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Texas Poligamy Bust


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That is an idiotic statement. He's entitled to have an opinion as are you, but that is not on at all

Why? He has the EXACT SAME beliefs and spouts off the EXACT SAME shit, only instead of black people, it's Muslims. The KKK are welcome to their opinion, too.

I still think DRUNK would do well in that society.

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Nathan, remember the door. Talk to the door.

I would, but I'm not home right now. Instead, I think I'm gonna go log on to the Ron Paul forum, go into the chat, and talk with them. Rarely, Ron Paul himself will log in. I did catch him once and talking to him, albeit on a chat server, was pretty cool. Maybe he'll be there again. If not, at least Ron Paul followers are intelligent, and NONE are bigotted, not even against Muslims.

Edited by Nathan
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Thank god Ron Paul didn't get any support outside the internet. He's a goofball and nearing dementia quickly (if he isn't already there). LOL. He's one big contradiction...

Sorry you feel that way. I happen to think that, generally, he's the only man who can really save this country.

Edit: i just checked your profile. See DRUNK's last post about being a Jew in a Muslim world...i don't think we want that here.

Do I live in the Middle East? No. I live in America. And here in this wonderful place called America, every Muslim I know lives quite peacefully alongside Jews. I have Muslim friends who come with me to synagogue quite often because they love the service, and, to return the favor, I have gone to their services, even though they never actually asked me to do so and once told I didn't have to... they went to synagogue because they felt the prayers were beautiful. Their Muslim parents feel the same way. They also went to my Bar Mitzvah.

The vast majority of the Muslims I know (and I know a lot) feel much the same way. And I'm sorry if DRUNK can't get past his brainwashed, bigotted ideals that all Muslims believe the same as the fanatical few. It's a good thing he hasn't seen fanatical Jews, or he'd be antisemetic.

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Why? He has the EXACT SAME beliefs and spouts off the EXACT SAME shit, only instead of black people, it's Muslims. The KKK are welcome to their opinion, too.

I still think DRUNK would do well in that society.

My god are you brainwashed. So typical, so expected, this is another gold standard line of thinking: "just join the KKK. You are just like them! blah".

It's hilarious.

So your solution is that anyone that has an opposing view on subjects such as we've talked about, is a racist, a bigot, and should join a group that promotes that, or is already a member of a group like that.......

That is pretty weak.

Another example of how you are brainwashed by the politically correct western world.

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As long as the U.S. starts to control immigration, we may never turn into a place similar to the Middle East. Let's hope. As for fanatical Jews, i say they are justified after so long being persecuted. It's self defense.

My daughter goes to nursery school at a synagogue and there are a few Muslims there. We went to a birthday party of a boy in her class last summer who is Muslim. The family were very nice, but that doesn't make me feel "comfortable" if they become a majority in this country one day.

My choice for the man who could have made a difference and turned around alot of the bullshit being left behind when the door hits this admin in the ass is Senator Joseph Biden. Ron Paul is a loon, just face it.

There's a reality about immigration that we all have to look at. Would it not be better to assist in real change in the middle east and elsewhere then to have us change to meet some middle ground that we don't want. I'm a practical everyday guy and I have friends from all different countries. They're religion never mattered to me. I respect them and they respect me. I don't need government to dictate terms and conditions of that friendship or any future friendships that may come

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Well, I think the jury is still out on the middle east question however, I don't think we should be forced to accept anything but the law in a free society and even that, can be challenged in the courts themselves. I like my freedom and would love to share it with others, I welcome different cultures and religions. I just don't need it stuffed down my throat. Just because I'm a caucasian male, it is not a given that I need to be re programed. And , I won't be

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Ally do you live in Canada as your profile states? If so, you may be aware of what it's been like here the past 8 years, but i don't think you can feel the impact. I know a few Canadians and things there can be much different and nicer. Here is a good example. About 4 years ago i worked with 2 travel nurses from Canada. They said when an employed nurse gets pregnant, either the woman or the husband is entitled to a year off of work, paid, once the baby arrives. I was impressed. What a great concept, help new parents raise their child at the most important time of the child's life. I'm not saying Canada is better than the U.S., i can't compare having never visited let alone lived there. I just found that to be a wonderful benefit, not only for the parents, but for a better start in the life of a child. Here, you get a lousy 6 weeks off and that goes under short term disability.

Many people in the U.S. are in deep financial trouble due to the last eight years. It must really anger people who see what benefits are given to immigrants when citizens are struggling so hard.

Yes this is true and I think it is a tremendous benefit and I think it is something that should be offered to everyone. I think we're on the same page HK, maybe I haven't articulated myself properly.

