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Led Zep Girl

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Everything posted by Led Zep Girl

  1. No it is NOT over-rated at all. It's such a great song. The radio station I listen too does not play it quite so much so when I hear it, it's always like the first time for me. I think that helps.
  2. I voted. I am about 5'1 - 5'2 I can't remember. Good poll.
  3. This is a totally stupid question but you can't help but wonder if Led Zep actually get's on here and sees what we talk about.
  4. Are they going to be available in the U.S.?
  5. no not really. i kind of knew what i wanted so i just went for it. i like to design myspace layouts so this was nothing for me lol!

  6. As far as I am concerned, NONE of them even compare to Zep. You should be ashamed..
  7. And another thing. If there is "other band's" better than Zeppelin, then go to there forums.
  8. Okay this isn't a forum for Zeppelin haters. You either like them or you don't. People on here love Led Zep and your just here to ruin everything. It's stupid and it's wasting ours and your time. Plus you can't spell. "Zepplin?" What the hell dude. Do us all a favor and leave.
  9. Yah well to me, it does sound like he want's to get out there and do something even if it is by himself. I sure do hope he comes to America. I'd kill to see him..
  10. Okay this is a fact. Jimmy WILL be touring this year. But he will more than likely be solo. Just him and some of his new music he has been working on. Jimmy is one of those guys who says, "If I am capable of doing something, I will". So maybe I will get to see another one of my "men" this year. I am already going to see Clapton!
  11. Wow that would be an awesome tattoo! Since I myself am a Capricorn..
  12. Hey, so what if your only 13. All the music I listen to is older than me and I am 23! Love your about me section..

  13. hanna montana lover

  14. Yo! That's not even right. Geez I feel so embarrassed for Led Zep right now. And the song you detest is one of the songs that define Led Zep. They even said so themselves. I shouldn't have to explain this... Maybe you shouldn't even be here since you have no respect.
  15. AGREED. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, but it's my opinion and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I didn't expect anybody to agree with me..
  16. Well, I love to sing. I am an alto. I do lots of online karaoke as well. What I do is I pick a song out and get familiar with it. Whether it be Led Zeppelin or not. Learn the words, the beat and when to speak. Of course you are your worst critic so according to yourself, it's not going to sound good. The most hardest thing to do is when you listen to yourself on playback. It took me awhile before I could even record anything! But I do suggest trying online karaoke (or local karaoke) it will get your voice going and you will know what to do. I sing best with Stevie Nicks b/c our voices are similar. But I can flat do "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane! I hope this helps you..
  17. I signed up. I doubt they will even read my email but I guess it's worth a shot. I'm not holding my breath though...
  18. Stairway To Heaven. You can get lost in Robert's lyrics. and that's a good thing.....
  19. Well, you might try TIME LIFE MUSIC.com Just about a month ago I was watching infomercials about it. In fact, I never missed an infomercial! They are just awesome. I think it is a 9 dvd collector's thing they did. I'm not sure but I want it lol!
  20. This is sad. Robert is truly hardcore hard rock/rock. Plant and CMT just don't mix..
  21. Thanks. it's good to be unique. You should see my myspace page....

  22. I hope 2010 is a great year. Hopefully, if and when Led Zeppelin goes on tour, it will be truth and not rumor....
  23. Happy Birthday John Paul Jones!!!! I hope you have a great birthday and more to come. Your amazing!
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