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2016 Major League Baseball Contest....

paul carruthers

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10 hours ago, paul carruthers said:



Stargroves Tangie: 84

LedZeppfan1977: 82

ebk: 76

Walter: 75

paul carruthers: 74

kingzoso: 70

Strider: 69

Even with those disgraceful Twins I must have been half asleep when I picked the Central I am holding my own.  I was honestly considering the White Sox but now am kicking myself.  Last night we got raped by the Umps.  A strike right down the pipe not called because the lame fuck forgot to call balls and strikes when a guy bluffed a steal and Matt Wieters stood up to throw.  Cost us the game as next EXTRA  pitch to the guy that the umps allowed was a hit and a run.  Only solution is to go out and beat Chris Sale today.  Not easy.  But with our scary lineup at Camden, its possible.  Baltimore will score a ton of runs as the White Sox are fading out.  Can you believe they lead the bigs in bullpen?  ERA?  Dangerous club are the White Sox.  Seattle seems to be a bust and Cruz will rot there.  The Yankee fans are screaming mad.  But who do they blame?  The Mets are definitely better than the Yankees right now.  Go O's!!!!   Carry on

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On 3/30/2016 at 11:51 AM, paul carruthers said:

Here we go....

AL East - Toronto

AL Central - Kansas City

AL West - Houston (picking the same division winners as last year--don't know if that's risky or not)

AL Wild Cards - Baltimore, Detroit


NL East - Mets (shocker :P )

NL Central - Cubs (rolling the dice)

NL West - Giants

NL Wild Cards - Cardinals, Nationals


NL Cy Young - Jacob deGrom

AL Cy Young - Chris Sale


Too hard to predict, but I'll take your Giants. pick. :)


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  • 5 weeks later...
4 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

TThe fUpdate:

Stargroves Tangie: 191

ebk: 186

Walter: 186

paul carruthers: 182

LedZeppfan1977: 180

Strider: 175

kingzoso: 168


I wonder if anyone is laughing at my prediction of a Cubs/Orioles World Series now?


The fall from grace was swift.  Thanks Twins.  What was I thinking?    Thanks for all of your work Paul

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  • 5 weeks later...
11 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

^^  Rick, the "Wild Card" picks are not in the equation as far as the scores go--I think if there's anything killing you, it's that you had the Angels & Dodgers winning their respective divisions....

I picked the Angels/  I do not remember that?  Wow.  Well, that is even dumber.  but after last night, who knows.  Did you see what they did to Boston?  I cant complain.

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On July 3, 2016 at 0:58 PM, ebk said:

I will revel in my first place status for as long as it lasts!  (Probably about 2 days :) )


Thanks paul, for doing this.

You had me confused.  You mean YOU and not the Orioles will revel in first place status?  I was going to say, I hope you have more faith in our Orioles than that.  The answer to our starting rotation problems is right there in front of us.  DYLAN BUNDY.   This kid has a monster of an arm and the calmness of a seasoned veteran.  What a performance yesterday!!!

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Paul, look at tomorrow's pitching matchup in your series.  Two monsters.  Hill pitched another gem for Oakland.  I am hoping that the Orioles can somehow make a trade for him. He was on the list but I just cant see Oakland trading him even as sellers.  He is just too valuable.  But if they do, I would give them a package.  Hill is number one on my wish list.  Then maybe Shoemaker of the Angels?  But not sure.  Many other possibilities.  But my number one wish other than Hill is to see them start Bundy.   I voted for Kinsler as the AL add on and Story for the NL.  It was a tough call between Story and Lamb.  Lamb is also deserving.  Our boy Chris Davis is not on because of his strike outs.  But his numbers for RBI's and HRs are always tough to ignore.  I think Jonathan Schoop is one very underated player.  And if Hardy was healthy he would be on my list too.  They are a great one two punch as an infield duo along with the great Manny Machado.  To me Machado is easily the best infielder in the game today.  I just cant say how impressed I am with the Dodgers bullpen and the management of it.  They just come at you in droves with one guy each inning with ERA numbers that are numbing.  The best overall bullpen in baseball, period.  The Dodgers are one dangerous team.  Do not count them out

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Paul for keeping this updated.  I'd almost forgotten that August was here already....

You know, it's probably a sign of the apocalypse that I am in 2nd in this contest.  I don't believe I've finished higher than 5th, ever.  Of course there's still 2 months to fall to pieces! ;) 

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:


ebk: 467

Stargroves Tangie: 460

Walter: 459

paul carruthers: 451

LedZeppfan1977: 449

Strider: 438

kingzoso:  430



Thanks Paul for the updates.  I will concede a loss this season for my picks.  What I will not concede is the Saint Louis Cardinals not making it to a Wild Card position and possibly all the way to another run at the World Series. 

I hate to say this to you but I am rooting for any team that your Mets play.  

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On 4/3/2016 at 1:03 PM, Strider said:



AL EAST: Toronto

AL CENTRAL: Kansas City

AL WEST: Houston

AL WILD CARDS: Boston, LA Angels (hope springs eternal ;) )

AL Cy Young: David Price


NL EAST: New York (Good luck Paul and Stargroves)

NL CENTRAL: Saint Louis ( like death and taxes)

NL WEST: San Francisco (it's an even number year)

NL WILD CARDS: Chicago, Washington

NL Cy Young: Clayton Kershaw

I went back to look at my picks and honestly, I would make most of the same picks again. The few that I would do over are mostly in the AL. I knew that the Angels were bogus and let my heart override my head and picked them instead of the Os for the Wild Card. I should have stayed with the safe pick in the AL West: Texas instead of those upstarts in Houston. David Price as Cy Young was also a reach.

But in the NL, the only pick I would change is having more faith in Chicago and picking them for the NL Central and moving St. Louis to the Wild Card.

Great job Paul, as usual. Only a couple months to go and you can rest, haha.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

We're almost at the finish line--just a few more days. Final update coming at season's end...





3-1 Orioles in the 5th inning!!!  Time for Buck to use this monster of a bullpen and count his lucky stars that our worst pitcher got us to the fifth

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