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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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The name given to John McCain because of his Brillant pick of Sarah Palin for his V.P. She has single handed turned the election around. Rather you like her or hate her like the :wacko: Femimist's :wacko: around here do, it was a brillant pick.

Just watch the reaction from the gaggle of liberal gals around here. They are :wacko: freaking :wacko: out.

And all obama can do is go "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,..................."

Are you old enough to vote?

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I can't believe that fool thinks I'm (or anyone else here, for that matter) threatened by some misogynistic Fundie. I mean, that's patently laughable. She doesn't scare me! I've got nothing to fear at all with her. She's got no shot to overturn Roe or Webster, and if GOD FORBID she becomes President should McCain die in office, she'll have a Democratic Congress blocking everything she attempts to do. She won't get shit done to save her hide.

And I'm not a feminist, I just firmly believe that women deserve rights that are not controlled by the government. And trust me I know......she wasn't chosen for me. Here's the funny thing: According to new poll results that are coming in, more Republicans now feel that Palin was picked solely to win in November than she was picked to help McCain lead. Also, Obama has picked up 21 points in the polls with white women, as opposed to one week ago. He's also leading with women overall, by about 15 or 16 points. Sure she energized the Republican base, but so far that's all she's energized. Obama has gained with Independents more than McCain has.

From tonight's Townhall, Palin Asked straight out: about her "perceived lack of foreign policy experience" the question was to respond to that criticism and give specific skills that she can bring to the White House to mitigate that concern. Her answer: I think thet because i'm a Washington outsider thet ta thet opponents are goin to be lookin for a whole lot of things thet they can criticize and thet they can kinda beat the candidate ta here that chose me as his partner to um to kinda tear down the ticket but as for foreign policy you know i think that i am prepared and i know that on Jan 20th if we are so blessed to be sworn into office as your President and Vice President certainly we'll be ready, i'll be ready, i have that readiness, and if you want specifics with specific policy or specific countries, go ahead and and you can ask me you can you can play stump the candidate if you want to um but we are ready to serve.

SHE NEVER ANSWERED THE QUESTION, LOL. The above was taken from Larry King Live. Just what i expected. She has NOTHING to offer.

Electrophile, nobody believes any of us "Libs/Dems" are threatened by Palin. They are just using the "intimidation" tactics that the Bush Admin. and Repubs think work (and they do on many of the less educated). I am not intimidated, i am aware and educated. I listen to the debates, the reports, the Larry King Live and AC 360 type shows, and i make up my mind based on common sense. Common sense would dictate we dump the sh*t the last eight years imposed on us and go with people who care about this country. Not just people who care (Sarah Palin) about their own agenda. McCain just wants the title of President. If he really cared, he would have chosen a sound, ready and knowledgeable running mate. I am however afraid if McCain wins, that both will continue to ruin our country in the same vein as GWB has done. There will be no difference, and i fear for my future and especially for my child's. Our country is being ruined, literally, by the Republican Administration and McNoChange, more of the same will continue the trend. Palin will set both feminists and the country back 50 years. We can't afford these two.

It was 100% obvious from day one McStupid picked her not for the good of the country (because he didn't know her much better than i did) but because it was the Karl Rove scumbag move, and he was desperate. I also think, like srplane, McCain has a boyish crush on her. Must have something to do with her "fertility"...lol.

She is nothing like the average American woman, and if anyone read the link i posted about the Alaskan Anti-Palin Rally from 2 days ago, apparently many Alaskan women don't like her either.

She will be exposed. That doesn't guarantee the stupid people will see this. Yes, our country has been dummied down, anyone who voted for Bush made that happen.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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I am in no way afraid of Sarah Palin but her ideals trouble me.

I have a daughter who needs birth control for other issues besides not get pg. If this woman gets in and makes this illegal and yes Bush has already started the process by classifying it as a form of abortion what will my daughter do?

Nor should the ungodly thing happen as she was raped and not allowed to abort why should she be punished for a crime against her? All you who say oh it's wrong if it was your child let's see how staunch you would still be on this ideal.

I also resent church and state being mixed telling student seminary or not to pray for a pipeline is to me a form of coercion. Same with book banning are we going forward or backwards in time?

