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Everything posted by Strider

  1. My suspicions of him being a troll prove more founded with every post...I just had a look at some of the crap he posted and attacked you with in the US Welfare thread. RH owes me an apology. Don't feed the trolls.
  2. That's an understatement...they oughtta rename the Rainbow Room the Lemmy Lair.
  3. Oh heck...you need to hear the full album. Talk Talk "Spirit of Eden" (1988) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVhaCnY7o2Y&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  4. To Ally, Kate, Joe, MINI Zoso, slave, Ledzepfvr, planted, Led Zep Girl, and anyone else that has recently received sad news of a friend or loved one's passing, my condolences and heartfelt thoughts go out to you. I also offer you these songs...they help me in trying times:
  5. I think I'm going to hurl. Hometown Buffet...where good taste and food goes to die.
  6. Or as I learned how to call them in Europe, pommes frites.
  7. You know who has surprisingly good crinkle-cut fries in the U.S? Del Taco. Crinkle-cut fries used to be fairly standard at most American hamburger/hot dog joints. But one by one, they all switched to the McDonald's style skinny fries, until only Del Taco is left flying the crinkle-cut fries banner.
  8. As long as he has you, there is hope for BD.
  9. That's a good one, Knebby! Nice find...I wonder how many suckers bid on that.
  10. Very very very very VERY SAD! Oh well...at least it's not the Housewives of Atlanta. That is the bottom of the barrel.
  11. ^^^ Yes. All 5 seasons are out on DVD and you might even find it on Netflix or Hulu or whatever the Downloading generation uses these days.
  12. I have great respect for that bloke of yours.
  13. I don't watch the show anymore, jb, but my friend watches it every week and Tivos it for backup just in case. You should definitely check out "The Wire", which was the previous HBO show by the creators of "Treme". "The Wire" was one of the Top 5 tv shows of all-time, in my opinion. Set in Baltimore, no less. Splendid cast. Incredible writing and storylines.
  14. It's already out in Los Angeles. I thought about seeing it after coming out of the "Celebration Day" screening tonight, but I had already seen two movies today("The Awful Truth" and the Zeppelin flick) and I have a long, busy day ahead on Wednesday...and Thursday, for that matter...so I decided to pass on "Lincoln" and see it another night.
  15. The chocolate I am eating while watching "Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day" at the theatre. Movie starts in 20 minutes.
  16. Going to see Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day!
  17. Billy has excellent taste...but then, he's friends with you, so that's a given.
  18. Yes, and to be even more pedantic and critically precise, I would say that the 1973 European tour was the last time Led Zeppelin performed good classic medleys. By the 73 US tour, they were pretty much eliminated, save for a couple of "I'm Goin' Down"s appended to the standard Whole Lotta Love-Boogie Mama medley.
  19. I love "Paper Moon"! Lots of people see the names Ryan and Tatum O' Neal and think, "Meh", but they both are really good in this...and of course, any movie with the wonderful Madeline Kahn is worth watching. This was Ryan O'Neal's best period, when he was making the movies "What's Up, Doc?"(another Peter Bogdanovich winner), "Paper Moon" and Stanley Kubrick's "Barry Lyndon" back-to-back-to back. As redrum noted, the black & white cinematography of László Kovács is a major component of this film. Some of the shots and compositions rival the best of Walker Evans or Dorothea Lange. Stunning to behold at times...and as redrum said, there is a certain characteristic to b&w or monochrome photography that you cannot get with colour. I strongly urge any of you that love photography or film to put "Paper Moon" on your list, if you haven't seen it yet. It is a hidden gem of the 70s...overshadowed by the larger "EVENT" 70s films like "Godfather", "The Sting", "French Connection", "Poseidon Adventure", "The Exorcist", "Chinatown", "Jaws" and "Star Wars", it holds up as well, if not better than some of the bigger hits of that decade and is another reason why the 1970s are often remembered as the last golden age of American movies. Speaking of Golden Age movies, I went to the Museum matinee of "The Awful Truth", a glorious screwball comedy from 1937 starring the incomparably elegant Cary Grant and Irene Dunne, two actors of sparkling wit and chemistry. The screen literally sizzles when they are on. "The Awful Truth" is one of my favourite screwball comedies, and so I never miss a chance to see it on the big screen when I can. You can't beat LACMA's admission price of $2, either! Again...if you haven't seen "The Awful Truth" and love romantic comedies or classic old movies, period, then put this on your movie queue pronto. I might write more about this movie on the Classic Film thread. But now, I'm on my way to see Led Zeppelin's "Celebration Day"!
  20. The ones cookieshoes lists are all great. You can't go wrong with any of those, especially the Sept. 29, 1971 Osaka show. The WLL-medley is stellar, with "I Gotta Know", "Twist & Shout", "Fortune Teller" among the usual suspects. But I have to also mention another great show for medleys: the evening show of September 19, 1970. This concert is chock-full of great medleys. It starts with an amazing WLL medley with some raving versions of "Dust My Broom", "Bottle Up and Go", and "Some Other Guy" practically exploding from the speakers. Then feast your ears on the "Out on the Tiles-Communication Breakdown-Gallows Pole" triple-bill!!! OOTT is an even better version than the 9.4.70 Forum...Plant hits every high note! Oh, but the band ain't through with you yet...the next encore brings forth maybe the greatest surprise of the night, and possibly their career: a full-speed ahead, all-out sonic attack on "The Girl Can't Help It-Talking About You-Twenty Flight Rock". Rarities all. Given the band's acknowledged love of Little Richard, I wished they had covered him as often as they did Elvis and Ricky Nelson. "The Girl Can't Help It" is killer...at least we have this one version. I would kill for a Soundboard of 9.19.70!!! The night finishes off with the HMMT medley...which according to Plant's "Plantation" here, was supposed to have been played earlier in the set. So there you go...four, count 'em FOUR medleys in a row to close out the night!
  21. What is this, 'Be Nice to Strider Day'? Oh for Pete's sake, all right already...here's a photo I posted around the time of my birthday. It was only a few pages back. There are others here of me with my niece and Melanie posted a couple of us at John Bonham's plaque at Guitar Center and the Continental Riot House...just don't remember what threads they are in. Try the 'Happy' thread.
  22. ESPN's College Basketball Tip-Off Marathon: West Virginia @ Gonzaga. Go ZAGS!
  23. ^^^ Did your Talk Talk "Laughing Stock" vinyl arrive yet? Oh my, now that's a meal...my taste buds are salivating. I'm being lazy tonight. Tuna fish sandwich and Campbell's tomato soup. Hot orange pekoe tea with honey and lemon.
  24. Hahaha...see what I mean? Can you PM me what the question was, SR? I haven't watched Bill Maher in a while. Or MSNBC, for that matter. Watching Monday Night Football, natch. Kansas City is surprisingly hanging tough with Pittsburgh.
  25. Having seen you, I can tell you she is correct...you are pretty, LZG, and your complexion makes you look far younger than you are. Happy is having Monday off and sleeping in until 5pm in the afternoon. Sleeping only two hours Saturday night and staying out late last night after the Barbra Streisand concert meant I had some sleep to catch up on. Boy did I ever! Fifteen solid hours of sleep! Woke up just in time for Monday Night Football, too.
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