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What's the weather like where you are?


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Far out Chilli, its much colder there than here. This week is all sun, and a top temp in the low to mid 20's - which if the wind isn't too bad is quite warm. Nights are chilli, but that's expected, but the warm sunny days are gorgeous this time of the year.

I hope it turns for you soon my friend.

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Pretty nice. Breezy, not too hot yet, but it's going to be dangerously hot soon enough in the coming weeks, heat stroke weather, no joke.

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18 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Far out Chilli, its much colder there than here. This week is all sun, and a top temp in the low to mid 20's - which if the wind isn't too bad is quite warm. Nights are chilli, but that's expected, but the warm sunny days are gorgeous this time of the year.

I hope it turns for you soon my friend.

No summer for us. We are quite used to it to be honest. No wonder my Brother is moving to Spain !!

It's so annoying we can't enjoy an evening in the garden. I played golf yesterday in the worst ever conditions I have played in June. It was freezing and very wet. Thankfully we have 2 weeks in Portugal at the end of August so that will be our summer.

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1 hour ago, chillumpuffer said:

Thankfully we have 2 weeks in Portugal at the end of August so that will be our summer.

If you ever decide to come down my way, give me warning so I can give advice and catch you for a beer!

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It's that cold and dark, that we have a plant in the garden that should flower in late summer/Autumn. It is flowering now which goes to show how bad the weather has been this summer. Juneary we call it. Can't believe we have the heating on. The forecast however says that temps will rise by Friday. Then we are getting 5 days of rain


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It's heavily clouded, windy and grey. Infinitely better than bright sun and heat, obvs. Could be better, though - it snowed in Sheffield on 1st June 1979! I've waited for a repeat ever since, but...pffft.

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