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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Wasilla, Alaksa, under mayor Sarah Palin, charged victims of rape for the cost of their own forensic tests (rape kits). When the state passed a law preventing such a practice, they complained about the cost the city would have to bear

Classy broad. First if you're raped, you pay for the tests. If you get pregnant....fuck you, you carry that baby to term and don't even think of aborting it. When you deliver? Well, if you have no health care....you're on your own, get lost.

Women's rights my ass. The only right she thinks women should have is the right to shut up and make their man a sandwich.

"Spent most of her life attending a Pentecostal church, which shaped her beliefs" (quoted from a CNN report on Palin). LOL, now i challenge all the Palin lovers to come out and admit they also love Scott Stapp, lol.

Anyway, Electrophile, i feel as repulsed by this person as you. I just hope the country will see through her (at least the ones who aren't bible bangers). Funny, i initially thought her style of delivering a speech (telepromter read) was that of a pagent wanna be, but now i realize it's a sermon.

Seems she has a bit more in common with Obama.


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FBI Uniform Crime Report Database

A rape kit in Wasilla, Alaska costs 0.39 cents USD.

That means that there are 12,820.51 rapes per year in Wasilla, Alaska which has a population of 6000 - 7000.

That is 2 rapes per person, which is definitely the most in the country.

Edited by Electrophile
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"As a Christian, conservative anti-abortionist who proved her support for the Iraq War by sending her son to fight in it"

Oh my lord - thank god this horror show is not my mother! I mean, either she hasn't got a maternal bone in her body, or she's as dumb as a box of hammers.

"My daughter - bare foot and preggers, where she belongs. My son, I'd have been proud to be the first on my block to have him come home in a box, so long as God insists Exxon keeps making billions and billions (that I can tap into)."


I'm kind of relieved the wing nuts are falling all over themselves about this. It shows how out of touch they are. Can you imagine the gall it takes for the Republicans to think they can run a campaign that is literally more of the same old shit, while going on about being the party of change, meanwhile insisting to everyone that they have superior morals? Don't they get how insulting they are to most people in America?

You see the difference in the two Americas is that in the REAL AMERICA people are proud of those in their family who have served in the military. In the REAL AMERICA people recognize that only by the grace of God and with the help of those who have sacrificed for a cause larger then themself are we able to remain free and safe.

Your comments attacking Sarah Palin are negative and disrespectful to every American family who has sons, daughters and fathers serving in our Armed Forces. I believe it is this very disconnect with the REAL AMERICA which you deomonstrate that WILL put John McCain and Sarah Palin right into the White House.

And the funny thing about your comments are that even Barrack Obama would be ashamed for you and would likely say so.

November is going to be a very cold shower for them.

We'll see about that. How are you going to feel when the Real America says differently?

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You see the difference in the two Americas is that in the REAL AMERICA people are proud of those in their family who have served in the military. In the REAL AMERICA people recognize that only by the grace of God and with the help of those who have sacrificed for a cause larger then themself are we able to remain free and safe.

Your comments attacking Sarah Palin are negative and disrespectful to every American family who has sons, daughters and fathers serving in our Armed Forces. I believe it is this very disconnect with the REAL AMERICA which you deomonstrate that WILL put John McCain and Sarah Palin right into the White House.

Del, stop carrying on like only 'true Americans' are conservatives or republicans. With that shit, you are cheapening democracy and the democratic institutions in your country, and limiting the scope for democratic debate by making people feel unpatriotic if they're not Republican.

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"Spent most of her life attending a Pentecostal church, which shaped her beliefs" (quoted from a CNN report on Palin). LOL, now i challenge all the Palin lovers to come out and admit they also love Scott Stapp, lol.

Anyway, Electrophile, i feel as repulsed by this person as you. I just hope the country will see through her (at least the ones who aren't bible bangers). Funny, i initially thought her style of delivering a speech (telepromter read) was that of a pagent wanna be, but now i realize it's a sermon.

So you are "repulsed" by her huh? Even knowing that she has over an 80% approval rating as Governor of her state.

What is it with you screaming leftists nut jobs? You are all screaming like the wicked witch of the west when Dorothy dumped the bucket of water on her.

.... don't look now but you screaming losers are melting.



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I love this story. Hypocrits, lol. oh and the writer's take on the whole thing is royal. Is this what the American people really care about? McCain will change, nothing.

Great article:

Earmarks? Seriously?

By Steve Benen

Sep 8, 2008

(Political Animal) EARMARKS? SERIOUSLY?.... I find this completely bewildering.

