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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. wisegeek.com/how-can-i-relieve-a-charley-horse
  2. He is around guitars on a frequent basis. It is not so surprising really that he can play one considering that he spends a substantial amount of time around music the way he does.
  3. When you are out of work the main thing is to figure out who is going to put you to work soon, and keep you smiling all the way to the bank and out of trouble, basically, and talk to only those people, your mission should you choose to accept it. Sir Chris, you do have outstanding qualities, one of which is your exceptional sense of humor. If you are the free-wheeling type, perhaps you should look for work in advertising, marketing or sales and try to stay positive. Focus on what really motivates you and talk to the people who make you smile. You could sell guitars knowledgeably, am I correct? If so, figure out who will put you to work selling guitars and go for it for the next day or so just to see how it pans out. You can always come back here and commiserate some more if you fail. Look around for temp agencies that will place you in a job immediately. Think of it as a short term adventure. If you hate it, the job will be over in 2 weeks anyway and they should have something better available. You would still be drawing some kind of a paycheck at least and have a record of recent employment. You must always continue to widen your search. Think of the job market as like a big store with a whole variety of options from which to choose. When you shop, you look for your favorite foods and clothes that you will love to wear. It's the same way with the job market. You have to figure out what agrees with you the most. And don't wait. Start your job search now. Time is money. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=5hkJL6wRBE8
  4. From what I have read so far the rumor that he has quit is not true.
  5. No, I doubt that Britain entertained any ideas of conquest in Mexico, at least not for very long if they did, the reasons being lack of incentive, Spain got there first, and they preferred not to engage in war with the Aztecs. Perhaps they were busy elsewhere and an additional conquest would have been too much on their plate. They left Mexico to Spain to contend with, and limited themselves to extracting payment from Spain to settle debts. Spain used Mexico to obtain silver as a currency to settle these debts. eh.net/bookreviews/library/1408
  6. I liked the one on June 23rd.
  7. No, the only reason that holy matrimony became a blessed sacrament and holy rite was to bless a union of flesh and blood that was necessary to procreate. Flesh and blood is temporary. Only the soul is permanent, but it is dependent on grace, redemption and salvation. That is because the physical world takes a toll during a lifetime. Flesh and blood fades away into dust with time, whereas the soul lives into eternity. So the holy rite was to bless the physical union so the soul would find a holy temple in which to dwell, keeping body and soul together. Any of the other acts that you mention were the work of a state that was maybe a bit too violent. I was referring to history, but that does not mean that I want them. This means that I'm trying to tell them something. :-)
  8. He was probably just making sure they were awake.
  9. That's true. Maybe the Aztecs were a bit too daunting for the British and the area did not offer much incentive for them.
  10. If I find one I will be sure to send it along but it may take some time. Meanwhile, I found a link to a history of the British and Spanish Empires in America, beginning with Hernán Cortés and Christopher Newport. Google books.Cortes and Newport Mañana :-), EL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YzZaLPxsig
  11. news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090902/ap_on_re_us/us_nkorea_journalists_freed
  12. I doubt they could hope to control Mexico. They may have vaguely entertained distant notions of doing so if the situation had seemed feasible, but the climate did not agree with them and they did not bother to pursue the area, leaving it to Spain.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPg5SfbMTAY
  14. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=1ENtBDIRYwE
  15. I am presently safe from the fires. Source: Associated Press
  16. I would probably head toward the Office Depot in the industrial area.
  17. It's only a physical attraction. It means nothing.
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