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Lavigne settles 'Girlfriend' lawsuit

The Pagemeister

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you post a song avril admitted she never wrote. she never claimed she wrote it. it is not a good song anyway! she just likes the song because she is a boyfriend staler obviously ..look at the leggs on the doll.

she wrote most of her songs

all the good ones she did write.

how about w/p master robert plante.....he bought more for his solo crap than the young chick.

B) nobodys home(avril doll meat lavigne

It is the song in question though.

I'm very happy for Robert Plant and I hope he's doing well.

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There is more than one version of the song 'Contagious'; one is by Avril Lavigne, and there is another recorded by the Isley Brothers. Each song has different lyrics.

If the lyrics are protected by a copyright, someone should review them to see if there is a match beyond the title.

I'm sure there are tons of songs called "contagious" I still think you don't get what she was implying.

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you post a song avril admitted she never wrote. she never claimed she wrote it. it is not a good song anyway! she just likes the song because she is a boyfriend staler obviously ..look at the leggs on the doll.

she wrote most of her songs

all the good ones she did write.

how about w/p master robert plante.....he bought more for his solo crap than the young chick.

B) nobodys home(avril doll meat lavigne

Listen, you need to stop posting. Your posts make no sense, and you don't seem to understand that it's a proven fact that she doesn't write her own music. Does Tom Petty pay people to come in and "help" with the creative process? NOPE.

Avril Lavigne PAYS PEOPLE TO WRITE MUSIC FOR HER. How many languages do I need to speak in, to get that across.


I'm not going to comment on Robert plant. He's a lyricist for the most part.

And her legs aren't anything special. I don't find her attractive in the least bit either.

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avril had wrote most all of her songs! that is a fact. does robert plante pay people to come in and help with his awful solo stuff....of course.

avril is a lyricist and song writer.

B) nobodys home(doll meat lavigne.

Robert Plant (not "Robert Plante") writes material with a BAND. Avril Does not. She pays professional songwriters, to write material for her. There is a huge difference. You obviously don't understand. You must be Canadian.

Someone help me out here.

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And she was implying what?

She was stating in her own opinion, that she gave a song to Avril Lavigne, which was rejected, and then low and behold, the song (or at least title) as far as she was concerned was being used.

I'm sure that the title in itself helped motivate someone to create a song around the title, at least.

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not all! either way it is GROSS! the dollmeat avril will out sell him!

how about plant on tour with this chick! trademark redneck crap ...huh?

B) another record(genesis

I was there when Sandy Denny and Fairport Convention opened for Led Zeppelin. Robert Plant singing with a chick is not a new thing.

Bluegrass is traditional and it's true that rednecks are into it historically, but it's also a mainstream form in the sense that it involves the human soul.

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I was there when Sandy Denny and Fairport Convention opened for Led Zeppelin. Robert Plant singing with a chick is not a new thing.

Bluegrass is traditional and it's true that rednecks are into it historically, but it's also a mainstream form in the sense that it involves the human soul.

Nicely said. I agree 110%. :)

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smart guy! lmao

all racist w/p masters get to their supremacy sooner or later.

just a predictable dumb zepplien brain white boi bozo really!

B) heart haze(genesis

This is absolutely, 100%, completely and totally, the stupidest fucking post in the history of any message board, anywhere, ever. Like, in the history of message boards.

Did you just have the huevos to call someone a racist? You actually called someone a racist? With no proof whatsoever? Wow, that's dumb.

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action speak volumes!

I have yet to see one admit it! only a white boi like you would come to a defence like that!

B) highway chille

I'm not a male, dumbass. I don't know electricmage past seeing his posts on this message board, but the fact that you would call ANYONE a racist without having any proof of it, shows your lack of intellect. You should be shitcanned for that. Defending someone who is being slandered like that is common sense, something you obviously lack. Go away.

And there is no such thing as a "boi".

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a real movement man! real beautiful people educated intellects with common sense!

lynch me in a sly civil way! typical. .....next.

B) thank you

B) if 6 was 9

Let me tell you something, shit for brains. You don't know me from jack shit. But I can tell you one thing, you are the biggest piece of shit to come across this board in a long time. When are you going to get it through your head, that you make absolutely no sense at all. Your comprehension of the English language is fucking lost.

Aside from you calling me a racist (which doesn't offend me at all) you obviously haven't a fucking clue what a racism is.

Get the fuck off of this board, with your useless posts, and ignorant ramblings.

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