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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I don't know how to add MAC addresses to routers. I just know how to get to them. LOL
  2. Not everything is black and white. Governing sometimes takes shades of gray.
  3. How to find your MAC address
  4. Don't Let Me Be Understood - The Animals
  5. George Bush said the Constitution was just a "goddamned piece of paper". I have about 20 books on Abraham Lincoln and I don't recall him saying anything similar to that. I'm not saying what Lincoln did was right. I'm saying it was understandable. Can't say the same about Bush, at least not in my mind.
  6. The only case I could understand someone making about Lincoln and the Constitution is when he suspended habeas corpus. However, in light of the situation that he was in, I can understand why he did it, even though I would not support a current President doing the same thing.
  7. Lefties are less religious than righties? What scholarly journal did that fun fact appear in? Most self-described "lefties" that I know are either Catholic or Episcopalian (Catholic-lite) and very religious. Not like hardcore Fundie religious, but they go more than twice a year. I'm just curious how you arrived at the conclusion that his post was a joke when he's never made any attempt to couch his opinions as such......ever. I think he's dead serious about that and frankly, that's kinda scary, no?
  8. Let's see, bought some clothes at Macy's and Old Navy, got a Gloria Jean's Cookies n' Cream and FINALLY cleaned all the old shit I can't wear anymore out of my closet to make room for my new clothes. Woo-hoo.
  9. C-Span should be running a continuous loop of everything happening Tuesday, so even if you miss something there will be ample opportunity to catch it.
  10. I use AVG for anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware/site scanning and ZoneAlarm for firewall. Haven't had one problem. The thing I like about AVG is that say you search for "pizza" on Google. All the sites that come up will have either a star with a checkmark in it if it's safe to visit or a red X if you should stay away. When you put your cursor over the checkmark (or X) it'll tell you whether there's any active threats on that site. Also, say you get an email from ebay or PayPal asking you to log in and verify your account information because of inactivity or something like that. If it's a hoax, when you click the link in the email, a red screen will come up telling you the site is a fake and that you should immediately go back. It won't let you even attempt to access it. Sometimes those emails can be very tricky in terms of determining whether it's real or fake, and what this program does is take the guesswork out of it.
  11. I'm very excited. I have to work that afternoon, but fortunately I'll be able to see the swearing-in and Inaugural address.
  12. That random spiel had a point? What, does he think liberals are godless atheists and detest any and all things religious? Because otherwise, I can't see any reason for him to say that "liberals" would have a problem with Obama swearing the oath of office on a Bible. While I'm not religious myself, I don't care what Obama uses to take the oath of office. He could swear on a stack of Playboys for all I care, what matters is whether he actually follows what he's saying. And that has nothing to do with the choice of religious/nonreligious text his wife will be holding.
  13. Most banks' sites, like Wachovia, Bank of America, SunTrust, etc., are encrypted (you should see a little padlock in the address bar). If the site isn't encrypted, don't access it on a public computer. Also, clear the cache when you're about to log off. It clears out cookies, any stored passwords you might have inadvertently clicked. Also, clear your browser history so anyone coming on after you won't know the sites you accessed, especially if any of them had to do with you bank accounts/credit cards. Don't give them the idea to start snooping around and they probably won't. Another thing, make sure the computer is on a firewall and has anti-virus software. Any viruses/trojan horses/worms on that computer could be transferred to your computer through any emails you might send yourself or any documents you save to then upload at home at a later date. Most viruses found on public systems are pretty generic because they have to infect basic systems, but they could do a lot of damage to your set-up if you're not careful. Also, invest in a privacy screen. They're plastic sheets you lay over the screen so that people on either side of you can't see what you're typing. From the side, the screen looks black. I have one on my laptop so when I'm out in public, even if I'm only typing a response to something here, people can't tell what I'm writing. This is another way to protect any sensitive information of yours, such as email addresses, first/last names or even what sites you belong to. I would say about 90% of internet safety is common sense. The other 10% is just applied mechanics.
  14. This is the dumbest piece of fecal spew you've given us yet. 1) Why would anyone "lynch" him (nice backdoor racist terminology, BTW) for putting his hand on the Bible and 2) Why should anyone give a rat's ass? And it's not just any Bible, it's the Lincoln Bible. That's historical. It has meaning. As an Illinoisan, I'm proud that both these men represent my state, I can only hope that the latter has the legacy of the former, minus the tragic end.
  15. Milt Patterson voted no. Unless Milt Patterson is his sister-in-law, you'd be quite wrong.
  16. Electrophile


    Caffeine-free Diet Pepsi with dinner.
  17. Jesus spats, quit whining. You're bringing an already depressing thread even further down.
  18. I'm sure he is hurt. But when the other party in the former relationship all but makes it clear to you that s/he is moving on and that you are no longer wanted in their lives, the smart and sensible thing to do would be to accept it. It may not be easy, but that's what grown-ups do. They don't keep trying to re-insert themselves in the other person's life because they think if they do it enough it'll work. At his age (I'm assuming he's a young guy), he doesn't need this crap. It'd be different if it were an ex-wife with whom you had kids, but that's not what's going on here. Yeah I've had my heart broken but I got over it. I realized I had my friends, my health, a job, my family, money in the bank....I didn't need him or his bullshit. So I probably moped around for one day and then decided to get on with my life. I'm glad I did because dwelling on negative things makes you feel worse, it keeps you from learning anything. It doesn't do anything for you aside from drag you and everyone around you down. Furthermore, people are better served if they hear the truth without it being sugarcoated. He's not a child, you don't need to "there, there" him like he's standing on a frickin' ledge. He broke up with his girlfriend, not found out he has terminal cancer. I know that whatever pain or hurt he is in will subside if he just moves on with his life and finds other, more positive things to fill his time. If the girl doesn't want him in her life, she doesn't want him. How can you feel better about yourself when you keep getting shot down over and over again by the same person?
  19. I had a lemon pepper baked chicken with fried potatoes and cream of mushroom gravy for dinner. Very yummy.
  20. So then accept that she doesn't want you in her life anymore and don't be a nuisance. She has the right to a life without you in it if that's what makes her happy. You shouldn't "press on" like you think it'll get you anywhere. It won't. Face reality before you get yourself in trouble.
  21. Jesus, could you sound more bitter? It's a hockey game for God's sake. Miller played very well, the pressure our forwards put on him just finally got him to crack when we needed it to the most. It happens. The Wings put 48 shots on Miller. The Sabres put barely half that on Conks. You can't score more than 1 goal when you don't get off many shots.
  22. Actually I have a life, so I don't sit around on the internet waiting for your next witticism. Whatever happens, happens. I made no predictions as to the outcome of the game because no one is that stupid.
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