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Everything posted by planted

  1. Glad you're back, Magic Fills the Air! Nice pic!
  2. I think I might stake a little stroll myself today. Maybe I will watch some football also. NOT. Hehe This was my long week, so I'm doing a whole lotta nuthin.
  3. When someone tells you who they are; believe them.
  4. The medical community where I live lost a fine surgeon, at 83 years young. He was present during the first successful human kidney transplant. RIP, and it was an honor to know you, sir.
  5. Enjoying a Hazelnut Praline bar a friend brought back from her trip to Ireland last month. Chocolate is the best remedy!
  6. 'Living well is the best revenge.' George Herbert.
  7. A very cute pair of boots, and running into a good gal pal while shopping at the mall. :-)
  8. Coconut crusted haddock, pasta salad, water.
  9. You mean Affleck? He looks hot as hell in this movie. But, I now have a crush on Alan Arkin who was brilliant in this film. And I was struck by the fact that today is the 33rd anniversary of the events at American Embassy in Iran.
  10. Go see 'Argo', gang. If you are at all interested in US History, you will really enjoy this film. Ben Affleck hit it outta the 'pahhk' with this one.
  11. Listening to some music today. I feel like I need to explore more Indie stuff.
  12. In dire need of comfort food this evening. Meatloaf is on the menu... :-)
  13. Reese's peanut butter cups. In the freezer!
  14. Stormy weather is playing on My Pandora right now!! Love Etta... Full moon, you say? That explains ALOT.
  15. Have a great time! Nice little getaway..:-) I'm happy today because I made a good connection with a new client.
  16. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=xIraCchPDhk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DxIraCchPDhk
  17. I just got pulled over! OMG I was shocked..this hasn't happened to me in years. I am happy to report I received only a warning, and it wasn't even for speeding. My registration sticker had expired and I had left the new one in my glove box and totally forgot about it. Whew.
  18. Hi amie1974! That is wonderful news about your friend's mum!
  19. The most beautiful sunrise I have seen in a long time. Peach, lavender, silver, pink, and white clouds were swirled across the sky outside my front door shortly before 7 this morning. I didn't dare try to photograph it. I just stood there and enjoyed it. :-)
  20. Happy Birthday, Virginia! :-)
  21. Sorry, Deb, I was being mean.. (Oops).I am not acquainted with Ms Crowley and I am sure she is a lovely woman.
  22. I am watching the Presidential Debate. Is that Rosie O'Donnell moderating? Hehe...
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