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Everything posted by planted

  1. Virginia, this has to be a top 10 post for me since I have been on this forum. Thank you so much for sharing. I started tearing up as well when I read her description of herself. Been there, and it's very difficult to come to terms with in the current society we live in. The author nailed it. And so did you for posting this.
  2. Ewww, we just did that. Not looking forward to what he has to say later this week.
  3. Just a friendly reminder to wash your makeup brushes, girls. Especially if you use one for your concealer and/or foundation. Liquids and creams love to hold onto bacteria...ewww. You can buy brush cleaner at any counter or even drugstores, but I usually use my face cleanser and let them air dry. If they are really loaded with product I will soak them in some anti bac soap and warm water.
  4. A little spring cleaning and thinning out some books, CDs, etc... Time to purge!
  5. Oatmeal and a DD iced French vanilla coffee.
  6. Now THAT made me chuckle. Have a good weekend.
  7. I am so over it! The sun is out today, but somebody mentioned more snow on Monday?
  8. Nothing, Kev. Just blowing off some steam..
  9. ^^^^I really wish these pictures helped lift my spirits. Not happening.
  10. I am told the Bruins are playing tonight... My cue to watch a movie, haha. Looks like it will be "The Town".
  11. Couldn't happen to a nicer gal! Can't WAIT to hear all about it! (p.s. I miss you on FB too)
  12. Goddammit! More snow here also! And now the dog needs to go out. Grrrr..
  13. So, you feel my pain! I need sunshine and warmth! NOW!
  14. I hope you're right about the temps! Shorts, sandals and sunless tanner, where are you?!
  15. MORE snow in the driveway! I can't....
  16. I found the Aimee Mann station on Pandora..I've been able to hear a lot of other female voices I hadn't heard in a long while. Edie Brickell Dido et al..
  17. Knebby, you must be exhausted. Red wine ALWAYS does the trick for me... I have enjoyed every encounter we have had. I've learned a lot about LZ and myself from you. Be well
  18. Hi aen27, I'm glad 'they' are gone, too. This behavior reminds me of a quote from a favorite writer of mine, Aristophanes. 'Youth ages; immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered; stupid is forever.'
  19. W.T.F. am I reading? Knebby, I am beyond sorry for this shit you are going through! Inexcusable and it may be prosecutable, though I am not well versed on Internet law, but you know what? Somebody is. Keep a journal. This bullshit should NOT be allowed. To the low life's out there, listen up: You know where the most dangerous place on Earth is, don't you? The space between a Mommy and her cub. You dig? Knebby, there's a lot of love for you on this site, don't forget that.
  20. I made my first brisket yesterday. It's even better the second day! Along with boiled potatoes and vegetables.
  21. I found these guys by accident recently...LOVE them! Great thread.
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