loose just before the gig.

jammy sod watched a rehearsal the day before, and he said they were playing better than 79.

we told him he must be talking crap.


i still cant beleive Kashmir

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if you expected Rock and Roll as the opener.

everyone i spoke to on the night was 100% certain.

got talking to the guy who runs Tight but Loose just before the gig.

jammy sod watched a rehearsal the day before, and he said they were playing better than 79.

we told him he must be talking crap.


i still cant beleive Kashmir

i was calling that or GTBT (only because jason hinted at it)

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Yes, I was certain RR would open show. This was a better opener and despite the lousy monitor job and feedback nonesense, kicked butt. Zep will benefit from their own show where they control the sound 100%. I wouldn't be suprised if Robert was dealing with sub-par monitors through-out the show. That may have contributed to the awkwardness many have claimed to have noticed. These guys are on the verge of astounding us and themselves if they can establish a suitable playing field. Come on, there's no excuse for such feedback after a day of soundchecks and a few warm up bands. Did Foreigner have FB? NO RESPECT FOR ZEPPELIN......get out of the music buisness.

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