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Everything posted by planted

  1. In 1991, I was expecting my first child, and my only brother had just been deployed with the 2nd Marine Division to Kuwait. This rendition will be with me forever. (I am happy to report my brother is alive and well) What also struck me is her attire. Anyone else remember her not wanting a lot of attention, hence the running suit?
  2. This young lady should have been put over her Daddy's knee a long time ago. She's 15?? Too late now. She has no respect for you. Children who grow up without a healthy fear of their parents become adults with no respect for authority and order. I grew up with guns as the daughter of a police officer, and my father WOULD NEVER behave in such a way. And, I can tell you, he raised more than just his own kids. Think of teachers who had a positive impact on your life. Can you imagine this behavior? We worry so much as parents about giving our kids heirlooms, and wills, and things...all that's fine and good. But, I have at least one adult child under my belt, and I can tell you there are 3 things you need to leave your kids, before anything else. 1) Healthy self-esteem 2) Respect for authority 3) Enthusiasm for life You leave your kids those three things and not a dime, they will land on their feet. You know what is so sobering to me, Mommy's and Daddy's? You can't give your kids what you don't have.
  3. Just finished "The Awful Truth" on TCM. Now, "On the Waterfront"... Yeah for me.
  4. I am new to Wilco, because of ignorance. I thought they were country!! Thanks to Strider for introducing me.
  5. That's too bad. I was living in (west) Germany in the 70's and remember this show very well. My mother and her husband at the time hated it, so I had to sneak it in when I could, which was tough at that time because American television was limited. I thought they were so cool. RIP.
  6. Aw, poor little guy. Speedy recovery to him.
  7. Oh, what the hell.. Lincoln Darwin Eleanor Roosevelt my father my paternal grandmother Emerson Carlin (oh, and just for kicks, Dr Sheldon Cooper... )
  8. Since it is literally FREEZING here, outside thermometer reads 13 degrees, I am watching movies til the Globes are on later. I just finished watching 'The Joneses' with Demi Moore and David Duchovny. If any of you live in surburbia, it's a must see. The pressures portrayed in this film of 'keeping up' are a stark reminder of the American/consumer culture, and how some people will fall for anything. Lauren Hutton looked amazing, btw. And Duchovny is always easy on the eyes. Never been a fan of Demi, but she's beautiful.
  9. Now that it's morning again, and I've had some caffeine, I want to share probably my favorite scene from 'Iron Lady'..
  10. Just returned from one of the Limited showings of 'Iron Lady'. What a remarkable life.
  11. Clever, Strider. Yes, welcome to the board. If you love LZ, this is the place to hang out. Enjoy yourself.
  12. A nice quiet Sunday morning...and a much needed yoga class. Namaste,
  13. Good for you...They're beautiful!
  14. Wow, Strider, you were close! Fabulous pics, thanks so much for posting them. Because of you, I was drawn a little closer to this parade, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. New Years Day has been just another day for football in my home, so anything associated with it simply went unnoticed. What an accomplishment this parade is, I had little idea. ledzepfvr, I announced to my own daughter that I had thought about adding this effort to my Bucket List. Typical teenager response? "Have fun with that!" Happy New Year.
  15. Iceland's firework display is still going. Unbelievable.
  16. Good God Almighty!! It's Johnny Winter!
  17. Thanks, Deborah..nice to hear from you, and I love your new pic as well! Love your hair! Happy New Year!
  18. Back to back 3 day weekends has me happy today....
  19. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Thank you so much for posting this, Strider. Harry Morgan's death was discussed in my home this evening. To the 'Greatest Generation'.
  20. wers.org Emerson College's broadcast of 'All A cappella'. Nice break from the norm. Happy weekend.
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