John McCain and Sarah Palin are criticizing Democrat Barack Obama over requesting money for his home state of Illinois even though the Alaska governor's record is mixed.At a rally, the Republican presidential nominee and his running mate accused Obama of requesting nearly $1 billion in earmarks.

Now, there are plenty of substantive ways to approach this. One could note, for example, that the McCain campaign is lying, and that Obama sought $311 million in earmarks last year, not $1 billion, and didn't seek any earmarks for Illinois at all this year. One could note that Sarah Palin hired D.C. lobbyists to secure millions of dollars in earmarks for Wasilla while she was its mayor, and during Palin's gubernatorial term, she's requested nearly $750 million in earmarks, easily the largest request in the nation, per-capita. One might even be tempted to note that McCain has been misstating his own record on earmarks for quite a while.

But stepping back, I have an entirely different question: who on earth cares about earmarks?

I mean, really. At what point did the McCain campaign decide that earmarks -- seriously, earmarks -- are the single most important issue in the campaign? I'd love to hear from the voter, anywhere in America, who's willing to say, "I was going to base my vote on healthcare, job creation, global warming, and ending the war in Iraq, but this earmark thing trumps them all."

It's one thing to attack, it's another to attack dishonestly, and it's something else to attack dishonestly on an issue that doesn't really matter.

Copyright 2008


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Del, stop carrying on like only 'true Americans' are conservatives or republicans. With that shit, you are cheapening democracy and the democratic institutions in your country, and limiting the scope for democratic debate by making people feel unpatriotic if they're not Republican.

That's what these people want; they want to create divisiveness and rifts in society. They want to co-opt the ideas of "American" and "patriot" and manipulate them to fit their needs, their ideals and their definitions, which will in turn, disenfranchise huge swaths of the population. And they couldn't be happier at the thought. Because speaking out against the government, something the Founding Fathers did, is not "patriotic" or "American". Because putting someone through the same wringer other candidates in this election cycle have had to go through is not "patriotic" or "American".

This is what they do. And they think it's cute.

One could note that Sarah Palin hired D.C. lobbyists to secure millions of dollars in earmarks for Wasilla while she was its mayor, and during Palin's gubernatorial term, she's requested nearly $750 million in earmarks, easily the largest request in the nation, per-capita.

Something else of note. When she became mayor of Wasilla in 1996-97, the town was operating at a profit. When she left, it was $27 million in debt. A town of 6,000 - 7,000 people $27 million in debt.

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Del, stop carrying on like only 'true Americans' are conservatives or republicans. With that shit, you are cheapening democracy and the democratic institutions in your country, and limiting the scope for democratic debate by making people feel unpatriotic if they're not Republican.

I never said that they [THE REAL AMERICANS] are only conservative or Republican. Don't try and put words in my mouth.

But what I am saying is that current Mayor of San Francisco, Ward Churchill, the Hollywood leftist elites and anyone who would attack Sarah Palin because her brave son has chosen to serve this nation in the miltary -- THEY ARE NOT REAL AMERICANS.

Real Americans are Democrats, Republicans and Independents who have honor and respect for this nation even despite thier differences. And if John McCain wins in November, he will be elected to the White House because many people other than just "conservative Republicans" put him there.

Think about it.

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So you are "repulsed" by her huh? Even knowing that she has over an 80% approval rating as Governor of her state.

What is it with you screaming leftists nut jobs? You are all screaming like the wicked witch of the west when Dorothy dumped the bucket of water on her.

.... don't look now but you screaming losers are melting.



Couldn't care less about her approval rating of the 47th (or is it 48th?) "least populated" state in our country. The one she wanted to seperate from our beloved country, lol. She is smoke and mirrors. I do not agree with her views. I see her tricks. I hear her lies. She is exactly the type of woman i fear having a position of "power". Seems to me that is the basis for my not wanting her in the second highest position one can hold in this country (and god forbid she becomes the number one guy).

All i heard in her speech the other night was what everyone else heard, bashing Obama and Biden (and preaching to the choir so to speak). I didn't hear any plans to improve the sorry state of our country. Won't matter if i ever do, i still won't vote for a Conservative Republican. However, if Florida rigs it right again, maybe the Buchanan loving Jews will vote for her, like they did for Bush.

You said "Nut job", Sarah Palin meets that criteria.

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But what I am saying is that current Mayor of San Francisco, Ward Churchill, the Hollywood leftist elites and anyone who would attack Sarah Palin because her brave son has chosen to serve this nation in the miltary -- THEY ARE NOT REAL AMERICANS.

Yes they are, and of course they are...

