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Everything posted by planted

  1. PGA tour. What a shot by Michelson...
  2. Hahaha, one of these days, Kev....
  3. I'm on my way!!! Enjoy yourselves!!
  4. Business is booming today at the spa...
  5. WARNING: MOMMY BRAG ALERT! My teenaged daughter blew off an English review class to hear a Holocaust survivor speak. I told her it was a wise choice. She will remember the survivor's story 50 years from now. That review class won't mean a damn thing.
  6. Too violent! I prefer to reminisce about the old MacDonald's jingle...
  7. What, Im not supposed to get the Manilow reference? C'mon, you should know me better than that by now.
  8. A little break between my jobs this afternoon.
  9. 1. It's FRIDAY! 2. It's steamy, hot and muggy here! 3. I am off the entire weekend!!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
  10. Both kids are watching "High School Musical". They are 16 and 21. Don't judge me.
  11. That's the best news to appear on this forum in a very long time. Bless! Bless!
  12. Thanks, ally. Just got the word: it will be posted in next month's newsletter!!
  13. Thanks, Kate. I hate to tell you, bit I am not that smart. I always get nervous posting about Health issues in the first place.
  14. Uh huh. Color is in a few weeks. I was impulsive yesterday and my stylist Pasquale only had time for a cut. We will bleach the crap out of it then!!
  15. Thanks, Sean! I'm feeling pretty confident actually. So much so that I went and chopped all my hair off yesterday! It's 'pixie' season!
  16. I just submitted my very first article for a newsletter. The topic was sunscreen ingredients. I am so excited and hope my clients learn something!
  17. planted

    Golf Talk

    Sergio Garcia is an ass.... GO TIGER!!!
  18. Spent a lovely morning in Providence, RI. Walking around the waterfront taking pictures, then stopped at Ri Ra Irish Pub for a Guinness and stew.
  19. I've decided to paint my living room Tiffany blue this summer.. I just have to find the company that offers the color!!!!
  20. Bingo, slave. You hit the nail on the head. 'Knowing' robs the patient of hope. Would you want to know you were going to get a disease for which there is no cure? What most patients also have to fear besides diagnosis is insurance coverage, something Ms Jolie is spared because of her particular circumstances. Nothing wrong with that, but...genetic testing is risky business. The December 24, 2012 issue of "Time" magazine deals with this very important and life altering decision. I highly recommend it. That's all for now. p.s. the BRCA (pronounced "brac") also reveals risk of ovarian cancer, which has little to no screening available.
  21. Me (to my kids): "What kind of Mom am I?" My daughter: "an annoying one" My son: "that's what I was thinking" Me (to myself): 'I must be doing something right'.
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