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Everything posted by rm2551

  1. Home made steak sandwiches for lunch with the obligatory cheese, egg and beetroot with a tasty Sav Blanc.
  2. Tackle work head on as it's going to be a monster year. Tightly control alcohol intake. Less junk food.
  3. A very merry Christmas to all. Ham, chicken, prawns, with a home made fried rice for lunch. Sensational.
  4. haven't heard this song since I was a young child. It came on the radio at mums Christmas day and for some reason got me quite emotional. Quite a nice piece...
  5. Is it just me? Watching and listening to TSRTS is vastly different to just listening to it (even if an identical version). TSRTS - listening only easily wins. I think this is down to me listening to that album and wearing it out before really getting into the film, and mostly listening to it over watching it for a LONG time, but I'd love to hear others views. RAH - watching and listening easily wins. Knebworth - not sure.... I think if there was ever a release of pure concert footage of MSG '73, watching + listening most likely wins, but that's pure speculation and unlikely to occur, sadly.
  6. I - like almost anyone (I imagine) can pull off a decent Sean Connery.... A book fell on my head. I can only blame my shelf.
  7. Ancient Apocalypse. Interesting enough, but some cringy directing.
  8. As shit as the Bronc's played this season, at least The Horse was back in top form.
  9. Days are lovely summer affairs, but nights are chilly as fuck. In mid December that makes no sense whatsoever. It's not a bad thing, usually it's too hot to sleep for long stretches.
  10. Going to the shops today to try to figure out what to get the cheese and kisses. The woman is impossible to buy for! I do have various gifts - all of which she picked out. I want to get her at least a token little surprise.
  11. They are hiding something. It might not even be that shocking, but as with UFO/alien encounters and the Governments knowledge of such things, the biggest problem they have now is being caught in such massive lies and cover ups.
  12. I hope Dave finds tranquillity and happiness in his retirement. What a great fan contribution to the mighty force that is Led Zeppelin.
  13. That guy looks like he is worried that as soon as he lets go of her, she's going to bolt.
  14. So strange it's still cold overnight at this time of year. No warmth at all. Don't think that's happened before this far into summer.
  15. So the Ex-Pres is..... Promoting, privately as a marketing venture, a product to sell to the consuming public, NFT "trading cards" of himself in fantasy mode. No problem????? Listening to bad advice????? Completely lost the plot????? The one time President of the Untied States. That's what he is doing. OK. No worries. I still don't get why there was not total abandonment after Helsinki. Honestly, I don't get that.
  16. Land rights for gay whales! I think that saying was my first introduction to a counter-culture kind of vibe to all the "causes" that seemed to be becoming normalised - and everywhere. I yelled that out a few times to lighten the mood among stupid conversations back in the day to great effect. But that's going back 25 or more years! That's what should be yelled to that BTLM shirt wearing clown.
  17. 100% mate. I have absolutely no doubt. Same if you needed us - again. I don't think there would be many against backing our Pommy mates. Not at all.
  18. He didn't really have to say it (although he spells it out quite clearly in a few of his essays). Putin's initial aim was to cut Ukraine's political head off (they went straight for Kiev, and invaded in a large scale that was designed to gain control over the entire country) and quickly gain control of the entire country. Clearly a design to turn Ukraine into a satellite state aka Belarus, or absorbing Ukraine back into "mother Russia" (the FAR more likely scenario given Crimea and Putin's own rhetorical manifesto's regarding his historical views of Ukraine IMHO). It is fantasy to think his plan was something lesser. I get your point that this war was also related to NATO expansion - Ukraine in NATO is obviously untenable for Russia given Putin's world view. Indeed, if things went swimmingly, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania were next in line without doubt for even more reasons (Baltic Sea security, Kaliningrad land bridge) and I severely doubt Putin would worry about NATO/Article 5 as he would almost cetrtainly threaten nuclear war and would think his armies were as strong as he believed (is constantly told by all subordinates) pre-Ukraine invasion. "The world's second army". LOL!!!! At least that rubbish is well and truly put to bed. At the end of the day, Ukraine was looking westward. They had authoritarian rule, and they chose a future down the more European/western path over it. Who wouldn't??? They are! And we are basically going cap in hand begging them to reconsider which is a bit shit given we should have been focussed on Pacific nations for DECADES, not when China makes moves. We have a lot to learn about soft power and playing chess 3 or 4 moves ahead in geo-political terms. But we are quite young...
  19. I would counter the reasons "ordinary Ukrainians" are willing to be cannon fodder is as simple as they were invaded and do not want Russian forces on their land, or be a part of a Russian empire. Russians have shown themselves to be complete cunts. No military professionalism or common decency or humanity. As is understandable given the military is a reflection of the broader Russian culture. Ukraine was very divided/fragmented - typical of an ex-post-soviet corrupt government trying to sort itself out and move away from eastern systems. Geo-political manoeuvrings on the back of Ukraines resistance is of course going to change/broaden the game, but I think those considerations are not in mind in terms of "ordinary Ukrainians". Yes! The ANZUS arrangements made long ago was useful, but those times and circumstances are long changed. Finally we are moving to address that with the quad (Aus/India/Japan/US alliance) which is overdue and is at least an attempt to build a counter to AP power being dominated by China alone. I'd back England to be our most strident ally should anything like that ever kick off. The Us I'd trust and back, but I'd bet it far more likely the US would be already caught up in other problems that may blunt their response.
  20. I'll disagree with you there. I reckon it's a good example. In that I'd like to think we would be able to produce something of a fighting force if we were invaded. It is highly unlikely now, but it is a fucked up world and who knows down the road. Resource wars, mass population displacements that are coming... Of course, I'd like to think... is laughably optimistic. We'd almost certainly be fucked at least for a good while. But it's good to see Ukraine do it. Good on them.
  21. The studio outtakes of this - it's whole evolution, is just so cool.
  22. Agree with this. The line drawn was consistently redrawn up to the borders of Russia itself which was against agreed principles out of the Cuban missile crisis (or at least, that's how I understand it). And given Vlad's, shall we say, traditional world view, you could very well say it was inevitable. Still, if it turned out the shitty post WW2 Communism system churned out a far superior military capability than the west, I'm sure the march westward would not have stopped. AT ALL. The best thing out of this is the exposure of the actual power Putin holds. All the details and limitations. I am hopeful Ukraine will become an independent democracy that lives up to it's status as a BOSS for how it stood up when invaded. Fairy tales almost never happen, I back Ukraine to be one. The glass is half full Steve.
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