If those are her beliefs fine but it's not mine and I resent having to have them crammed down my throat in the name of her ideals because she says so and we the people don't count.

Just incase someone thinks it's BS here are some links plus Google link with page upon page of this info so all you who say that's not true read up.





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I'm just giving you a realitiy check. I'm just saying that most Americans don't give a hoot what you talk about, vote on or even the names of your leaders. If you don't believe me, just take a look at the facts.

I see you didn't really answer my question, Del, surprise surprise...

You said Americans are not interested in what we talk about in our elections.

And I told you what we talk about: economy, health care, jobs etc. Not religious or moral issues.

So then I asked you if you're suggesting that Americans are not interested in jobs, health care etc. Do they only want to discuss God, and Roe v Wade?

You don't necessarily have to patronize me by giving me some sort of supposed 'reality check'. I'm well aware that most Americans have little interest or understanding in the outside world. I'm interested to see how far your protective patriotism drives America into stagnation. I'm interested to see how China will rival the USA, and the resurgence of Russia. Do you think muscle flexing will work then?

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From tonight's Townhall, Palin Asked straight out: about her "perceived lack of foreign policy experience" the question was to respond to that criticism and give specific skills that she can bring to the White House to mitigate that concern. Her answer: I think thet because i'm a Washington outsider thet ta thet opponents are goin to be lookin for a whole lot of things thet they can criticize and thet they can kinda beat the candidate ta here that chose me as his partner to um to kinda tear down the ticket but as for foreign policy you know i think that i am prepared and i know that on Jan 20th if we are so blessed to be sworn into office as your President and Vice President certainly we'll be ready, i'll be ready, i have that readiness, and if you want specifics with specific policy or specific countries, go ahead and and you can ask me you can you can play stump the candidate if you want to um but we are ready to serve.

SHE NEVER ANSWERED THE QUESTION, LOL. The above was taken from Larry King Live. Just what i expected. She has NOTHING to offer.

There was a rumor that the questions for the Town Hall were preticketed (read it on Fox News, take it for what it's worth), so if that rumor is true and she STILL couldn't answer the question....a question she knew in advance.....if this were happening to Biden, I'd be cringing right now.

Electrophile, nobody believes any of us "Libs/Dems" are threatened by Palin. They are just using the "intimidation" tactics that the Bush Admin. and Repubs think work (and they do on many of the less educated). I am not intimidated, i am aware and educated. I listen to the debates, the reports, the Larry King Live and AC 300 type shows, and i make up my mind based on common sense. Common sense would dictate we dump the sh*t the last eight years imposed on us and go with people who care about this country. Not just people who care (Sarah Palin) about their own agenda. McCain just wants the title of President. If he really cared, he would have chosen a sound, ready and knowledgeable running mate. I am however afraid if McCain wins, that both will continue to ruin our country in the same vein as GWB has done. There will be no difference, and i fear for my future and especially for my child's. Our country is being ruined, literally, by the Republican Administration and McNoChange, more of the same will continue the trend. Palin will set both feminists and the country back 50 years. We afford these two.

If McCain/Palin win, the US deserves every last ounce of shit they reap from that selection. I mean that. If that many people really believe that nothing is wrong and that everything is hunky dory, they deserve the hell that will be coming. Like George Carlin said, "garbage in, garbage out". We get what we deserve. I don't hate America, but boy oh boy do I hate the 28%'ers.

It was 100% obvious from day one McStupid picked her not for the good of the country (because he didn't know her much better than i did) but because it was the Karl Rove scumbag move, and he was desperate. I also think, like srplane, McCain has a boyish crush on her. Must have something to do with her "fertility"...lol.

I've said it before; Olympia Snowe and Kay Bailey Hutchinson would have been much better choices for a few reasons. One, they'd energize the base. Two, they would have pulled in more women and Independents. Three, they are more socially liberal, yet fiscally conservative. TRUE fiscal conservatives, not this shit you see passing for it nowadays. Four, they would have shown McCain to be serious about "change" and intent on not thinking with the pack. Five, he would have started to trend the core of the Republican Party away from the far right-wing Fundies, which is what needs to happen if the REAL Republican Party is ever going to make a comeback. This isn't the party of Lincoln and TR. As long as the Fundies still have a stranglehold, you're going to see more and more Republicans leaving the party. Hell, this isn't even the party of Barry Goldwater who was quite progressive and ahead of his time.

