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Everything posted by planted

  1. At the request of a very dear friend, I am writing a brief review of the first show of their 2013 Fanatic Tour. It kicked off at The Hanover Theatre in Worcester, MA on Friday, January 25th. Getting tickets at the last minute worked out well as we got seats in the orchestra section. I have always been a fan but have never seen them. A couple people at work gave me some jazz saying things like, 'um, they are like 150 years old' hahaha. The joke was on them. They played for 90 minutes and I found myself completely mesmerized. At several times I had goosebumps listening to Ann hit those notes we all know and love. Their band is in a word, TIGHT. And let me just tell you, Nancy can REALLY play her guitar and a mandolin. The opening to 'Crazy on You' made the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up. 'Dreamboat Annie' was a highlight as it was 'The first song we felt comfortable with singing in public-for our parents'. It really showed their collaborative abilities and gave Ann a chance to play her flute. 'Alone' made me cry, not only because I love the song and all it means, but Ann's voice shook the chandelier. Ann prefaced the song 'Dear old America' with a verbal tribute to their Dad, a retired Marine. That was really cool, and I need to learn more about its meaning. 'Magic Man', 'Barracuda', and 'Even it Up', were fantastic! I swore if I closed my eyes I would think it was the record. That's how good they are. 'These Dreams' was beautiful, and Nancy is still hot with that strawberry blonde hair and long legs. She must do yoga because she can still kick like a Rockette. Their finale was.... Wait for it.... 'Black Dog'!! Yowza. Goosebumps again. I'm telling you gang, GO see them. My husband is the biggest meanest Doubting Thomas you will ever meet and even he couldnt stop nudging me with approval and the occasional 'wow'. The only negative thing I have to say is on the matter of Ann's wardrobe for the evening. WTF! Tuxedo jacket, which is fine, a dress that looked literally like a drape with this weird print on it that did not flatter her at all, sand colored UGGS with some funky argyle type pattern socks underneath. When I wear UGGS I don't wear socks, do you? Anyway, not important, just thought I'd share. Wonder what Ms Rivers would say?! Haha. So there you have it. Ladies, you totally rocked it.
  2. Looks like 'Silver Linings' won my vote today. Starts at 4:15, guess I'd better get moving!
  3. Replaying my videos from last nights 'Heart' concert at The Hanover Theatre in Worcester, MA. I learned during the show that the 'Woo' (short for Worcester) is where they kicked off this tour. I'm telling you, if you get a chance to see them, do it. 'Alone' made me cry. Not only because I love the song, but Ann's voice was spot on. 'Crazy on You' gave me goosebumps. Nancy can really play her guitar. For real. Their finale was 'Black Dog'. I'm speechless. Rock on, ladies.
  4. Cinnamon Pistachio chicken salad on wheat.
  5. Don't be so hard n yourself. You have no idea how many times I wanted to shout 'I told you so', but I have trained myself to resist such temptations. It's all good...and so are you.
  6. Thanks, Strider. Nah, kill them with kindness. That's what Ms Hepburn would have done, right?
  7. I made my first avocado infused sandwich! Little tuna, celery, red onion, carrot, mayo and vinegar. My daughter and I loved it!
  8. Stupid cold. I heard today that in Rangley, ME it was -43*F. WHAT
  9. Thanks! It was a huge relief. Edited for spelling.
  10. Thank you! You have no idea the restraint required for not getting in the people who doubted me's face with a big middle finger!! Or maybe a tongue sticking straight out! But no, I won't do that. I'll just flash my million dollar smile.
  11. Mazda is covering my car bill for a new engine! The shop I originally brought it to said that I was at fault for not keeping up with the oil changes. My husband never questioned it so I assumed they were right. My son had confidence in me and was sure there was a mistake. After being urged by a good girlfriend to call a Mazda dealer it turns out that I WASN'T delinquent and there was an extended warranty on the timing chain (whatever THAT is). I am feeling very happy (and vindicated) today! Woot! Woot!
  12. 20F. It's a warm up the car kind of morning.
  13. Coffee, coffee, and more coffee. I can't wake up this morning! Mushroom and cheese omelette and strawberries.
  14. Hand eczema. Soooo painful, and I have to wash my hands a million times a day for work. I need humidity in the air!!
  15. Luckily it was 146 and NOT 290. 290 is a death trap...almost as bad as 128.
  16. Thanks, MINI. You know what started scaring me more? The thought of my baby being in the drivers seat instead of me ( in a few months). I am so not ready for this!!!
  17. My AAA membership! I was driving home after work today on a major highway at a moderate speed when my car DIED. Luckily I was able to get into the breakdown lane before anything bad happened. I immediately called 911 so the local police could send a car. All I could see were tractor trailers in my rear view mirror coming straight at me. Of course, they weren't, but my car was swaying! I was able to get a tow to the shop I usually go to and they had a rental car also! Sigh. If you don't have AAA, get it.
  18. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, chop salad.
  19. Had a really nice time at Patriot Place. On our way home now to watch in our PJ's.
  20. That's how it's done in Boston, sister! Cheers!
  21. I found some Sam Adams 'Harvest Pumpkin Ale' at a local packie. Little sugar and cinnamon on the rim of the glass....so good.
  22. I forgot to tell you that I have also baked cakes in cast iron. Just use canola oil in the pan, not olive! I have a Dutch oven that I use once in awhile because its so damn heavy! But the stew cooks so evenly...
  23. A warm vinaigrette! Thanks!
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