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2023-2024 NFL Season Thread


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That’s what ya get for offering a measly $20/HR for hard labor in those temps. NFL and the teams just scored TENS OF MILLIONS (PEACOCK) ripping off the fans. Shoulda started at $50, or put some of those 120,000 able-bodied illegals to work to earn their keep. 


Edited by SteveAJones
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13 minutes ago, paul carruthers said:

I like your Bills next week. In fact, I'll be rooting for them....

Wow.  Shocked.  My worry is getting one or two guys back on D.  Douglas , Benford, would help.  No idea about Jackson.  But we always have a shot with Josh,  plus KC not as good vs run as Pittsburgh 

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20 hours ago, SteveAJones said:


That’s what ya get for offering a measly $20/HR for hard labor in those temps. NFL and the teams just scored TENS OF MILLIONS (PEACOCK) ripping off the fans. Shoulda started at $50, or put some of those 120,000 able-bodied illegals to work to earn their keep. 


It’s only the beginning I suspect.  They did get me to get Paramount for a month to see “ What The Doctors Saw”.  Before the botched autopsy on JFK , the stinking Warren Commission did not want this released.  It’s a good documentary.  Then for free, on I Heart radio, if you can tolerate a few commercials, Rob Reiner and Solidad O’Brian do the podcast on the JFK Assassination.  The forensics and the final part are the best if you don’t want to hear it all.  He does throw some names out there as possibly being the shooters at Dealey Plaza.  But Mark Groubert. who also believes in the conspiracy and multiple shooters. is fabulous at breaking down this never ending case on “Americas Untold Stories “. On YouTube.   

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15 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

The untimely demise of the Eagles is continuing. I don't know if Tampa is going to boatrace 'em tonight, but this game looks over already....

I can’t believe I survived the UNDER 43.5 I had on three parlays.  Making up for the ass whipping I took on Dallas!

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It's all chalk city in the divisional round save for Green Bay. The Packers were the only lower seed to make it to the second round.

Both NFC East teams laid a big fat turd in the playoffs. The Cowboys and Eagles were paper tigers. Watching the Clownboys and Sheagles go down in flames is always fun.

Edited by Strider
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The Jimmy Johnson curse continues. The Day of Reckoning for Dallas is at hand. For the coach, for the quarterback, for the so-called leader of the defense, and as Paul mentioned, for Jerry Jones himself. Because when you lose in humiliating fashion in the playoffs in your own home, everything is up for reexamination, starting with the rotting old man at the top.

It's kind of laughable that Green Bay and San Francisco have won more playoff games in JerryWorld than the Cowboys.

McCarthy was a laughable hire from the start so his incompetence has not been a surprise...especially to Green Bay fans who were glad to see him go. It's been a riot watching him ordering Grand Slam breakfasts from his Denny's menu on the sidelines.

But with the way Dak and CeeDee Lamb and the offense had clicked this season, you had to figure that Dallas could at least win one home playoff game before flaming out against the 49ers or the Lions. Especially against a quarterback making his first playoff start. Watching the game on Sunday however, it looked more like Jordan Love was the NFL veteran. In fact, if you had sat down someone unfamiliar with the teams to watch the playoff games that Dak Prescott, Jordan Love, and CJ Stroud played this past weekend, they would have probably guessed that it was Dak making his first playoff start, not the other two.

It is clear now more than ever, Dak Prescott has got to go. Dallas would be making a huge mistake giving him piles of more money. Cut your losses now, trade him and get someone else who is cheaper or try to draft a quarterback in this year's class.

Last week the NFL Network showed the 2016 playoff game between Green Bay and Dallas...Dak's first year. Along with being shocked that Dak has been in the league that long, I was taken aback by how little his game has improved. His reads are still slow. He panics under pressure. Plus, like Russell Wilson he's lost the youthful athleticism he had.

If you took tape of Tom Brady from his first year and then watched tape from seven or eight years later, you would see definite improvement. Quicker reads, more accurate throws, more grace and calm under pressure, knowing how to capitalize on what the defense is doing and exploit their weaknesses. The same if you watched tape of Joe Montana, Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, Troy Aikman, any great Super Bowl winning quarterback.

What you see with Dak Prescott is a quarterback who has reached his ceiling and maybe has even regressed. Going back over the schedule, you see Dak feasted on garbage teams, piling up garbage stats in garbage time. Even his stats from the Green Bay loss are a mirage. The majority of those 400 yards passing were meaningless.

When Dallas goes up against elite teams, Dak gags.

So does Micah Parsons. Another playoff game, another game where Parsons was seemingly invisible as you hardly saw or heard his name called when it mattered. Dan Quinn? Ha...not a good resume to put out there for any team looking to interview him for a head coaching job.

The 2023 Cowboys were a complete and utter failure. It's time to blow the whole team up and start over. Starting with the Skeletor at the top.

