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Everything posted by planted

  1. My daughter and I had one of those rotisserie chickens you buy at the deli..not bad actually. Had salad too. Then I will be making hamburgers for my son who is playing hockey tonight until about 9:30. Am I a pushover for my son or what?!? He IS 22 for petessake!
  2. ^^^hahaha. I just heard that every US state had below freezing temperatures today. I guess there is some volcano in Hawaii that was 25 F near the summit. That's kinda neat..
  3. I don't claim to be 100% correct, but I am the worlds foremost expert on my opinion. My dad is a teacher, as are several other family members. It's your education. Own it.
  4. ^^^ you get out of school what you put into it. After raising two, I've earned the right to that opinion. What I am happy about? Monday is almost over!!
  5. Thunderstorm today in Worc. Now there's snow-drops falling on my window... Only in New England! Which is why I will never leave. I am a Mass Hole to the bone.
  6. I got it, thanks to KB. Just figured it was from the movie, which you probably saw recently.
  7. ^^. Whatever. Haha Hope and your family enjoyed!
  8. Oh...THAT Samantha!!! Thanks, KB...what I wouldn't give for a midriff like hers!!
  9. I presume you are referring to Samantha from the movie 'Her' Nice
  10. Oh, I totally do! I was just giving a little shout out to Mrs Walter (and me and Viriginia, of course) ;-)
  11. I beg to differ, respectfully of course, Walter! Mommys have magic powers!!
  12. ^^^thats a great age... Happy Birthday!!
  13. Two fonts walk into a bar. Bartender looks up and says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type"
  14. Aww, it's that time of year!!! My little one has a head cold...
  15. Haha..was this taken in Scituate?
  16. ^^ small world...My Mom lives is Morriston. Hasn't been all that warm there from what I understand.
  17. 35 degrees F!! Woot! Woot! It's a friggin heat wave!!!
  18. [billy Jack is surrounded by Posner's thugs] Mr. Posner: You really think those Green Beret Karate tricks are gonna help you against all these boys? Billy Jack: Well, it doesn't look to me like I really have any choice now, does it? Mr. Posner: [laughing] That's right, you don't. Billy Jack: You know what I think I'm gonna do then? Just for the hell of it? Mr. Posner: Tell me. Billy Jack: I'm gonna take this right foot, and I'm gonna whop you on that side of your face... [points to Posner's right cheek] Billy Jack: ...and you wanna know something? There's not a damn thing you're gonna be able to do about it. Mr. Posner: Really? Billy Jack: Really. [kicks Posner's right cheek, sending him to the ground]
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