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From the vault - My front row pix from the 1975 tour


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1 hour ago, 18strings said:

Take from this 66 year old guy... You play the hand you're dealt. You'll get opportunities that I'll never get. If there's a lesson to be learned here, it's to recognize special opportunities and pounce on them, because they don't come along too often.

Very true.  I may be in the gross minority on here as a big Taylor Swift fan, but I see her every time she comes around now because of that.

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These ended up being the final 3 dates of the NA Tour.... but had the unfortunate accident in Greece not happened, there were stadium dates in the US planned for later in 1975. I had bought a ticket for the Philadelphia Stadium show. That was going to be my chance to see them outdoors live.

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10 hours ago, elgimpo said:

A little tribute.. love the photos!

if anyone wants printer ready high ress images drop me a pm (If that is OK with the photographer...)






The one hesitation I had in sharing these is that someone else would use them commercially. I'm sure I could have taken the real hi res images and sold prints etc. But what I really wanted to do was share them with other fans for their enjoyment. I love what you're creativity, but I won't grant permission for anyone to sell these or any variation of them. That's just not in the spirit of how and why I shared them. Thank you for respecting that. 

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I am not selling them... if anyone wants to print them by themselves I will gladly send them the files... not looking ro make anything out of it. I had it printed for myself 75 by 40 cm... but the tiff files are too big to post here...

Edited by elgimpo
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Like others have said, these are incredible photos, and they bring these shows I've been listening to for years to life in a whole new way! Pretty damn amazing, man.  It really is like finding buried treasure to be able to see them after all this time. And yeah, the quality of the shots themselves is pro-level to be sure. I could easily see some of these on a legit live album cover if Jimmy ever decided to have a go at these shows. We're lucky to have your shots. Thanks.

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On 8/7/2020 at 8:31 PM, High-hopes Hailla said:

Like others have said, these are incredible photos, and they bring these shows I've been listening to for years to life in a whole new way! Pretty damn amazing, man.  It really is like finding buried treasure to be able to see them after all this time. And yeah, the quality of the shots themselves is pro-level to be sure. I could easily see some of these on a legit live album cover if Jimmy ever decided to have a go at these shows. We're lucky to have your shots. Thanks.

Super kind words. Thanks. It's been a real joy to discover them and share them. 

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Late to the party but incredible shots man! If you could upload them in the full resolution of your scanner in high quality JPEGs or BMPs to Google Drive or something and upload a link here that would be brilliant.... there are so many good LZ photos around now that have been endlessly resaved and recompressed they end up looking rather sorry for themselves.... up to you but it would be cool to have these in the best possible quality for the community to enjoy. Thank you!


Edit: can already see some pretty obvious heavy lossy image compression when zooming in so the above request would be superb to have honoured

Edited by SilverVishnu
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  • 1 year later...

These pics are fantastic ! So glad you rediscovered em. Love Jimmy shirt from March 25th.   Led Zeppelin sent a memo out through Atlantic Records that they didn't want to overcharge concert goers/fans. They were insistent on keeping the ticket prices low - it was a classy move. On March 25th - Robert sang "Spanish Harlem" in place of "San Francisco" in Dazed and Confused. It's killer. 

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  • 8 months later...

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