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The Weird Neighbor Thread


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update on my weird neighbor

I guess he got into an argument with a police officer and was maced. I heard this from another neighbor who saw the incident. A police officer was at another apartment making a burglary report and this weird guy just walked up behind the officer and started yelling at the cop who ended up macing the guy.  Im telling you this guy is crazy and is going to do something. How do you get him observed by a doctor for mental illness? I called the police to ask about the incident but they wouldnt say anything. The guy was just maced and then the ambulance came and washed his face off and then the guy was allowed to just go home. I thik this guy is going to blow like a volcano and I dont want to be around when it happens.  Moving again now would really suck.

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On 1/12/2018 at 3:32 PM, kipper said:

update on my weird neighbor

I guess he got into an argument with a police officer and was maced. I heard this from another neighbor who saw the incident. A police officer was at another apartment making a burglary report and this weird guy just walked up behind the officer and started yelling at the cop who ended up macing the guy.  Im telling you this guy is crazy and is going to do something. How do you get him observed by a doctor for mental illness? I called the police to ask about the incident but they wouldnt say anything. The guy was just maced and then the ambulance came and washed his face off and then the guy was allowed to just go home. I thik this guy is going to blow like a volcano and I dont want to be around when it happens.  Moving again now would really suck.

I agree, this is bullshit Kip. If you are so crazy to argue in a menacing manner / assault an armed officer, you need mental evaluation. I mean come on already, the state can legally kill you in such circumstance and everyone knows this. Why are people like this allowed to go on their way without evaluation? 20+ years ago my friends father was a hard core meth addict (at almost 60 no less). He showed up at my friends apartment, broke in through the window, and assaulted my friend before he knocked his father on his ass. My friend then called the cops. The cops showed up, searched him and found a few grams of meth. My friends dad began to argue with the police some seriously delusional, meth monster bullshit. They just took his meth and made him go on his way. They did jack shit!

Just to clarify, I am talking about people who are clearly nutters who are threatening violence against the police or assaulting the police, not people practicing civil disobedience or simply questioning a police officers opinion / actions.

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On 1/13/2018 at 3:31 PM, IpMan said:

I agree, this is bullshit Kip. If you are so crazy to argue in a menacing manner / assault an armed officer, you need mental evaluation. I mean come on already, the state can legally kill you in such circumstance and everyone knows this. Why are people like this allowed to go on their way without evaluation? 20+ years ago my friends father was a hard core meth addict (at almost 60 no less). He showed up at my friends apartment, broke in through the window, and assaulted my friend before he knocked his father on his ass. My friend then called the cops. The cops showed up, searched him and found a few grams of meth. My friends dad began to argue with the police some seriously delusional, meth monster bullshit. They just took his meth and made him go on his way. They did jack shit!

Just to clarify, I am talking about people who are clearly nutters who are threatening violence against the police or assaulting the police, not people practicing civil disobedience or simply questioning a police officers opinion / actions.

there a just a lot of crazy people out walking around and nobody does anything until the kill somebody or worse.

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  • 3 months later...

My neighbors who get credit for me starting this thread are still here and there.
They purchased ten acres in central Florida a few years back and built two "geodesic domes" to live in, which are supposed to withstand hurricane force winds.
They come to Birmingham once every two months or so for maybe a week.

Since my backyard melds with theirs, I've always cut their grass to keep the backyard appeal to jabe standards.

Recently my wife told me, "you're not cutting their fuckin' grass anymore."
Not wanting to piss my wife off unless she needs it, I complied.

So sitting on my deck yesterday afternoon, gazing at the knee high weeds and grass next door, I had one of those enlightening moments.

I grabbed my weed eater and created my own "crop circle" pattern in their overgrown backyard! Fuck! It was great!
Can't wait to see their faces!!!

(Jimmy, call me collect if you need a cover photo for a yet to be determined boxed set.)

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3 hours ago, jabe said:

My neighbors who get credit for me starting this thread are still here and there.
They purchased ten acres in central Florida a few years back and built two "geodesic domes" to live in, which are supposed to withstand hurricane force winds.
They come to Birmingham once every two months or so for maybe a week.

Since my backyard melds with theirs, I've always cut their grass to keep the backyard appeal to jabe standards.

Recently my wife told me, "you're not cutting their fuckin' grass anymore."
Not wanting to piss my wife off unless she needs it, I complied.

So sitting on my deck yesterday afternoon, gazing at the knee high weeds and grass next door, I had one of those enlightening moments.

