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Everything posted by planted

  1. Best wishes, my dear. The congratulations belongs to him, remember?
  2. My weekend job made me happy today. I am an esthetician, and it is very rewarding teaching women to take better care of their skin. That is all.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss. I, too, have lost loved ones to suicide. I'm going to let you in on a dirty little secret most of 'us' won't share (with the general public). Some cancers, or diseases for that matter, just ain't worth fighting. I have a deep respect and understanding for those who have the courage to live and die on their own terms. Peace.
  4. I agree with KB...Spider bites can be nasty. Keep an eye on it.
  5. Got to leave work early!! Out with the girls tonight. Sangria and laughs!
  6. Be good to yourself. Happy Birthday, friend.
  7. Spending time with my Dad and my kids. We spent the afternoon at a State Reservation called Purgatory Chasm. Great fun.
  8. Hi,

    Hope your summer is going well. We cannot complain about this weather, right?


  9. A new haircut. Good for the soul. Found this incredibly talented woman from Albania.
  10. Good points. I know a few like this as well. Professional students, living with Mommy. Losers.
  11. Children are also not being taught the value of an education at home. For many reasons. Single parenting seems to come to mind, although I am the product of a fractured family. Simply wasn't tolerated. Thanks Mom and Dad. You are so cool. Hard work, initiative, sacrifice and simple common sense have all but evaporated. As a mother of 2 teenagers, I can tell you there are many times I have purposely driven my little brats through undesirable neighborhoods in an effort to show them what a lack of education means. "So what if I drop out" My son actually said that to me once. You haven't lived until you've heard your child say something like that! Poverty, unwanted pregnancy, crime, addiction, and living in a 6 family with other people who couldn't care enough about themselves to want more out of life, so, guess what? They don't give 2 shits about you or your stuff either. One more thing, and then I'll shut up. Strider referenced the Greatest Generation by mentioning Baby Boomers. Here's my feeling. The Greatest Generation did SUCH AN OUTSTANDING JOB OF PRESERVING EVERYTHING WE ENJOY TODAY, I.E. FREEDOM, that we now haven't the slightest idea what it would be like to lose it. We, yeah me and YOU, have become so insulated that we have allowed apathy to rule. I just read a statistic the other day that stated 4 out 10 4th graders IN AMERICA, meaning, plug in the town, I can't remember where and it doesn't matter, could not identify Abraham Lincoln in a photograph, nor could they articulate the importance of his presidency. Are you kidding me? Mommys and Daddys, you can't leave your kids what you don't have. It starts with you. Stop blaming the schools, the coaches, the weather, and the internet. Over and out.
  12. I was lucky enough to see Winwood with Petty a few years ago. What a great sound. Be great to see Clapton. I've been told by some who know far more than I about the extraordinary talent that is Eric Clapton, that he is the best guitarist who ever lived, simply because he can play anything Enjoy the show(s), SAJ.
  13. <a href="http://s999.photobucket.com/albums/af116/Zeppfan101/?action=view&amp;current=april2011mom084.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af116/Zeppfan101/april2011mom084.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  14. Congratulations! My son just graduated from a Drafting and Design program, and cannot get a job to save his soul. UGH!
  15. :thumbsup: :cheer: Nice job, momma!
  16. London Broil to perfection. Baked potato (Antioxidant) salad. Lots of berries, walnuts, mixed greens, English cucs, red onion, celery, fresh mint tossed with pomegranate and lemon juice. Divine!
  17. My daughter has rented "Never say Never" (Justin Bieber). So, here I sit on the boards...I should be reading, though.
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