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Everything posted by rm2551

  1. Hi mate.... Just as easy as it is for those who live in those areas to not appreciate an outside view. That doesn't necessarily mean the fact they fill that void is "a good thing" in and of itself. There is a much more important question there. No one has come up with solutions. Measures that are in the interests of national security, human rights, and generally "trying to do what's best" are not straight forward. We have had really challenging issues with immigration that the left and the right has not dealt with to the dis-satisfaction of the clear majority of people. My assumption is that this is not a unique localised phenomena to Australia (the US, Europe, elsewhere). It's difficult to comprehend just how bad it got. No more democracy. Or at the very least, the very real possibility of no more democracy. An absolute con-man. No it's not. There is and always will be a "right". At least I hope so - in ALL free western democratic nations. It is insane on the right right now. The left for all it's faults is NOT as bad or dangerous, but can definitely rise to be equally insane in ways that matter. I can talk to my parents and in-laws who have incredibly deep and fundamental differences in outlooks because I understand they are coming from their space. My kids don't really agree fundamentally with a lot of what their grand parents might think in the political context, but they have absolutely NO lack of respect or love for them. I don't think it's out of step, it's just every generation and their elders. I really hope the younger generations NEVER lose touch with the wisdom and appreciation of the difference of the older generations - or those generally with different mind sets.
  2. Prigozhin is outright positioning himself as a "tool at the disposal" of those that may instigate a "change" in Russia through his recent commentary about "the people" revolting. It is astounding he is taking such a risk, but at the same time, he knows it is highly likely some kind of change is coming. It may well be that Russia does not survive intact after this but fragments (more likely than not I'd say). Either way, my guess is it will be another muppet at the helm who satisfies the siloviki, facilitated by Prigozhin who will exact his price.
  3. Wanton song with last note held and goes into TSRTS for a knock out 1-2 punch opener followed by OTHAFA. Not too different...
  4. It is unquestionably possible if not right now, in the near future. I imagine where there are two or more sources it would help. Even if there were far better sources on a different night of the tour (same set up and tone etc.) AI could use that information to build something far better. But how how much detail is lost would either be left out, sounding clean but flat maybe?, or some detail is assumed/reconstructed based on "theory"? So the risk is it sounds killer, but is not purely Led Zeppelin. And it might be 99.5% Led Zeppelin, but that's a big difference. But at some point in the future there will be killer quality Zep boots we don't have now I reckon.
  5. So does anyone have any theories as to the delay with a release? Is this how it works?
  6. Yep, let 'em all in Fuck no. Who says that? NO ONE EVER. the cartels, fentanyl, drug traffickers, human traffickers Fuck no. Who says that? that would be insane. sex slaves, child slaves, Fuck yes. Rescue anyone you can. Sex slaves and/or child slaves - you would not want to help those poor souls???? gangs, potential terrorists, etc. Fuck no. Who says that? NO ONE EVER. I'm not saying there is not a problem cryingbluerain.
  7. I hear your "police brutality" cries, I raise you https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-18/cooma-aged-care-home-police-woman-in-hospital-taser/102361018 🤣
  8. Christ that's weak. There is simply no good reason for the prohibition of weed given alcohol and gambling, which cause MUCH more harm, are encouraged through non-stop advertising mostly aimed at young men. Not to mention cannabis has proven medical value. I really wish journo's would hold these clowns to their hypocrisy and tear shreds off them.
  9. Yes, but it is not really a level playing field. I don't think that kind of mentality is representative of left or right that are willing to actually defend positions from a respectful position. People who pull you to the fringe should NOT be trusted. Also, don't trust the view you hold to be sacrosanct. Appreciate your position, but question it. (not sayin' you Strider, just thinking out loud.) Having said that, go the left. For all the horrors that it presents, it is FAR LESS a threat (currently) than the right. But moderate. for fucks sake......
  10. The QLD Government here have finally acknowledged that with the tens of thousands of people with prescriptions for medical cannabis they need to actually review and update the drug driving laws which, while if you have a trace of medication in your system that is known to impair driving, as long as you state you are not currently impaired as the time you took it is past the effects, that's ok - unless it is medical cannabis in which case you get charged. The patent hypocrisy and double standard is enraging. Only tempered by the fact that some are even worse off with no medical cannabis allowance (shout out Chilli....). How someone hasn't already successfully challenged this in court is beyond me. It is patently unjust. It's going to take a fucking year. Fucks sake.
  11. Yin and Yang baby. Something veeeeery close to that properly accounts for everything.
  12. I love that question. Fucking LOVE it. As best as I can figure, it depends on who is asking and why.
  13. How often does you "favourite" Zep song change? Currently No quarter has my full attention and has done so for a month or two, but it always changes. I'm wondering how often others adjust their favourites. NQ live (TSRTS) lasted years as #1 when I was a kid.
  14. Similarly, while exploring some local bike paths and bushland, we found a hidden little viewing area where a sign proclaimed a platypus lives in the little creek/pond there. Couldn't believe it. We are only ~35mins from Brisbane itself and there is a damn platypus habitat tucked away...
  15. If Government is by the people, for the people, as I believe it still is in the US, then no, it (Government) does not benefit by self definition. Absolutely "Government" is corrupt. But only, and I really do mean only, because the system/structure allows for it and is beyond structural reform. The fact you cannot structurally reform the machinations of THE world power is both perfect and fucked. Don't let it be fucked up or changed - and at the same time, it is beyond critical need to reform. While western liberal democracies continue to actively self-reform and deal with corruption as best they can - they improve. I'm no longer convinced this is the narrative of the US - but fully realise the progress made by the greatest nation (still) to succeed. But the current insanity of US politics is off the scale. Keeping your citizens powerless (which I read equally as keeping them stupid), is antithetical to development/growth. Only suitable for those who profit from and/or advance if the status quo remains. So I still reckon this as a "design" doesn't quite fit with a well functioning multi-party liberal democracy - but that's still a very early project so I can only laugh and enjoy.....
  16. Who the fuck benefits from this "design" Steve? I can't see how this makes sense as a "design".
  17. I don't think that is a gen z - or any other generation specific issue - I think ALL generations have/had it in spades, but maybe it is more so now. It is that certain stage of youth where you suddenly know more than your elders/parents and in place of entertaining other views or advice they simply dig in. It's interesting to observe this from #1 son. He's not too bad, very open minded, but some of the gems he comes out with are hilarious (without meaning to be). Example, he had brake issues with his car this week and said he was going to tell the mechanic what he thinks it is after googling. 🤣 I couldn't talk him down from that, but had a good laugh at him.
  18. I guess playing bootlegs on a commercial channel has legal hurdles, but far out, I seldom hear anything from TSRTS soundtrack, which is an official release, and practically never hear any RAH numbers. It really is disappointing.
  19. So someone is obviously upset at someone on this forum and has chucked a tanty. tsk, tsk tsk you sook......
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