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Everything posted by planted

  1. Gov. Deval Patrick has just announced a ban on driving on all roads in Mass effective at 4pm. First time since 1978. Please listen to these warnings and stay home! Oh yeah, how's the weather, you ask? Um, the snow is now falling from the sky SIDEWAYS, making visibility almost zero.
  2. I don't want to even THINK about tomorrow! We have patients who want their chemo before the weekend, so in I go!! Hopefully we are out early as the Governor has ordered all cars off the road by noon!
  3. Ally and joe, Thank you. Sometimes we don't realize the impact we have on people as we just go about our jobs...
  4. No, I know. I appreciate your sentiment. You're very sweet.
  5. No no no! The amazing person is patients like your Mom. The fighters. The heroes. The families. That must have been awful, sweetheart. You were a baby when you lost your mother. I'm so sorry. No credit taken here. I just wish the researchers could find a ****** cure!
  6. april_lynn, Do not feel like you should have left an uplifting reply, but you're very sweet to do so. I was just venting as it has been a rough few days.. Peace.
  7. My full time job in an Oncology (cancer) clinic. Some days it's rewarding, but other days its just plain draining. We've had lots of young ones lately. And, for the record, I don't mean kids. I mean people in their 40's....blech!
  8. Hi jb126, I share your enthusiasm about 'Shawshank Redemption'...I never tire of it either. 'You get busy living, or you get busy dying', ~ Andy Dufresne. Great movie.
  9. A baby!! Aw, that's wonderful. I'm happy that my daughter's labs came back 'okay'...not perfect, but I will take it!
  10. The only problems I have with 'the book' are the idiots (not all people) who use it negatively. Never had issues with them though.
  11. I have been a stress bag, so hubby is making meatloaf, mashed potatoes and salad. Total comfort food night.
  12. ^^^yeah! LZ! That was a great scene also.... Let me try to be more explicit in my analysis 'Silver Linings'. What I should have said is that 'real' human beings ignore elephants in the room. The writers brilliantly conveyed that to me. IMHO, ignoring (denial) is a coping mechanism utilized many many times during crises. The opening scene of that movie portrayed a mother who just wanted her son home. Remember when she said, 'I don't WANT him to get used to the routine here'? And then when Chris Turner's character jumped in the car and the mom totally bought it. The kicker was Mommy never told De Niro about the son being discharged. Totally dysfunctional. Totally real life. And how about Bradley Coopers character? In total denial that his marriage is over. Completely convinced himself they were in love with each other. Coping the best way he knew how. Like I said, I am no Hollywood insider or analyzer, but I liked this movie alot. What I wonder about is why Coopers character wasn't enraged at Lawrence's character when he found out the truth...I won't say it so as not to be a spoiler. Anyway, that's what went though my head during and after the movie. I would definitely see it again.
  13. Admittedly, I have NO Hollywood film knowledge/experience BUT, I have orbited the sun 45 times, haha Guess what, human beings also ignore elephants in the room. (I am speaking of 'Silver Linings') I thought the film was all about that! Queer perspective, I guess. I'll write more later, I gotta get to work via dogsled, hehe. Ciao Edited for spelling
  14. What are you, on the Ashton Kutcher diet? Hahaha
  15. Salad, chicken, whole wheat pita. All while enjoying a delightful conversation with my daughter.
  16. I have a confession...I am a new fan thanks to Pandora. But they have a raw sound that I am really into.
  17. Hi redrum, I saw it over the weekend and liked it a lot! So happy Jennifer Lawrence won last night. I loved her character! My theatre was packed! I think I got the last seat. I usually go to movies alone, so I can squeeze in anywhere, luckily!
  18. I should have my car back by Wednesday.. Honestly, I feel like I will be sleeping in my own bed after being away. I wonder if it will run the same with a replaced engine.
  19. I will be heading out shortly to shovel the drive with my trusted YAK-TRACKS!
  20. Hi jb126, Yeah, it was due to the weather. S'posed to be wicked bad tonight! Bummer about having to decide about driving to an event. See what I mean about New England? The weather really does suck and screws up your life! Be safe if you decide to venture out. Worcester wasn't too bad when I left work at 4, but the sleet is coming....
  21. I plead guilty to the charges. I hate white knuckle driving! I must be getting old.
  22. It is 23F and snowing/sleeting... Blech! Thank goodness my daughter's dance class was canceled this evening.
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