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Everything posted by planted

  1. Late breakfast, so I skipped lunch. I am now enjoying some Lindt Dark with Spicy red chili.
  2. Making breakfast for me and the kids, bacon, eggs, and toast. Getting my car inspected, and hopefully it won't get rejected again! More decorating around the house.
  3. 30F and just enough light snow to be pretty.
  4. Oh, sounds delightful! Haha Wonder if there is still a full moon? You'll find out soon enough.
  5. Wow, that is exciting! Was it a trivia question or were you the right caller?
  6. I just received a beautiful email from an old friend. I guess the holidays aren't so bad.
  7. Me too! Christina has redeemed her wardrobe this evening! She looks amazing!
  8. Yah, inquiring minds want to know! I can't figure it out, and my teenager is helping her grandfather set up an Instagram account!
  9. The Switch, with Jennifer Aniston and Justin Bateman. I liked it actually. Wonder what it's like to fall in love with your best friend.
  10. Yay! I remember when you dropped her off! Wow, has the time flown... Enjoy and hugs to you both! :-)
  11. Thanks Walter for the support! This news is just what the doctor ordered. :-)
  12. My friend Dawn just made me an offer I couldn't refuse. It's gonna be okay.
  13. "The Awful Truth" is one of Billy's favorites! I haven't seen it in its entirety, thanks for the reminder! :-)
  14. Ahahaha. I AM brilliant...so it could have been!
  15. The Voice. What the fuck is Christina wearing? C'mon...you are much cuter than this....
  16. Pork tenderloin, broccoli, pasta salad. Pumpkin whoopie pie.
  17. Some people care too much.... I think it's called love. Winnie the Pooh
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