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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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9 hours ago, kingzoso said:

I am Loyal to My Country and I am just a working class Civilian.  You Strider, need to stop this Hollier Than attitude.  You are about 70 years old.  Do you really want to waste your remaining years talking Politics?  On a Forum dedicated to Led Zeppelin:

If you are going to troll, try harder. Do better.

1. I am not a religious person so concepts of holiness mean nothing to me. Frankly, it has been my experience that those who bandy the accusation "holier than thou" about are guilty of said attitude themselves. Pot. Kettle. Black.

2. What is your obsession with age? Who the fuck cares how old anyone is on this forum? 

3. This is rich. There are pages and pages of this thread where many other people engage in political talk and mockery without any response from me. I didn't see one complaint from you about them talking politics. Yet I make one joke today and your panties get in a twist. Sod off.

4. I see you are another of those people who cannot separate the Ramble On section of the Forum from the Led Zeppelin section. 


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2 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Loyalty. What a concept. Imagine being the first person to domesticate a dog and seeing the loyalty to you it displays. That cunt must've thought he'd invented the wheel.

Could have also invented flea killer while they were at it. 

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4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

New AIDS Monument looks like an asshole. Folks, you can't make this stuff up!

City’s Proposed AIDS Monument Looks Exactly Like A Butthole (freerepublic.com) 

my daughter and son inlaw now live in Boston and walking around with them few months back was a new erected statue that looked like a black penis, wish I could find picture, these people are seriously flawed lol

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5 hours ago, custard pie man said:

my daughter and son inlaw now live in Boston and walking around with them few months back was a new erected statue that looked like a black penis, wish I could find picture, these people are seriously flawed lol

There's a pic here somewhere. I remember posting about it when it happened.

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28 minutes ago, redrum said:


typical leftie 

Watching these hearing is about to make my head explode!!!!    I have to say the dems are so in the tank that even when faced with real evidence and real witnesses they sit in their chairs and calmly exclaim that there is no evidence. I can remember 2 impeachments that had absolutely no material  evidence and no material witnesses except col vindman who supposed that there was a quid pro quo HE SUPPOSSED IT!  and yet they sit there today calling a real investigation into the corruption of the biden family and call it a waste of time while trying to make it about trump. Sickening really sickening.


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9 hours ago, Strider said:

C'mon, man...that is so obviously staged.

This, sadly, is not. Don't know if it was zapped by a bus or attacked by another bird but it has made its last flight. 



Poor bird. Maybe a hawk got it. 

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