I don't follow any political docturate. I have found in my lifetime that I agree with common sense and have an intolerance for fools. We face the same problems as the States and I don't like the direction Canada is going in. Those benefits do have to be paid for and I accept the fact that with our population, taxation may be the only route at the moment to cover the costs of this. But there are other things happening here that aren't as visible. People coming to this country with an attitude that it is OK to just Take, Take Take, when people who have been citizans and contributing, have to hire lawyers to get what they may be intitled to. Clearly Canada needs to have immigration, I just can't accept that for all the people that have lived in Canada for the last 141 yrs, that us citizans have had it all wrong and that we owe something to newbies.....Kinda remind ya of this site :D

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Would be nice, and might have happened in the last eight years IF we had a different administration running our country. Now with all the regression, who knows if things will ever get better. I still want immigration under control.

It's not immigration that I'm opposed to It's ILLEGAL immigration that needs to be enforced.

Don't forget to pay your taxes......

38 million illegal immigrants are depending on you!


Muchas gracias !

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If i can make one point to sum up right now, because i'm getting ready for bed: i agree, our country, and yours, too, should take care of their citizens first. When we have no more homeless, hungry, uneducated, crime ridden neighborhoods, etc, etc.... in our country, then take care of the immigrants that are allowed to stay here. Have a nice night, ally.

You too HK. Excellent post

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America and anywhere else that is "dependent" upon illegal immigrants, can find better solutions.

In Japan, where the population is aging and decreasing, robots will be doing an increasing share of the work. They aren't worried and are adapting to the situation with technology.

I am sure if America or other places gave extremely big incentives for citizens to have children, then the population would grow and support everything.

Instead, we want to hire cheap, illegal labor. We don't want to pay them much, but we end up paying them way more in the end, while destroying our country.

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It's not immigration that I'm opposed to It's ILLEGAL immigration that needs to be enforced.

An email that floats around

America will be voting for John McCain, Clinton, maybe Obama, which of these men and women stand tough on the illegals living and working in this country?

Here are some real facts about the costs of those living in our country, if you will be paying taxes this April, here is where your money is going America.

WHAT COSTS MORE PER YEAR THAN THE IRAQ WAR? I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I have included the URL's for verification of the following facts:

1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year. http://...com/zob77

2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens. http://www.cis..org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html

3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. http://www.cis..org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html

4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English! http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.0.html

5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare and Social Services by the American taxpayers. http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.html

9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html

10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two-and-a-half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html

11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Homeland Security Report. http://...com/t9sht

12. The National Policy Institute, "estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period." http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf

13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin. http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm

14. "The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States". http://www.drdsk.com/articleshtml

Total cost is a whooping... $338.3 BILLION A YEAR!!!

To, send your check to the IRS, your elected officals are happy to spend your hard earned money.

Edited by Pb Derigable
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That's all true. Thanks for those numbers.

In my home town, the crime rate was literally nonexistent. One year, all these illegals started coming there to work. The first year was ok, the second year not so bad, and then all of a siudden they were everywhere.

Guess what happened? The town's first murders ever. The town's first RAPES ever. Along with drug dealing and assorted other crimes.

The women and young girls in the town are afraid to walk around because they get heckled by mobs of illegals. I mean, these guys are in their 30's or older maybe, and they are trying to have sex with 12 year old's, maybe younger.

It is horrible.

And now, they can't do anything because they are already in the town and the businesses their have become dependent on them. They came there, and now you see strollers everywhere. They have reproduced like rabbits.

Now, the property value has fallen. People are actually feeling unsafe in their homes, and they are leaving.

The school system, which was one of the best in the nation, is now full of illegals who can't speak English. They don't have the room to accommodate them. There is barely enough room and resources to accommodate the legal tax paying residents! A complete drain on the school system.

This is what happens when illegals invade your area. Is it worth the cost of paying below minimum wage?

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I'm getting the distinct feeling there are people in this thread who will only be "comfortable" if the majority of Americans and/or people living in this country are upper-middle class WASPs.

Why not tear down the fucking Statue of Liberty and replace it with a velvet rope replete with a ticket-taker? I mean, let's go all the way with this is if that's what you really want. We'll re-institute the quotas that used to be in place, and we'll force everyone that comes here to speak English (and only English....you can't have any semblance of your culture anymore), be Christian and change their kids' names to Buffy, Muffy and Joanne. Oh wouldn't that be fun!!!!!!

Do any of you jackasses actually READ the shit you say anymore or do you just puke on the keyboard and press "add reply"? I think all the xenophobes, homophobes, bigots and racists come to roost here and God only knows why. So much hatred.....too fucking much. A poster here PMd me to thank me for defending her on this board, because apparently it's not a day on the LZ message board without the bigot parade marching through.

Like I said, you wonder why the quality of the board is decreasing and then you read shit like this and you don't wonder anymore. This site needs a stronger can of Raid.

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I'm getting the distinct feeling there are people in this thread who will only be "comfortable" if the majority of Americans and/or people living in this country are upper-middle class WASPs.

