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Everything posted by planted

  1. Thanks, I'll be here all week!
  2. Husband says to his wife: 'Why do you watch the FoodNetwork? It doesn't make you a better cook.' Wife says: 'Why do you watch porn?' Husband says: 'Get the fuck out.'
  3. I have come down with a scratchy throat and a headache today... It's grilled cheese and tomato soup for moi.
  4. I don't know if this counts, but I WILL be watching 'Dexter' at 9PM tonight. Anyone else watch?
  5. I like that one, too. I had no idea Kristen Wiig was leaving until I saw the end. I'll miss her.
  6. Thank you, my dear. I will look for it! I am not one to follow sports, except a little golf, but I hope your team wins!
  7. Nope, not overdone at all. I love me some Guinness and Sierra Nevada. Stella is ok, not my fave. My stepdad has the same opinion you do about beer...'who adds flavor or a blanking lime to their beer, for chrissake'! Haha
  8. Hi SuperDave! I get what you're saying. It's pitch black now by 730! I do love the colors a New England fall delivers, though, nothing like it anywhere else. On a different note, a friend told me to try Smuttynose Pumpkin beer. Anybody tried it yet? If I drink beer, it's usually Peroni. Would welcome some feedback. Cheers,
  9. OMG that is awesome. Come get me, I'll be at the end of the driveway!
  10. I love this chick! Do you know how fabulous you are?
  11. Raw and overcast today. But the colors are becoming vibrant early this year, seems to me. I will try to upload some New England foliage pics soon.
  12. A little cloudy in the NorthEast still... However, I can assure you the full effects of a full moon are alive and well, if you catch my drift. Clients today were a little off the wall, and so is my teenaged daughter and her friends. Aaaccckkkk!
  13. Homemade tomato basil pesto over pasta.
  14. Hi slave, I was just expressing how I felt after I re-read my reply to you. I thought an apology was the right thing to do. Chances are, if you have never heard of Factor V you don't have it, so it's a moot point. I hope I didn't cause any alarm. I guess I got carried away. Have a great weekend.
  15. Gosh, I just re read my post. I sounded like a jerk, sorry about that!
  16. Start a fun (second job) Saturday.
  17. Smoking while taking BCP increases a risk for clots, but clots can be caused by other underlying conditions, like Factor V, etc. BCP are prescribed for a variety of hormone and hematology related disorders, and should be closely monitored by ones medical practitioner. I was on BCP for over 20 years, event free, so far.
  18. 15. I have a 15 year old. So much time left to right all that was wrong. My heart is heavy for her parents as I can't imagine what they are going through! Those who loved her are in my thoughts. Peace.
  19. Hi slave.. Painful ovulation, aka Mittelschmerz syndrome. Something I am very familiar with personally. It occurs when the ovary releases the egg during ovulation, and the ovary remains open just enough for fluid to accumulate, causing pain. This can be quite intense, I know. Oral contraception may help, since birth control pills prevent ovulation. Your choice. I have also found that exercise helps. My cycle is like clockwork, usually 9-11 days in, so I can prepare with Advil. Menstrual cramps that are severe can be many things, including endometriosis. We are very complicated creatures, aren't we? I do not believe either of these are menopause related, but I could be wrong. Hope this helps, sweetie! :-)
  20. Happy Anniversary! So happy for you.
  21. My daughter and I are watching 'The Voice', our second year watching. We love it! Love Christina! Cee-Lo is a clown, but we love his birdie! Haha Blake is annoying. And, Adam...c'mon...
  22. I heard a statistic shortly after the events on 9/11 illustrating how many children who were either partially or totally orphaned on that day. 10,000. I still can't help but think about the little ones waiting at home or daycare centers.
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