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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. Coupons can help lower the grocery bill. Another way to reduce the cost of food is to take advantage of what is plentiful, and frequent local farmers markets. Your food dollar should go toward items in rich supply. Restrict your spending on scarce items unless the prices are significantly low. Gas prices are high at the moment, so you should take advantage of your bicycle if you have one or try to walk instead of drive. Limit driving to necessary trips. A quick review of statistics from the United States Department of Agriculture can give you an idea of how to get the most value from your food dollar. You can select or subscribe to agricultural reports by state, including Michigan. Often times people are not aware of the U.S. government statistics on agriculture because they are watching television for information about food, which is mostly based on advertising to benefit the seller, not necessarily the consumer. Corn acres are expected to drop, so corn prices will be higher, which will impact corn-fed beef and any products made from corn. You should plan to restrict purchases on these food products if want to get the most value for your food dollar. Romaine lettuce is shown at 84,900 acres harvested in 2007, compared to 58,300 in 2002, which tells you that romaine lettuce is presently in more ample supply. Yesterday I bought romaine at the market priced at $1.99 per 9-ounce or 255-gram bag, and noticed a large supply on the shelves. There is a record abundant navel orange crop in California this year, so you may see lower prices for oranges in the markets. But although oranges are expected to be plentiful, grapefruit prices are likely to be high due to an 8 per cent decrease from last year's crop, so most of your citrus dollar should go towards oranges. Berry crops were in ample supply this year, so those belong on your grocery list. Cherries were of a high quality this year, so you might check them out for prices. Potatoes are the world's 4th largest abundant food crop, so they should cost less than other foods. Wheat crops were also plentiful this year so that may ease some of the pressure on world food costs depending on world demand, which has been significant. Corn and wheat prices recently have been at record highs so you would still want to watch the prices. Apple prices in the United States are under pressure to rise due to a reduction acreage and a small crop in 2007. Yesterday I paid $4.49 for a 3-pound or 1.36-kg bag of Gala organically grown apples from Chile, so you have to watch the apple prices in the United States. More often you will see imported apples on the shelves in addition to the smaller crop from the state of Washington. Almonds are also in large supply, so dust off your berry, cherry, orange and spinach-almond recipes. There are already plenty of almonds in the markets due to last year's record crop, and the upcoming year appears to bring the same. Marlborough, New Zealand had a bountiful grape harvest that should reflect in lower prices for wines such as Sauvignon Blanc. Pennsylvania expects a promising wild turkey hunting season due to a mild winter with abundant food and above-average nesting. One or two wild turkeys would get you nicely through the winter. If you are a hunter near the area, Pennsylvania would be a destination to put on your calendar this year. You would want one bird as fresh as possible for the Thanksgiving table, and the capacity to quickly clean and freeze the other one for the winter. You eliminate the costs of the middle guys who usually deliver the goods to the market by going straight to the source. This is when Ted Nugent's bow-hunting advice is useful; say what you will about Ted, but he's the one likely to bring the wild turkey home. You would not want to put him in charge of a diplomatic mission, but he's good at hunting turkeys. If you are traveling near Pennsylvania at Thanksgiving time this year, you can expect wild turkey to be on the menus of local inns and restaurants at attractive prices. Protective orange reflective strips and clothing for hunters is advised to prevent other hunters from mistaking you for a turkey, especially if you mimic turkey calls to attract prey. Reportedly some hunters were mistakenly shot in previous times due to the difficulty of distinguishing human from turkey. This year you can gather morel mushrooms for personal use as a result of post-fire conditions in the Kootenai National Forest area that should yield a nice crop depending on the weather. Commercial use is not allowed in the Kootenai, so you won't see these in the markets, but the Flathead National Forest does allow commercial picking, which could mean you could see morels become more commonly available for purchase in the markets. You can take advantage of this local opportunity if you take a summer trip to Montana or Idaho, or know someone who does. Morels are excellent when used to flavor a white wine sauce to accompany baked chicken. Corn-planting is behind schedule due to the drought, so corn and corn-fed beef may cost more; you would expect to limit spending on those items to make the most of your food dollar. Often the media concentrates more on advertising restaurants, travel packages and expensive food items, while you read less often about abundant food sources that can lower your food bill. For instance, the record orange crop in California this year is meeting with slow demand, so you're less likely to read about it in the headlines. Why the food press rarely talks about dollars and cents
  2. He says that all the time. I recall he once said that in Los Angeles and it took 4 years before he reappeared, so he wanders a lot.
  3. شكرا لكم والسلام Thank you and peace. كوم تستخدم للتعبير عن الحزن 'السلام Waly kum a' salaam Kum used to express the sadness' peace. الحزن kum Grief سلام Salam Peace سلام ل ا ش ا ليأت كوم Peace told Middle East North Africa lei Kum Source, Google
  4. If you go to the Hollywood Bowl on June 24, you will miss seeing Alison Krauss and Robert Plant, because they will be performing at the Greek Theatre that night.
  5. North Country, a movie that features a song by Bob Dylan, singing about being trapped in a limousine.
  6. They do slightly resemble Robin and Batman, lol Make custom Glitter Graphics Getting You Ready for the Robert Plant & Alison Krauss Show
  7. And after these graceless exchanges, the band followed with Let the Good Times Roll. Thanks for the review and photo.
  8. Today, 04:57 PM pacific time
  9. I wonder if they are going to perform on the same night as the Duke of Earl, Gene Chandler, in New Orleans.
  10. This thread is a Spats magnet lol.
  11. I remember her singing with Fairport Convention when they opened for Led Zeppelin.
  12. Nancy Grace's report on the latest developments in Texas in regard to the Fundamental Latter Day Saints (FLDS) and the state of Texas' DNA testing of the children, many of whom are headed for foster care.
  13. He's flirting. Create cool Profile Comments
  14. You would think he was the only grandfather on earth the way some posts read. There's a 23 year difference between them; compare that to the 75 year difference between me and my grandfather, may he rest in peace.
  15. Recession blues; maybe if you focus on the closest, most affordable ticket you'll be able to turn it around.
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