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The Rover

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These are my Favorite Triumph The Insult Dog Bits:

at the Michael Jackson Trial:


at the 2004 Presidental Debate Spin Party:


at the Bon Jovi Meadowlands Stadium Concert:


at The Star Wars Premiere:

part1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=E3EYintUu-o

part 2 http://youtube.com/watch?v=U85cAKt7x48

Robert Smigel did an interview on Fresh Air a few years back and half of the interview was in character as Triumph. Here's the Link: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=3875234

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He is fricking hilarious! One of my favorites. I remember the first time he did the Westminster Dog Show, god I lost it!

YES !... I admit, I had forgot about the Dog Show !!

"You know you want it..."

The Enlargements..... "It was worth every penny!!" :thumbsup:

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The best was the Star Wars thing. He made fun of literally everyone there and they all either laughed it oof narvously or tried to say something back, which he reversed back anyways!

I remember the kid too. "What parent forced you to come here?" :lol:

YES, and "Which Button do you press to call your Mother ? ? ?" :D

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