America often prides itself on its democracy, freedom and liberty, and those three things mean the right to express an opinion, no matter how unpopular or how 'immoral' it is, is a right that is enjoyed by all American citizens. And expressing opinions is how democracies work. Nothing is sacred in a democracy, it can't be. And there cannot be any guidelines for 'correct thought' or any thought that makes one definable by an undefinable category of 'real' or 'unreal' American.

There is no such thing as a 'real american', and whatever construct it has is something that you or whoever else believes in it has invented according to your own morality or your own political viewpoint.

Someone once said that the USA has always defined itself through exclusion rather than inclusion, and by structuring your moral viewpoint, you exclude anyone who does not share that point of view as not a 'real American', therefore sidelining them and deliberately limiting the rights and opinions they can express in their own country.

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Something else of note. When she became mayor of Wasilla in 1996-97, the town was operating at a profit. When she left, it was $27 million in debt. A town of 6,000 - 7,000 people $27 million in debt.

Debt is not a bad thing as long as it is manageable. I happen to be many thousands of dollars in debt... I am paying for a very nice home. Of course you would not understand what a positive debt to income ratio means. Especially since you still live with mommy and daddy and they are paying most of your expenses anyway.

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Couldn't care less about her approval rating of the 47th (or is it 48th?) "least populated" state in our country. The one she wanted to seperate from our beloved country, lol. She is smoke and mirrors. I do not agree with her views. I see her tricks. I hear her lies. She is exactly the type of woman i fear having a position of "power". Seems to me that is the basis for my not wanting her in the second highest position one can hold in this country (and god forbid she becomes the number one guy).

All i heard in her speech the other night was what everyone else heard, bashing Obama and Biden (and preaching to the choir so to speak). I didn't hear any plans to improve the sorry state of our country. Won't matter if i ever do, i still won't vote for a Conservative Republican. However, if Florida rigs it right again, maybe the Buchanan loving Jews will vote for her, like they did for Bush.

You said "Nut job", Sarah Palin meets that criteria.

Actually as soon as you mentioned "the Buchanan loving Jews who voted for Bush" I pretty much figured out who is the "nut job."

Did you ever wonder why in 2004 Florida was easliy won by G.W. Bush, or did you still cling to some wild voter conspiracy theory then too? It never crossed your mind that Florida voted the way it was going to vote both times?

Oh, of course in 2004 you had the voting in New Mexico and Ohio figured to be "the fix" that year.

You crazy leftists are really amusing.

Crazy but always good for a laugh.


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Debt is not a bad thing as long as it is manageable. I happen to be many thousands of dollars in debt... I am paying for a very nice home. Of course you would not understand what a positive debt to income ratio means. Especially since you still live with mommy and daddy and they are paying most of your expenses anyway.

What's the difference? The bank is paying all your expenses... Feel free to be as cocky as you like when that lovely home is actually yours...

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Debt is not a bad thing as long as it is manageable. I happen to be many thousands of dollars in debt... I am paying for a very nice home. Of course you would not understand what a positive debt to income ratio means. Especially since you still live with mommy and daddy and they are paying most of your expenses anyway.

How do you know if the debt she left is "managable"? I happen to believe the surplus left in 2001 was better than the debt our country has accrued under Bush. I feel much less safe in our current financial state as do many Americans.

I don't consider a mortgage that is being payed off "debt". Not if you have equity anyway. You living in CA may have substantial equity since home prices rise so much more each year in CA than in most parts of the country. I would prefer my house was paid off, personally. But i, like you, are paying for a very nice home. Does this make us special?

Point i think that Electrophile was trying to make, has something to do with Palin's abilities.

Edit to move to next paragraph:

Why did she leave so much debt to Wasilla, and why does she brag about the jet she put on Ebay? lol.

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Actually as soon as you mentioned "the Buchanan loving Jews who voted for Bush" I pretty much figured out who is the "nut job."

Did you ever wonder why in 2004 Florida was easliy won by G.W. Bush, or did you still cling to some wild voter conspiracy theory then too? It never crossed your mind that Florida voted the way it was going to vote both times?

Oh, of course in 2004 you had the voting in New Mexico and Ohio figured to be "the fix" that year.

You crazy leftists are really amusing.

Crazy but always good for a laugh.


Couldn't have had anything to do with Jeb? Nah. Anyway, i saw the interviews and the ballets and the reasons why the older people (many in the Jewish communities) voted for Buchanan when these people said they thought they were voting for Kerry. I had relatives in that situation in the Boca Raton area. Maybe it wasn't tampering, but it was a confusion that led to people voting for someone they didn't intend to.

Your intimidation doesn't work with me, Del. I meet crazy people at work everyday. Some with psychosis, some with dementia, and some just average crazy people!