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10 hours ago, Strider said:

It is clear now more than ever, Dak Prescott has got to go. Dallas would be making a huge mistake giving him piles of more money. Cut your losses now, trade him and get someone else who is cheaper or try to draft a quarterback in this year's class.

I completely agree they need to ditch Dak at any cost. He's not a good fit and he's not the answer. He's got one of the most prestigious jobs in the United States yet always seems like he's just clocking in and clocking out. He freely admitted he sucked this weekend yet didn't seem to care in the least. Even beyond that, far too few big moments in his career.  

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Detroit's cold has Tampa Bay reporter stymied ahead of NFL playoffs (freep.com)

You know when your football ego tells you that you know more than the people being paid to cover the sport?  It's not an illusion.  Not knowing you're playing in a dome stadium is one thing, but it also means you never even watched last week's game.

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as a life longer for well over 50 years I can say Jones screwed up when he gave Dak the big contract and I bet he will do it again, reading Striders assessments and going back to 2016 I saw enough then to calmly say  that just like Romo, the cowboys will never win a super bowl with Dak, and believe if QB is most important position than keeping this guy is a huge mistake, last season when he was injured Cooper Rush came in and went 4 or 5-1 with only loss coming to Eagles on monday night but what happened with Rush was Cowboys ran ball with Pollard and Zeke, passed less but  hit 7-8 receivers every game, result was receivers ran better routes knowing they had a chance to  get thrown at, cowboys scored less points per game but controlled clock, shit dominated time of possession, the result meant defense was rested and fresh and played lights out but as soon as Dak came back cowboys went back to pass attempts doubling and running cut  per attempts, the coach sucks but wins because of a weak division and a nice schedule but what he did  at end of lions game by passing 3 straight times and damn near blowing game cemented his fate, he sucks, get perhaps Vrabol,  who won with great balanced attack, conservative play calling, etc... as for Jerry well never liked the man, an egotistical head coach wannabe ala Steinbrenner, packers showed cowboys have many weaknesses but the two most pressing is HC and QB, not sure why Dak seems to be protected and insulated from being  fired like any other qb but my fear is Jones will once again reward him for his horrible big game disasters with  a long term guaranteed contract and no coach, even Bill can do anything about that except play him, don't know how many saw the hysterical sign a fan was holding up  at Bills game that said "please god just once before I die" well my 29 year old said  texted me as soon as he saw that and said that will probably be me, 30 years fronm now i'll be holding that same sign while wearing the sweatshirt his sisters got him that says "Dak and cowboys make me drink"

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Let us look at some of the stellar accomplishments of the Dallas Cowboys this season.

FIRST TEAM to go 12-5 three consecutive seasons and NOT at least make the Conference Championship Game.

FIRST TEAM in the Super Bowl era to have won 8 or more games by a 20+ margin in a season and NOT reach the Super Bowl. The 2007 Patriots, 1999 Rams, 1996 Packers are the other teams that did this and all three made the Super Bowl.

FIRST TEAM to lose to a #7 seed in the playoffs. Granted, this was the first year of the expanded playoffs, so this is bound to happen again. But the Cowboys will forever be known as the first #2 to lose to a #7 in NFL history.

WORST HOME PLAYOFF LOSS in Dallas Cowboys history.

And for all of this, Jerry Jones brings Denny's McCarthy back. They say crazy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. It is the endless cycle that plagued Al Davis in his later years that sunk the Raiders franchise. Now, Jerry Jones is following in Al Davis' footsteps. It is not 1966. It is not even 1996. Both franchises are clown shows now.

What is different about the Cowboys as opposed to the Raiders is that they still draft well. They still know how to draft talent. It is just that that talent is then wasted with incompetent coaching and front office meddling.

And so it goes...

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I only have one friend left with season tickets.  His family have owned them since the 30's, top 50 in seniority, and they're at the 50-yard line 11 rows up. He's been offered $10,000 for the pair, but after a 30-year wait, he won't sell. He also told me he and his daughter could not hear for two days after last week's game.  According to him, it was much louder in person. Needless to say, he bought some buds this week, and I'm not talking about weed. 

The Lions may not be the best team left, but I believe we're the healthiest.  DE James Houston was activated (8 sacks in 7 games), and that makes us whole. I'm hearing the pundits saying Tampa isn't the same team we beat earlier in the year, 20-6.  We aren't either, and you can't bite a kneecap if you don't put a helmet there.  



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A thought or two I have coming into this weekend's games.

Are we going to get 3 touchdowns Josh Allen or 3 interceptions Josh Allen?

Green Bay @ San Francisco is another matchup of coaches from the Shanahan coaching tree. Isn't it curious that we never see matchups between coaches from the Belichick coaching tree? I mean, can you ever imagine Matt Patricia and Josh McDaniels ever facing off in the Super Bowl?

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