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Gosh, she is learning well from obama. Can you say "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, .......". Then the little "bull dog" Biden shows obama where the telepromter is to save another gaff from happening.

But as usual, Biden makes his own gaffs. Did he ask anyone in a wheel chair to stand up today?

If she was "smart" at least, she would answer the question. It's not that hard to understand the concept of a Townhall Meeting. You are asked about your qualifications and plans for the country, and you answer the questions. Evasive anwers = I am stupid and don't have an answer, = Sarah Palin... Joe Biden answers the questions he is asked and with knowledge. Sarah Palin stumbles and makes small talk...just what we need. A female Bush.

Joe Biden will tear her up when they debate...and he will do it with courtesy. She will feel like a defendant on the witness stand...and ta, thet and um will be here most used words, lol. I am looking forward to this debate. Sarah better take some Atenolol before this debate.

so srplane, how are doing tending to that boy crush on Mrs. Palin? Sorry again she didn't want you for her hunting mate...

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~*Tangerine*~ The desperation that you show about your hero's :notworthy: obama :notworthy: and :notworthy: Biden :notworthy: being derailed by intelligent worthy opponents is :hysterical:.

What has happened is that Americans have known all along that Biden is "Old School Washington" politics and the major media can only cover for obama for so long. Ayres, Rezko, Wright and others are catching up with him.

You sit and laugh at other while you have no valid point or reference..... talk is cheap back it up.

Maybe you should look in your own house before you start throwing stones to at others who come with source after source or is it just easier to spin stuff that sounds good?

I know I am wasting my time talking to you cause spin is easy, intelligence takes work.

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Re: Biden's gaffes......he puts his foot in his mouth sometimes. We all do. Raise your hand if you've never said something stupid at any time in your life? No one? Got it. The difference between Biden and Palin is that when Palin does it, it shows off her inexperience and lack of actual knowledge of the subject. Biden is neither inexperienced nor lacking knowledge of a subject. I could care less about Biden's slips. I really could. Unless he calls Obama the n-word or Palin a "c*nt", I really don't care. And we all know neither of those things will ever happen.

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Thank you ~*Electrophile*~ for analizing the Republican party. It is a shame that you were not able to give a speech at the covention. :lol: Maybe you can go over to :notworthy: obama :notworthy: and give him some tips.

Electrophile, in her mid 20's and not "qualified" by the standards we are expecting, would make Sarah look like the moron she is...lol. I wish Electrophile and other "average, liberal women" could question Palin. Oh wait, they tried that at the Townhall Meeting last night, it didn't work. She had no answers... :)

srplane, you have been asked now by me and Babs, how old are you anyway? If you tell me you are still in Junior High, i may be able to understand you a little better.

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You sit and laugh at other while you have no valid point or reference..... talk is cheap back it up.

Maybe you should look in your own house before you start throwing stones to at others who come with source after source or is it just easier to spin stuff that sounds good?

I know I am wasting my time talking to you cause spin is easy, intelligence takes work.

Even Del, whom I dislike with a passion and never agree with about anything, at least backs up what he says. At the very least. That much I can respect, if nothing else. This guy posts nothing of substance. It's actually an affront to people of his own party who take the time to post something they took the time to think about first. And I'm being serious about that.

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Electrophile, in her mid 20's and not "qualified" by the standards we are expecting, would make Sarah look like the moron she is...lol. I wish Electrophile and other "average, liberal women" could question Palin. Oh wait, they tried that at the Townhall Meeting last night, it didn't work. She had no answers... :)

I would like to question all the candidates, Democrat AND Republican. I think the opportunity to sit down and ask each of them one question would be something I'd relish and look forward to. I'm no professional pundit nor do I claim to be, but I think for someone of my age group, I'm more knowledgeable than people would think. Thanks in part to my parents, I'm able to at least hold my own in discussions with them and their friends and not look like.....well.....Sarah Palin.