Oh to answer the question about did i ever wonder how Bush won Florida so easy, YES i wonder that still today!!!

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What's the difference? The bank is paying all your expenses... Feel free to be as cocky as you like when that lovely home is actually yours...

I could actually write a check and pay off the remaining $150,000 balance anytime I want to, but then I would have less cash to make some other investments that I like to dabble in each quarter. And of course there is that thing about not having the tax write off either. Oviously there is a tipping point for everything, but since mymortgage interest rate is still lower than the return I am making on my investments, I guess the bank will just continue to hold the title to this house.

Is that cocky enough for you Nancy?


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Couldn't have had anything to do with Jeb? Nah. Anyway, i saw the interviews and the ballets and the reasons why the older people (many in the Jewish communities) voted for Buchanan when these people said they thought they were voting for Kerry. I had relatives in that situation in the Boca Raton area. Maybe it wasn't tampering, but it was a confusion that led to people voting for someone they didn't intend to.

Or maybe it was just a hysterical reaction to the fact that the great intellect Al Gore was not able to beat that silly son of a gun G.W. Bush.

But no problem, this year those old Jewish folks in Florida will be voting for another Republican --- Senator John McCain.

Your intimidation doesn't work with me, Del. I meet crazy people at work everyday. Some with psychosis, some with dementia, and some just average crazy people!

Is this in a government funded hospital or a private one?

Oh to answer the question about did i ever wonder how Bush won Florida so easy, YES i wonder that still today!!!

Yeah 2000 was a real close one in Florida. Although had the major media probably not "called" Florida for Gore so early in the evening. Then I'm sure many more of those voters in the Florida panhandle (and different time zone) just might have shown up to cast their votes for Bush. or Gore... however the demographics of the Florida panhandle tended go...

*cough* Republican.

Oh but of course 2004 probably answered that nagging question pretty well.

At least to those who were willing to look at the logical facts.

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You see the difference in the two Americas is that in the REAL AMERICA people are proud of those in their family who have served in the military. In the REAL AMERICA people recognize that only by the grace of God and with the help of those who have sacrificed for a cause larger then themself are we able to remain free and safe.

Your comments attacking Sarah Palin are negative and disrespectful to every American family who has sons, daughters and fathers serving in our Armed Forces. I believe it is this very disconnect with the REAL AMERICA which you deomonstrate that WILL put John McCain and Sarah Palin right into the White House.

And the funny thing about your comments are that even Barrack Obama would be ashamed for you and would likely say so.

We'll see about that. How are you going to feel when the Real America says differently?

as one of those so-called "un-real americans" i am getting real sick of these "real-american" attitudes that would so cheapen the work and lives of military families that have been misused by this president to the point that it is almost embarassing to be associated with...waving around military service as some cheap political ploy... do you think those in the military don't know that they are being misused? think we are proud of that? do you honestly think your attitude makes us military families feel better when you sit there and wave your flag and pound your chest about your pride and patriotism while you don't give a shit about my spouses life or my children's lives that have been so affected by this, and for what? you explain to my young son (when he doesn't even recognize his father when he returns home) it's so worth it because we want to make sure mommy can get cheap gas for her car... it's disgusting to read your "real-american" flag-waving crap...

oh by the way...thanks for the support... :rolleyes:

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I could actually write a check and pay off the remaining $150,000 balance anytime I want to, but then I would have less cash to make some other investments that I like to dabble in each quarter. And of course there is that thing about not having the tax write off either. Oviously there is a tipping point for everything, but since mymortgage interest rate is still lower than the return I am making on my investments, I guess the bank will just continue to hold the title to this house.

Is that cocky enough for you Nancy?


yeah, real smart investment strategy Del :rolleyes: You'd be perfect in the Bush administration

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Or maybe it was just a hysterical reaction to the fact that the great intellect Al Gore was not able to beat that silly son of a gun G.W. Bush.

But no problem, this year those old Jewish folks in Florida will be voting for another Republican --- Senator John McCain.

Is this in a government funded hospital or a private one?

Yeah 2000 was a real close one in Florida. Although had the major media probably not "called" Florida for Gore so early in the evening. Then I'm sure many more of those voters in the Florida panhandle (and different time zone) just might have shown up to cast their votes for Bush. or Gore... however the demographics of the Florida panhandle tended go...

*cough* Republican.

Oh but of course 2004 probably answered that nagging question pretty well.

At least to those who were willing to look at the logical facts.

Just like the one in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", lol, NOT! I don't work in a Psychiatric environment, but i still see crazy (normal and some not so normal) people at work every day.

