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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. No; I have never been a willing pawn in any Led Zeppelin manipulations. They can conquer the world perfectly well without me being their human doormat.
  2. But that doesn't mean she is willing to accept you for who you are; she still needs someone who knows how to open doors.
  3. And I do only the one who I don't have to think that hard about; the rest of the time it's all about taking out the trash.
  4. Sometimes hotness is not enough.
  5. You need a hottie who plays by the same rules as you to the point where the two of you don't have to think too hard about it and it's a done deal.
  6. It's simply a brief definition of the history of the word 'chivalry' without judgement.
  7. chivalry • noun 1 the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code. 2 the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honour, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. 3 courteous behaviour, especially that of a man towards women. — DERIVATIVES chivalric adjective. — ORIGIN Old French chevalerie, from Latin caballarius ‘horseman’. www.askoxford.com/concise_oed/chivalry?view=uk
  8. Saturday would not be complete without a lecture on opening doors; as for the ring, I'm partial to the guy who buys several to the point where I'm concerned he's spending too much time looking at jewelry. I do not care what ring he buys so long as the love is true, however I have my favorites.
  9. I had a fun day today but obviously not as much fun as everyone had here; eight pages.
  10. I will not worry about it; if they are just saying mean things, I will ignore them.
  11. I'll bet she's not doing anything if he's saying mean things to her.
  12. As long as you get the angle right.
  13. If he is going to say mean things then I am going to talk to my nice friends and not him.
  14. Robert Plant with Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart
  15. Robert looks different when he is romantically involved with someone.
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