Why not tear down the fucking Statue of Liberty and replace it with a velvet rope replete with a ticket-taker? I mean, let's go all the way with this is if that's what you really want. We'll re-institute the quotas that used to be in place, and we'll force everyone that comes here to speak English (and only English....you can't have any semblance of your culture anymore), be Christian and change their kids' names to Buffy, Muffy and Joanne. Oh wouldn't that be fun!!!!!!

I am not a WASP, but from what I've seen, the upper middle class WASP's don't seem to cause too many problems as far as I can see, at least compared to immigrants.

Everyone here should speak English. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080419/ap_on_...c02crZGaGCs0NUE

Read that link. That an example of how horrible this all is. Poor doctors can't even communicate to their patients. If that isn't dysfunctional, I don't know what is.

electrophile, you are just another brainwashed politically correct lemming. Keep on typing your rehearsed, PC chosen propaganda. You claim to be so openminded, yet are actually completely close minded because you refuse to hear what other people are actually saying. Just because they say something different than you have become brainwashed to believe, doesn't mean you need to immediately bash them.

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Why not tear down the fucking Statue of Liberty and replace it with a velvet rope replete with a ticket-taker? I mean, let's go all the way with this is if that's what you really want. We'll re-institute the quotas that used to be in place, and we'll force everyone that comes here to speak English (and only English....you can't have any semblance of your culture anymore), be Christian and change their kids' names to Buffy, Muffy and Joanne. Oh wouldn't that be fun!!!!!!

I agree.

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I think we all got into this because of what we see as blatant manipulation of young women....actually . kids. Somewhere along the line we all lost the plot. I think it would be safe to say that none of us agree that it's OK to manipulate and imprison anyone. A terrible crime no matter which way you look at it

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I think we all got into this because of what we see as blatant manipulation of young women....actually . kids. Somewhere along the line we all lost the plot. I think it would be safe to say that none of us agree that it's OK to manipulate and imprison anyone. A terrible crime no matter which way you look at it

I'm not sure where i come down on this.

What they are doing with little girls is wrong.

But women in other cultures and in early times in America were married off young. The problem i think they run into is the 50 year old man who gets to be with these 13 year old.

I believe they are completely self reliant, they use no outside resource or money. So if they want many wives and married the girls off at 13, as long as the boy is not much older than 17. They keep accurate birth records . I don't have a problem with them. But the problem that prevent them from doing that is in breeding, which is why the 50year olds are used. I understand why they went in and i don't have a problem with them punishing the rapist and finding out who the children are.

But they received a call that they had to respond to. They had to take all their children because they know that would be the only way to find her. If they did nothing, we would be eating them alive if it turned out to be true.

Again, i don't think the Govt. should be involved with people who are self reliant like they are, but they are breaking laws and it's not like they are just barely breaking the law. AS soon as they ask for govt assistance, i think the govt. has every right to go in.

A kid only right is to grow up and be safe. If parents belive that this is want they want with thier child, so be it. as long as they are completly safe. Not every kid has to have a XBOX 360 and a car and a cell phone. but want they are doing does cross some basic human rights.

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I'm not sure where i come down on this.

What they are doing with little girls is wrong.

But women in other cultures and in early times in America were married off young. The problem i think they run into is the 50 year old man who gets to be with these 13 year old.

I believe they are completely self reliant, they use no outside resource or money. So if they want many wives and married the girls off at 13, as long as the boy is not much older than 17. They keep accurate birth records . I don't have a problem with them. But the problem that prevent them from doing that is in breeding, which is why the 50year olds are used. I understand why they went in and i don't have a problem with them punishing the rapist and finding out who the children are.

But they received a call that they had to respond to. They had to take all their children because they know that would be the only way to find her. If they did nothing, we would be eating them alive if it turned out to be true.

Again, i don't think the Govt. should be involved with people who are self reliant like they are, but they are breaking laws and it's not like they are just barely breaking the law. AS soon as they ask for govt assistance, i think the govt. has every right to go in.

A kid only right is to grow up and be safe. If parents belive that this is want they want with thier child, so be it. as long as they are completly safe. Not every kid has to have a XBOX 360 and a car and a cell phone. but want they are doing does cross some basic human rights.

Yeah, but my disagreement with government intervention in peoples lives does not include what I'm seeing here and I would say any normal human being would agree. I will however, wait untill some official info comes to light, before I make a firm decision on this matter. I guess it just show's how fed up most of us are with total injustice.

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Yeah, but my disagreement with government intervention in peoples lives does not include what I'm seeing here and I would say any normal human being would agree. I will however, wait untill some official info comes to light, before I make a firm decision on this matter. I guess it just show's how fed up most of us are with total injustice.

What is your postion. I rather not try to figure it out from your prev post.

Do you think it was wrong to go in?

Or do you think it was right for them to try to stop this nonsense?

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