Funny, you calling others "nut jobs". You don't look to be the picture of "normal" to me :) I was kidding around a bit with that crazy people talk. Don't take offense, please. Anyway, it doesn't hurt my little feelings, much. :)

Let me be completely honest, i will never understand why most people who voted for Bush the first time voted for him a second time. All i can say is it must have been a combo of Karl Rove and the Fear Mongering that his campaign used to brainwash people. This country is not in a good place, unless you are very very wealthy. I see McCain continuing the trend if elected.

IMHO, Democrats and Republicans will NEVER see eye to eye, OR persuade the other side to change their minds. There are some very distinct differences in the values of each side. People will not budge, and why should they? I just hope to God (and i'm atheist, with a Jewish background) Sarah Palin is not our next President. I do not believe in her. Enough said.

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as one of those so-called "un-real americans" i am getting real sick of these "real-american" attitudes that would so cheapen the work and lives of military families that have been misused by this president to the point that it is almost embarassing to be associated with...waving around military service as some cheap political ploy... do you think those in the military don't know that they are being misused?

What do you believe the purpose of the military is suppossed to be? You say they are being misused and I say they are being deployed to actions required by the circimstances as they exist in this very dangerous world. They are doing the job they are intended to do, and they are doing it honorably.

I like to read a lot of books about wars and history, and if there is one common theme to the sentiments held by soldiers of all wars and all eras -- is that they always feel that they are being misused and abused. This is nothing new, who thinks that wars are supposed to be easy. And that is why I strongly feel that our soldiers are our heroes. They sacrifice themselves for the rest of us, and I would never accept any description of their service as a cheap political ploy. Just look how many continue to enlist even with this war going on for seven years.

think we are proud of that? do you honestly think your attitude makes us military families feel better when you sit there and wave your flag and pound your chest about your pride and patriotism while you don't give a shit about my spouses life or my children's lives that have been so affected by this, and for what? you explain to my young son (when he doesn't even recognize his father when he returns home) it's so worth it because we want to make sure mommy can get cheap gas for her car... it's disgusting to read your "real-american" flag-waving crap...

Hey I'm not the one who disparaged the mother of a soldier by suggesting she was evil for allowing her grown son to volunteer to serve his nation. Maybe you didn't read the whole thread?

But I will stand by my point that there are two Americas. Just don't blame me if I know which one I choose to be a part of.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. - John F. Kennedy


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Let me be completely honest, i will never understand why most people who voted for Bush the first time voted for him a second time. All i can say is it must have been a combo of Karl Rove and the Fear Mongering that his campaign used to brainwash people. This country is not in a good place, unless you are very very wealthy. I see McCain continuing the trend if elected.

I never liked George Bush the first. I was very disapointed when Ronald Reagan allowed him to be his vice presidential running mate back in 1980, I never trusted him to be a conservative. And he proved to be another tax raising East Coast elite double talker. So there should be no question why I was never very thrilled with his son G.W.Bush either. But if you ask me why I voted for him twice. My answer is that he was the only logical choice given the two very bad choices of Al Gore and then John Kerry. And of course Bush at least past the test on the abortion issue, gun rights and judicial appointments. Something that you seem to underestimate the importance of to many Americans both Republican and Democrat.

IMHO, Democrats and Republicans will NEVER see eye to eye, OR persuade the other side to change their minds. There are some very distinct differences in the values of each side. People will not budge, and why should they? I just hope to God (and i'm atheist, with a Jewish background) Sarah Palin is not our next President. I do not believe in her. Enough said.

I don't think they will get along if the Democrat party keeps moving further to the left to appease some very powerful interests in this country. If the Democrats come back to the middle, not only could they win more Presidential elections, but they would get a lot more done in congress as well. It is they who have strayed far more than the Republicans have.

And I think Sarah Palin will do just fine as a vice president, and if required President. At least her moral compass is pointing in the right direction. And this is good with me.

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freedom, liberty... :blahblah: ...the problem is somebody didn't tell george that...the guy lied to get us into iraq and now he's changed his reasons so many times he's got you fooled into believing...what is it? ...you know i don't even know what his current excuse is...fill in the blank with whatever soothes your conscience while those honorable soldiers continue to die.

yet governor palin blatently touts her sons enlistment "on sept. 11th...and is deploying on sept. 11th" (as if he had any decision on what day he would be deploying :blink: ) ... an obvious political ploy which i just can't accept.

and if you research who is enlisting (kids from towns whose factories and jobs have been shipped overseas) and look at the lowering of standards just to get their quotas and then further lowering the standards for training... you would be dismayed as well...

i knew what electrophile was referring to by suggesting she was evil for trying to profit politically from her sons enlistment...even mccain doesn't do that.


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