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Re: Biden's gaffes......he puts his foot in his mouth sometimes. We all do. Raise your hand if you've never said something stupid at any time in your life? No one? Got it. The difference between Biden and Palin is that when Palin does it, it shows off her inexperience and lack of actual knowledge of the subject. Biden is neither inexperienced nor lacking knowledge of a subject. I could care less about Biden's slips. I really could. Unless he calls Obama the n-word or Palin a "c*nt", I really don't care. And we all know neither of those things will ever happen.

Biden has a great reputation, and just as you said, he is human. Joe Biden is one of the most intelligent men in the public eye. He can answer any question that might be asked because he is smart and he is experienced. He is a great communicator and he knows how to be humble. He is the MOST QUALIFIED on Foreign Policy and certainly could win against Palin in a contest of "Stump the Candidate"... I love that line, thanks Palin. You don't get answers from McCain or Palin, you just get bashing of the Democratic opponents. In fairness to McCain, he may have married a c*nt, since he is such a d*ck.

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Face it. You all hate me because I am conservative. There are about four around here. It is so much fun to see you libs freaking out now that McBrillant / Palin have a chance. When I bring up Wright, Rezko, Ayres etc., why take the time to write pages like Hermit, Trouble free transmission, Earth Mi Mi, and now One Drop does? It has all been covered over the past two hundred pages. Now it is tit for tat. You all trash Sarah but can't take the heat when somebody gives it back.

McBrillant / Palin.......08............The libs are worried

Accept It

WELL DESERVED OBSERVATIONS about her. She is no good for Alaska or America...plain (Palin), and simple. It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to see this, but then same goes for electing Bushwacker TWICE. Enough said about stupid people. at least for tonight

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Our country wouldn't be in so much trouble if Clinton could have run a third term. Being a Bush lover won't gain you any IQ points or respect, lol.

Let's see here.....say Clinton wasn't elected twice. Bush 41 got reelected in '92 and Clinton ran again in '96 and Dole won. So that means this is the following set-up:








Goodnight, America. It's been great. After 232 years, we're closing up shop. One last drink on the house. Last one out, get the lights.

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Let's see here.....say Clinton wasn't elected twice. Bush 41 got reelected in '92 and Clinton ran again in '96 and Dole won. So that means this is the following set-up:








Goodnight, America. It's been great. After 232 years, we're closing up shop. One last drink on the house. Last one out, get the lights.


One more term of Bush might just wind us up in the same situation. McCain will be 4 more years, god help us!

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Do you think that I care if any of you leftist libs around here like or respect me? Bubba Clinton, what a joke. Had his pants down while terroists took strong holds all over the globe. President Bush has had to clean up for all of bubba's mistakes. Look bubba's mouth is moving...............he is telling another lie.

I don't think you care and i don't care what you think.

Your idol (hilarious, or just plain sad?)



Monkey on His Back: George Bush Approval Rating Lowest in Modern History

A major obstacle Republican Presidential candidate John McCain must try to overcome

George Bush is the most unpopular US President in modern history according to a poll released by CNN.

71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president and these numbers are mirrored by an AOL poll asking the same, whereby 74 percent said he has done a "poor" job as President. 74 percent also said he was deserving of the achievement.

11 percent said survey by America Online says he has done a good job, 9 percent a fair job and 6 percent said that President George W. Bush has been an excellent President.

"No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup Poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president's disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark," said Keating Holland, CNN's polling director.

Still, today's generation tends to forget the Richard Nixon era and Harry Truman did not fare very well either.

"Bush's approval rating, which stands at 28 percent in our new poll, remains better than the all-time lows set by Harry Truman and Richard Nixon [22 percent and 24 percent, respectively], but even those two presidents never got a disapproval rating in the 70s," Holland said. "The previous all-time record in CNN or Gallup polling was set by Truman, 67 percent disapproval in January 1952."

By default, this is an obstacle that Senator John McCain will have to overcome since many voters tend to perceive another Republican in office as perhaps an "extension of the Bush administration".

