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Everything posted by planted

  1. 'Lean on me, when you're not strong...' There was a time in my life when a KOA campground in San Antonio, Texas was HOME. Believe me, sugar, I know. Enjoy your life.
  2. Have a wonderful time! Yah, Billy is awesome. I am so lucky.
  3. Hi slave! Yah, I hear ya. But you know what Billy taught me? To, and I quote, 'have a little love affair with yourself, Kris. There is nothing wrong with that. Don't ever let anybody tell you you're not worth it.' See why I love him so? So from Billy...YOU DESERVE IT!
  4. An email from a great friend and a phone call from another great friend Billy! He made me feel less guily about my retail therapy after work! C'mon ladies, you know how happy that makes you! Feeling much happier now!
  5. Rainy, miserable March weather. Time to melt the 2ft of snow we got last week. Great. My cellar ought to be a swimming pool by tomorrow. Son of a bitch. I'M SO READY TO MOVE
  6. A patient at work lent me a portion of his personal film library. There must be 75 movies in there. 'Keep it as long as you want, sweetheart' is what he said. I'm going to watch 'Grand Torino' now.
  7. There an old saying about relatives, you know that, right?
  8. The weather! I actually put my window down in the car today. Reached 42F and the sun is very bright which makes the snow really beautiful. What a difference from yesterday.
  9. House Hunters International. Sometimes I miss living abroad.
  10. Oh, get over yourself. Haha I love this recipe...it is embarassingly easy, which Im sure is a welcome surprise to some of my gal pals here. But, I take your point, chillumpuffer.
  11. Yay! Give Robert my best! Haha
  12. Have a terrific time and get some sun while you're there!
  13. Thanks, Jules, but at least we have the forum! Good luck with the wrist!
  14. The best cake ever: 1 box of butter yellow cake mix 1 can of 'Solo' Almond Filling. NOT paste Prepare cake as directed on box, then add almond filling. Bake as directed... I use a confectioners sugar icing as frosting, but you don't need anything... Great with coffee! Enjoy!
  15. Thanks, ally. I know, best laid plans, right? With hard work, determination and focus hopefully we will attract the same. And **** Facebook. Ha!
  16. Shit...I testified once..very trying and stressful, but was happy for the jury, (even though he pled guilty to a judge).., You don't realize how important you are...
  17. A pedicure? And Florida? You BITCH.. Haha, you know I love you. Where in Florida? I have family in: Sarasota, Cape Coral, and Ocala.. Really good friends in: Ft Lauderdale/Miami.. Have an AMAZING time!
  18. Here comes 'The Lion' of spring. We are already bracing here in Worcester for the worst to be on Thursday. Stay safe, dear friend!
  19. Thank you Walter! In this economy I give anyone so much credit for investing their life savings into something they care about. I am fortunate to have a similar very part time almost on-call position with a dear friend who recently opened her own shop. It's really encouraging knowing there are still brave people in this world. And having friends who love and support each other.
  20. Yup, I've had 2 jobs for a couple years now, ever since my youngest went into junior high. I don't mind it, as I really enjoy both. As far as FB, I originally went on to hover over the kiddies, but they're not even on anymore, so what's the point?
  21. Hi zengac! What a great feeling it is to make that last car payment! My father's sister was into genealogy many years ago, way before the Internet and had books made for all of us to keep. What a wonderful gift to yourself and future generations. Keep up the good work! K.
  22. Oh, I'm afraid this new job is exactly a move...it's an addition. In this economy it's too risky to cut ties with a sure thing, which is my job at the clinic. One job for love, one job for money. Best of both worlds! I've been thinking about deactivating for awhile now, and it feels really good to have done it. Yes, it's addictive, and I don't need the drama. Thanks for your well wishes, april_lynn.
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