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Everything posted by planted

  1. Sorry for your loss, Kate. There's never enough time with our loved ones. My best to you and your family. xx
  2. My baby girl has a school project to design a teapot in Ceramics. Kind of like, 'who would you like to have tea with' and base the teapot on that person.. She chose Audrey Hepburn. HIGH FIVE ME!
  3. I love the work St Jude's does! No family is ever turned away because of their inability to pay. Brings tears to my eyes every time I see Marlo Thomas on television. Cancer is so very expensive.. I am so proud of you, and grateful for the work you do.
  4. Thanks fishy! What a treasure! It was great fun standing around at a filming. Something not commonly occurring in Worcester, I can tell you that. The entire downtown section was used for filming also. Every sign taken down and changed for the movie. Way cool. Union Station was used but Im not sure for how much of the film. I can't wait for its release! Thanks for knowing about the interview and for sharing!
  5. It's called "American Hustle" starring Robert DeNiro, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, and Christian Bale has wrapped up its Worcester, MA filming. I think it's scheduled for release by Christmas.
  6. I am happy my Dad is a RETIRED police officer..
  7. planted

    Golf Talk

    Not sure who said it...but... "From Down Under to On top of the World"... Well done, Adam Scott.
  8. planted

    Golf Talk

    Not to mention what Tiger has done for the game. Love him or hate him. Sunday of The Masters is a great way to spend a day. Tissues are always handy for me.
  9. First Facebook... Now this forum. Yes, friends, I am taking a break. A much needed one. Life gets complicated sometimes, doesn't it? Just feeling a new focus and direction in the air that I need to pursue. Oh, I will be lurking to keep up on any tours, haha, but you won't see me posting much anymore. I have had some great fun and hopefully have made some friends along the way. Oh, and I have NOT forgotten about this summer, eh hem...(you know who you are, and if its meant to be, it will happen, PM me) Until next time, I bid you all peace.
  10. Fixing to sit down and watch 'The Perks of being a Wallflower'. Sounds like something I can relate to.
  11. Turkey breast, squash, roasted potatoes.
  12. I hear what you're saying, but make no mistake, any 'state run' facility ought to be a red flag ip so facto. Haha, yah, if you really want to screw up a case, put it before a jury my friend. Can you say OJ?
  13. La la land according to you, I am sure. There's more to this story is all I'm saying. I hope those patients sue everybody, including the state, (ie, the Board of Dentistry), and every single 'ASS-istant' who worked for him. Where's Erin Brokovich?
  14. The weather here in Central Massachusetts is glorious! Mid 50's and lots of sunshine.
  15. Yeah, this story is off....if you are properly licensed with a state board, then there are so many agencies breathing down your neck at all times. There are endless audits, inspections, etc. It's just hard for me to wrap my head around this. How did no one ever file a complaint against this guy? I don't know, just seems there will be more to this story.
  16. Relaxing after a very busy week. Looking soo forward to Sunday....
  17. ^^hi ally, glad to 'see' you again. Be well
  18. Great job? Uh, yeah, did you watch the credits and see how great he did? The photos were spot on... Glad you enjoyed it. I watched it with my 21 yrs old son, and I got to reminisce about this important time in US history.
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