A NBC/WSJ poll reveals that 43% say McCain being too closely aligned to Bush and his policies is a major concern. That’s compared with 36% who say that about Clinton’s apparent flip-flops; 34% who say that about Obama’s bitter-guns-religion remark; 32% who say that about Wright and Bill Ayers; 31% who say that about Clinton’s honesty and trustworthiness; 27% who say that about Bill Clinton having too much influence on policy decisions; 17% who say that about Obama not being patriotic enough; and 16% who believe McCain might be too old.


Carrie Stroup, Gambling911.com

Originally published May 2, 2008 2:22 pm EST


and to put it in perspective for you, srplane:



Historical Presidential Approval Ratings

End of Term

Also, see current approval rating data as well as July 2004 comprehensive analysis

End-of-presidency job approval ratings are used by some pundits to forecast the odds of a President's being re-elected or getting a voter-initiated pink slip.

A USA Today/Gallup poll (adults, ME3%), taken 9-10 October 2004, showed that 47 percent of American voters approved "of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president" and 49 percent disapproved.

Compare that with the following chart. His father's approval rating was 56 percent at end-of-term, yet he was a one-term president.

End-of-Presidency Job Approval Ratings

President Rating (%) Election Results

Bill Clinton

(2 terms, D, 2001) 65 VP Gore (D) wins popular vote but Bush ® wins electoral college vote

Ronald Reagan

(2 terms, R, 1989) 64 VP Bush ® defeats Dukakis (D)

John F. Kennedy

(partial term, D, 1963) 63 (VP) Johnson (D) defeats Goldwater ®

Dwight Eisenhower

(2 terms, R, 1961) 59 Kennedy (D) defeats Nixon ®

George Bush

(1 term, R, 1993) 56 Clinton (D) defeats Bush ®

Gerald Ford

(partial term, R, 1977) 53 Carter (D) defeats Ford ®

Lyndon Johnson

(1+ terms, D, 1969) 49 Nixon ® defeats Humphrey (Johnson did not run) (D)

Jimmy Carter

(1 term, D, 1981) 34 Reagan ® defeats Carter (D)

Richard Nixon

(partial term, R, 1974) 24 Carter (D) defeats (VP) Ford ®


ABC Historical Data

USA Today/Gallup Poll

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Do you think that I care if any of you leftist libs around here like or respect me? Bubba Clinton, what a joke. Had his pants down while terroists took strong holds all over the globe. President Bush has had to clean up for all of bubba's mistakes. Look bubba's mouth is moving...............he is telling another lie.

if i'm not mistaken...aren't the guys who bombed the world trade center when he was president in jail???... <_<

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I know I should stay out of this thread but I just saw this.

So much for Sarah Palin taking care of her own state and all the children born cause people just couldn't say "NO" to sex.

Pretty sad that if anything this effects the middle class and low income families and their children.

With prices like this any oil subsides paid out are fast spent on the basics.


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The name given to John McCain because of his Brillant pick of Sarah Palin for his V.P. She has single handed turned the election around. Rather you like her or hate her like the :wacko: Femimist's :wacko: around here do, it was a brillant pick.

Just watch the reaction from the gaggle of liberal gals around here. They are :wacko: freaking :wacko: out.

And all obama can do is go "uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,..................."

I agree it was a brilliant pick, because a large chunk of Republicans... are not so brilliant. So they easily ate up the pretty lady from Alaska who likes to refer to God alot and go Hunting. They think, omg... she loves Jesus and she likes to shoot animals too, she's perfect for 2nd in command. :P

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Face it. You all hate me because I am conservative. And, I do not care if a bunch of leftist libs do. It is so much fun to see you libs freaking out now that McBrillant / Palin have a chance. When I bring up Wright, Rezko, Ayres etc., why take the time to write pages like Hermit, Trouble free transmission, Earth Mi Mi, and now One Drop does? It has all been covered over the past two hundred pages. Now it is tit for tat. You all trash Sarah but can't take the heat when somebody gives it back.

McBrillant / Palin.......08............The libs are worried

Accept It

I will give you that, we are worried that someone like Sarah Palin has a direct seat to be the next President of the United States, that should worry Americans. But that's Republican leadership for you! 8 more years of Bush/McCain policy??? Thanks but no thanks!

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