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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Thank you! I've had a great night and I'm sure to have an even better Wednesday. Off to save newspapers and magazines now. BTW, Indiana went Democratic. First time since 1964. He is thisclose to taking North Carolina. God DAMN this feels good.
  2. McCain is conceding with class and dignity. Where was this man the last 2 months? Seriously. This McCain would have won, despite the economy.
  3. That Fundie whackjob can fuck off back to Iglooville now.
  4. I'm bawling right. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW, FUCKERS.
  5. You put two and two together? Okay, my cat just took a major dump. Then you posted this. So......I put two and two together and came up with you = cat shit.
  6. Jesus Christ, stop this pissing contest already.
  7. It's not official yet, but a part of me is happy to be alive to witness this history.
  8. Barack Obama's grandmother passed away today. How awful. My condolences to him and his family......what a shitty time for a death.
  9. Obama is not disarming anyone. Stop with these inane conspiracy theories already, you sound like nutters.
  10. Kernersville, North Carolina.
  11. Yes, he is. Now go adjust your tinfoil hat, it's falling off.
  12. I think the accident more lies in the fact that while the sex was intentional, the pregnancy wasn't. My sister was an accident. My mother wasn't intending on having more than 1 child, but that didn't last long. So I ended up with a baby sister and my mom was back to bottle feedings at 2 am and mountains of dirty diapers. She wouldn't take it back for anything in the world, but even when you're trying NOT to get pregnant, you still can anyway.
  13. Some odd infomercial program on WOR.
  14. Oh Lord no, you haven't done anything. A lot of the older members (I joined back in '04) just don't post here as much any more for a variety of reasons. I do admit this place isn't what it was before Sam moved it over here, but I bet we could make it that good again.
  15. Which is a shame. They're being overrun.
  16. Posting this in both threads: "John McCain, not Hussein" chant at Palin rally They obviously were stupid to realize that Hussein is merely his middle name, and therefore....not what he's addressed as. But hey, when your enemy is making a fool of themselves, don't interrupt.
  17. Posting this in both threads: "John McCain, not Hussein" chant at Palin rally They obviously were too stupid to realize that Hussein is merely his middle name, and therefore....not what he's addressed as. But hey, when your enemy is making a fool of themselves, don't interrupt.
  18. Electrophile


    Of course! I voted early last week. Had to stand in line for about 2 1/2 hours, but it was worth it.
  19. Long story short, I was riding my bicycle and the front wheel hit a cut-out planter in the sidewalk and pitched me over the handlebars, smashing the bone right below the kneecap. The kneecap as a result was depressed and the bone was broken in a herringbone pattern. A regular set-and-cast wasn't an option, I needed a plate to cover both bones to facilitate healing because otherwise, it wouldn't heal properly.
  20. No, that's not why it cost them $25,000. I was in the hospital for a week. I had the orthopedic surgeon for the Chicago Blackhawks operating on my leg. I had a boatload of medicine. I was on a morphine drip at the hospital. I had a titanium plate and 6 screws put in my leg. I had to have not only a walker but crutches. They couldn't use a regular plaster cast, they had to use a fiberglass cast and that's more expensive. When you add all that up......it adds up. My parents tried to go as inexpensive as possible during this week-long adventure, but a week in the hospital with major surgery (without it I wouldn't be able to walk) isn't cheap.
  21. So basically fuck the people who no matter how hard they work, can't afford health care? I can understand not wanting to pay for people who do nothing but suck up welfare and government benefits and do nothing to better their lives. However there are many more people in this country who are uninsured, who work 2 or 3 jobs but can't get health insurance. Should they be left to just suffer and die without the ability to seek medical care? I work. I can't afford health insurance. I can't get it through my employer, I can't be put on my parents' policies (as a last resort) and I don't make enough money to afford a private policy. So what should I do if I need emergency medical care? When I had surgery on my leg 9 years ago, it cost my insurer over $25,000. If something like that happens again, how would I pay for it? I would literally be fucked. How many more people like me do you think live in this country? No one in this country gives two shits about their fellow man. It's all NIMBY. People pay lip service to wanting to help others, but when they're asked to actually contribute to that help, they scream that they don't want to. They call it "socialist" and say they shouldn't have to help. It should be up to someone else. If everyone passes the buck off to someone else, NOTHING GETS DONE.
  22. "Hell is other people." - Jean Paul Sartre “Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.” - Mark Twain
  23. According to FiveThirtyEight, Obama is projected to win 340+ electoral votes, and that counts the safe states and the leaning states. Basically, in order for McCain to win, he would need to flip in 5 days, the following states.....without exception: Virginia North Carolina Florida Pennsylvania Ohio Missouri New Hampshire Nevada Colorado New Mexico He's also only up by 2 in Arizona and about 3 or 4 in Georgia. Indiana also keeps going back and forth and is projected for McCain by less than 1%. He's playing defense in states that were solidly for Bush in 2004. Not to mention, he keeps campaigning in Pennsylvania, a state projected to go for Obama by double digits. By ignoring these states he desperately needs to make up ground in, he's digging his own grave.
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