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First Led Zeppelin Stories


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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel (like many posting their stories on this site, im sure) that i was born in the wrong era, being born in '78' means i missed the times when music mattered, when it was a lifestyle. It grieves me when i admit to myself i will never see Zep play live, or the Beatles, Sabbath, and many other bands who i find so inspirational (Zep is the only band i would give a limb to see).

Sad as that is i have been lucky, I have always had Zep in my life.

My dad was the lead guitarist in a cover band called 'Blackdog' when i was born. They played covers from Led Zep, Black sabbath, AC/DC, ect. My sister and I were always allowed to go to band practice. I loved it, I remember it being so loud that it would make you feel like your heart was beating out of your chest. Sadly the band broke up when i was about 6, but my love for Zep continued.

The funny thing is the songs the band played WLL, Blackdog, rock'n'roll, STH, are not the Zep songs i hold in my heart, they were just the stepping stone to the Zep sound that i love.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I feel (like many posting their stories on this site, im sure) that i was born in the wrong era, being born in '78' means i missed the times when music mattered, when it was a lifestyle. It grieves me when i admit to myself i will never see Zep play live, or the Beatles, Sabbath, and many other bands who i find so inspirational (Zep is the only band i would give a limb to see).

Sad as that is i have been lucky, I have always had Zep in my life.

My dad was the lead guitarist in a cover band called 'Blackdog' when i was born. They played covers from Led Zep, Black sabbath, AC/DC, ect. My sister and I were always allowed to go to band practice. I loved it, I remember it being so loud that it would make you feel like your heart was beating out of your chest. Sadly the band broke up when i was about 6, but my love for Zep continued.

The funny thing is the songs the band played WLL, Blackdog, rock'n'roll, STH, are not the Zep songs i hold in my heart, they were just the stepping stone to the Zep sound that i love.

I think you were born in the right era.

Who else is going to go out and tell everyone they know about Led Zeppelin :)

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I had heard Zeppelin being played a bit on the AM radio, but it wasn't until I was at a friends house in 1970 (I think) that I was able to hear complete albums by the band. He had an older brother who had all their albums. I remember hearing 'Ramble On' for the first time and I couldn't get it out of my head! It was magical! It was beautiful! It was heavy! I had to hear it again and again and again until my friend said, "You've heard it 14 times already man, I'm gonna wear the record out!"

My dad passed away suddenly in 1970 and I can still remember those long winter nights going through all that grief. When the Immigrant Song came out, it sounded so magical, so soothing, it had those resolved Tritones, I would hear it late at night and I would cry myself to sleep.

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i first heard of zeppelin when i was 11

an older friend of mine gave me a copy of led zeppelin ii and told me that i would really enjoy the album

i played every day before school

and then a few years later i got the rest of their albums and i have'nt stopped listening to zeppelin since then

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I feel (like many posting their stories on this site, im sure) that i was born in the wrong era, being born in '78' means i missed the times when music mattered, when it was a lifestyle. It grieves me when i admit to myself i will never see Zep play live, or the Beatles, Sabbath, and many other bands who i find so inspirational (Zep is the only band i would give a limb to see).

I was born in 1962 so I grew up in the very era so many seem to have wished they had grown up in. I'm here to tell you, you didn't miss a damn thing. Embrace the now, that's the most important thing. While the 60s and 70s certainly had some great music those eras have been romanticized beyond belief.

I had probably heard Led Zeppelin before but the first time I actually sat up and took notice was during a family trip to Europe in 1972. One of my older brothers had a copy of IV on cassette that we listened to on a portable Panasonic deck during our stay there. To this day, whenever I hear a song from that album the memories from that trip come rushing back to me including the scenery which included castles, mountains, fog and the green rolling hills of the countryside. "Misty Mountain Hop" indeed.

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I was born in 1962 so I grew up in the very era so many seem to have wished they had grown up in. I'm here to tell you, you didn't miss a damn thing. Embrace the now, that's the most important thing. While the 60s and 70s certainly had some great music those eras have been romanticized beyond belief.

I had probably heard Led Zeppelin before but the first time I actually sat up and took notice was during a family trip to Europe in 1972. One of my older brothers had a copy of IV on cassette that we listened to on a portable Panasonic deck during our stay there. To this day, whenever I hear a song from that album the memories from that trip come rushing back to me including the scenery which included castles, mountains, fog and the green rolling hills of the countryside. "Misty Mountain Hop" indeed.

i respect your opinion, jahfin, but i have to dissagree.

i was also born in 62, and i think it was an amazing time to be around. we got to go the record store and wait for brand new zep records as they were released.

if anything, i wish i could have been born just about 3 or 4 years earlier, so i could have done that with all the albums, and to have gone to the only aussie tour in 72.

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i respect your opinion, jahfin, but i have to dissagree.

i was also born in 62, and i think it was an amazing time to be around. we got to go the record store and wait for brand new zep records as they were released.

I'm not saying it wasn't an amazing time to grow up in, it most certainly was but so is the present. I guess that's the main thought I'm trying to convey. I have no desire to have grown up in any other time period than the one I did. I may be among the precious few since record stores have all but died off but I still get to go there to pick up new albums on the day they're released. I also never saw Zeppelin in concert. Sure, it would have been great if I had but I'm also perfectly OK with the fact that I didn't. People tend to complain that all of today's music sucks and they go on and on about Justin Bieber and whatnot. What they tend to forget is that the airwaves were also full of teen idols during the time period we grew up in. There's also lots of good music out there and even more ways than ever before to find it but so many don't even make the effort to seek it out because bitching about it is easier. I guess it just depends on how hard you want to look or if you even want to bother looking at all. It's most definitely there but it's not going to be handed to you on a silver platter, the same was true back in the 60s and 70s, that's where the romanticization of those eras comes in. Yeah, we had AOR (Album Oriented Rock) radio back then but now we have things like XM's Deep Tracks channel which is far superior to any album rock station I ever heard and I've listened to my fair share of 'em, believe me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not so sure when I really started listening to Led Zep. But I guess it was in the late 1970's - I was a kid and my father was into Zep, The Sabs, Hendrix, The Beatles, The Stones, Elton John among some other bands/artists. I guess that IV was the 1st record that really got my attention into the band itself. Later on (during the 1980's) when I started to think it would be cool if I started to play the drums, 02 bands were important to me; Van Halen and Led Zep. And I'm still a big fan of both bands.

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