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New Year and Resolutions 2017


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Well Christmas is nearly done. I know loads of people will be seeing their families on Boxing day. But its over. Now we turn to celebrating the new year. Are you going out ?. And are you making any New Years resolutions ?. I am. Mine is not to be soft with people anymore. Being the opposite gets you further and better results in general.

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17 hours ago, craigled said:

Well Christmas is nearly done. I know loads of people will be seeing their families on Boxing day. But its over. Now we turn to celebrating the new year. Are you going out ?. And are you making any New Years resolutions ?. I am. Mine is not to be soft with people anymore. Being the opposite gets you further and better results in general.

And may land you in the clink.  I am not going to make promises I cannot keep.  I remember a line that Anthony Hopkins said in the movie the "Edge" when they  were walking out of the forest after their planed crashed and had to survive a Grizzly bear and many other challenges of surviving in the wild.  He said "I am going to change my life when I get back.  I have never really ever seen anyone change their life".  I think that is true in many ways.

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I am going to try and lose 10lbs by March. A few years ago I was able to lose 40lbs by walking for hour every evening but then i was assaulted by some toughs and it made leery of walking at night but now I have a walking partner who nobody would mess with.

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 in 2017 I am going to have a different view of the world and give the new guy a chance. Im really tired of being used as a pawn just because I care about people who like me have felt on the bottom of things. In 2017 I intend to embrace realitiy and the idea that tough love is actually real love.

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I intend this year to intently listen to some choice boots from each tour/era.

I intend this year to be more positive than I usually am - which is pretty positive!

I intend this year to love and respect each one of my beautiful family a little more than I did last year.

I intend to visit the shit out of this forum and try my hardest NOT to post when I am too drunk, or have not thought it through enough.

Peace and love to all who read this.

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