I grabbed my weed eater and created my own "crop circle" pattern in their overgrown backyard! Fuck! It was great!
Can't wait to see their faces!!!

(Jimmy, call me collect if you need a cover photo for a yet to be determined boxed set.)

If the Lads should one day release a found pristine source for the fantastic Birmingham show in 77' this could be the cover art:

Zeppelin & the Crimson Tide...one Ho & a Weed Eater 

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My next door neighbors are nice enough but... They are in some Christian survivalist cult and are prepping for the "End times".  They have a bunch of like minded folk living with them in trailers on their property, the kids are "homeschooled", they are "vaccine free",and raise cows and pigs in a suburban neighborhood.  Every once-in-a-while, they have a "Farm Day" when the guy comes and shoots a couple of their animals, skins and butchers them.  Yea!  Family fun!

On the other hand, I'll bet they think we're the weirdo neighbors!  We've had some pretty wild parties with my oddball friends, there's constant BBQ smoking, an ouddoor ceramics studio and even a few Druid rituals.  Add in the constant blasting Led Zeppelin Devil Music and I could see their point of view...

In the end of it all, we get along great!  When I first moved in 25 years ago, the neighbor's father, who was living there told me when we met "In this neighborhood we don't tell each other what to do."  I've been living by that philosophy ever since! B)

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21 hours ago, IpMan said:

If the Lads should one day release a found pristine source for the fantastic Birmingham show in 77' this could be the cover art:

Zeppelin & the Crimson Tide...one Ho & a Weed Eater 

IpMan, you suggest a possible pristine source for May 18, 1977.
Would that it exist...
If it were to surface, surely it is in the upper rafters of the 1977 Houses of the Holy.
Hence, a possible revised working title.

"In the Land of Cotton Candy Store Rock"

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8 hours ago, chef free said:

My next door neighbors are nice enough but... They are in some Christian survivalist cult and are prepping for the "End times".  They have a bunch of like minded folk living with them in trailers on their property, the kids are "homeschooled", they are "vaccine free",and raise cows and pigs in a suburban neighborhood.  Every once-in-a-while, they have a "Farm Day" when the guy comes and shoots a couple of their animals, skins and butchers them.  Yea!  Family fun!

On the other hand, I'll bet they think we're the weirdo neighbors!  We've had some pretty wild parties with my oddball friends, there's constant BBQ smoking, an ouddoor ceramics studio and even a few Druid rituals.  Add in the constant blasting Led Zeppelin Devil Music and I could see their point of view...

In the end of it all, we get along great!  When I first moved in 25 years ago, the neighbor's father, who was living there told me when we met "In this neighborhood we don't tell each other what to do."  I've been living by that philosophy ever since! B)

But just remember Chef, if the shit gets real and the zombies rise, those christian survivalists might decide they need your shit and will justify their deeds in the warm blanket of righteousness. Especially if they saw one of those heathen Druid rituals.

So, if Lil Kim launches a nuke, or another Carrington Event occurs, head for the hills my friend before Capt. Spaulding and his crew come for ya.

Those survivalist types freak me out. It's one thing to prepare for a disaster, its another thing to want to survive an apocalypse. If the shit gets real I want that nuke, asteroid, wrath of god, whatever to land right on my ass and get it over with. The idea of surviving and living in some hellscape ala The Road is not my idea of surviving, its living death.

Peace my friend

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  • 4 years later...
On 4/21/2018 at 1:09 PM, chef free said:

My next door neighbors are nice enough but... They are in some Christian survivalist cult and are prepping for the "End times".  They have a bunch of like minded folk living with them in trailers on their property, the kids are "homeschooled", they are "vaccine free",and raise cows and pigs in a suburban neighborhood.  Every once-in-a-while, they have a "Farm Day" when the guy comes and shoots a couple of their animals, skins and butchers them.  Yea!  Family fun!

On the other hand, I'll bet they think we're the weirdo neighbors!  We've had some pretty wild parties with my oddball friends, there's constant BBQ smoking, an ouddoor ceramics studio and even a few Druid rituals.  Add in the constant blasting Led Zeppelin Devil Music and I could see their point of view...

In the end of it all, we get along great!  When I first moved in 25 years ago, the neighbor's father, who was living there told me when we met "In this neighborhood we don't tell each other what to do."  I've been living by that philosophy ever since! B)

:lol: Crack me up.

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  • 1 year later...

I have some Chinese neighbors who cook the most smelly gawd awful foods out in their backyard.  Smells like dogmeat and pig guts cooked in a garlic sesame oil.

Very third worldy bunch they are.

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