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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Electrophile


    Uh no, what she's saying is that Paris, being a medieval city and several centuries older than the United States, has a lot more history than we do. That is not the same as saying European cities have better history than the United States, or that European countries/cities are better than the United States. It helps to read, Del Brad.
  2. I think she has an amazing voice. It's a shame she's not more widely-known/popular. I was happy to hear that particular song get airtime in an episode of Bones, so at least the people who pick the music for the show have good taste. See, that's just funny.
  3. You know Strider, speaking of Miranda Lee Richards, my favorite song of hers came up on my iPod not that long ago:
  4. Most of those were funny, rather than harsh/mean. Then you got to the comment about Eric Clapton, and really.....talk about someone who needs a size 9 steel-toed boot right in the taint.
  5. I love me some Beastie Boys. Just bought of all their albums today. "My man MCA's got a beard like a billy goat...."
  6. My sincerest condolences to you. I've lost a friend to suicide, and IMO, there is no greater pain that you can live with. Whether you believe in the concept of an afterlife or not, try to take comfort in the fact that your friend is no longer in any pain or anguish, physical or otherwise. It's not much to hang your hat on right now, but it's something. May your friend join the cosmos and become a star.
  7. I bought Joss Stone's newest album a couple of days ago. Very, very good. Different from her previous work, but still top-quality, IMO.
  8. Coldplay. October 24. I will be buying this. Oh yes, I will be buying it.
  9. He had two daughters, not four, but it's still tragic nonetheless.
  10. The same could be said of teenagers and young adults here. Hell, the same could be said for some adults here, too. I actually work with someone who not only didn't know who Dan Quayle was, but when asked, couldn't tell you who the current VP is. So fret not, we have our own teeming, ignorant masses to worry about as well.
  11. RIP Mr. Lane. Heaven will always be one of my favorite 80s guilty pleasures.
  12. Twitter also has a 140 character limit, so there's not a lot of deep and insightful conversation that can happen in such a short amount of space. You can find inane comments from people anywhere, it's not just restricted to social media sites. I get that Twitter isn't for everyone, and that's cool.....but it's not nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.
  13. You won't be disappointed if you go to Chicago. Plenty to do there entertainment-wise, lots of cultural things to check out, plus all the great food.
  14. Joss Stone. I just picked up her new album LP1 today. I love, love, love her voice. I'm curious to hear how SuperHeavy is going to sound - I haven't had a chance to hear the first single yet.
  15. Joss Stone & LeAnn Rimes - Super Duper Love (Are You Digging On Me?) Pt. 1
  16. The same purpose 99% of the websites on the Internet serve - to entertain people. I happen to like Twitter, and I occasionally get comments back from celebrities I follow, which is fun. If you don't like Twitter, don't use it. There's things I don't like, but that doesn't mean I think they shouldn't exist.
  17. Tour with Led Zeppelin or do anything with the surviving original members again.
  18. What the hell do the Olympics have to do with this? NOTHING, that's what. Buildings are burning, people are dying, and that has nothing to do with a bunch of people running around collecting medals.
  19. I don't see how this would be an issue for the Olympic Committee anyway. What are they going to do? Deem London unsuitable and cancel the games if they can't find someplace else that can get themselves ready in less than a year? They didn't cancel the games after what happened in Munich in 1972, or after the bombing in Atlanta in 1996, so nothing is going to happen to an event that's a year away. Unless you think London will be reduced to smoldering rubble and totally uninhabitable by then.
  20. Oh, he knows. The sad part is, Del Brad didn't watch the video he was talking about, or else he would have known the person was making fun of Sarah Palin, who is a nut job fundie. This person, in their portrayal of Sarah Palin, made the comment....and I thought it was funny. I don't even believe there was person called Jesus, so how could I personally make any assertions as to what his racial makeup was?
  21. Bat signal aside, if she painted Starry Night that well, that is extremely impressive.
  22. Vinyl I get online, since very few brick and mortar stores anymore carry it, whether vintage or new issue. CDs I buy online as well, as it's usually cheaper. I don't buy movies anymore, since there's so few released that I have any interest in seeing, whether in the theaters or at home. If something really catches my eye, or there's a movie I do want to see that I missed in theaters, I just get it online. I seldom buy anything in stores anymore aside from clothes, food, and shoes. All entertainment things, like music, movies, computer accessories, and assorted knick-knacks, I just get online.
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