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Everything posted by Strider

  1. It sounds like Plantpothead's homeless in the U.K. are more aggro than the ones CJW deals with in Canada. There is no right or wrong reaction here, as different people have different experiences with dealing with the homeless and the beggars in their communities. Your reaction may also depend on why you give money or food to the poor in the first place...to help them or to merely feel good about yourself and make you look good in front of others? There are probably many here on the forum who give to the less-fortunate. They just do it in their own quiet way. I have experienced both types of reactions: the ones that are grateful and the ones that refuse food and just want money for drugs. Frankly, in Hollywood we get some very rude, assaultive types of street beggars and homeless...one even killed a tourist last year. What is even sadder is that many of them lounge around with these poor dogs. They can't even take care of themselves and then they expect to take care of a dog, too? I used to see this guy with no hands, who would walk up and down Hollywood Blvd. barefoot and in tatters, raging against anything and anyone. I felt sorry for him and figured he was some poor damaged veteran with PTSD. Turns out he was a white-supremacist racist who blew off his own hands trying to bomb some black family's house.
  2. Paul, you have got to try this! A powerful combo! +
  3. I disconnected myself from all electronic/digital devices after I posted Tuesday morning, so I didn't see your post until now...so happy belated anniversary to you and Mrs. CP!!!
  4. zepscoda, reswati, sue...Happy (belated) birthdays to all of you!!!
  5. July 3, 1969...Brian Jones' life comes to a sad, wet end in a swimming pool. I prefer to remember the young pre-bloated Brian...like from the 1964 T.A.M.I. Show! Recorded at the Santa Monica Civic (still standing, folks!) 50 years ago this October. Dig that Vox teardrop guitar! R.I.P. Brian Jones. http://youtu.be/ThT7csEZLio
  6. Ted Negent, hahaha...is that short for Negligent? There is only one place to start...and that is with Ted's 1975 album, simply titled "Ted Nugent", with the aforementioned "Stranglehold", "Stormtroopin'", "Snakeskin Cowboys" among the better songs. Features the talents of Derek St. Holmes, without whom Ted would struggle to produce any more worthy songs. If you like this, then you might enjoy "Free-For-All" or even "Cat Scratch Fever". But for my money, it is best you stick with "Ted Nugent" and "Double Live Gonzo"...that's all the Ted you really need. Well, that and some old Amboy Dukes..."Journey to the Center of Your Mind" is worth a listen.
  7. Perhaps Charles added a Canadian twist to it, then?
  8. Today is July 1st...which means I can finally crack open my Led Zeppelin II and give it a listen.
  9. You bet it's American! Natch! Not taken the wrong way at all, Charles. I proudly ate every bite. P.S. That beans on toast thing sounds veddy British.
  10. Spending the day with the godson, whose birthday is this week. Treating him to all sorts of goodies, hopefully watch the U.S. beat Belgium later this afternoon, and then meeting up with his dad and going to the Dodger game.
  11. ^^^ I trust it was with your wife and not Jenna Jameson. Maple bacon doughnut and coffee to start the day.
  12. Strider


    ^^^ I waa wondering when you would get around to posting a Maria pic, Rick. Grunt-grunt. Wimbledon seems to be Federer's last remaining hope in adding to his Major totals. Nadal OWNS the French Open and even seems to be Federer's equal on the hard courts of the US and Aussie Opens. The grass courts of Wimbledon are Roger's last stand.
  13. ^^^ Play "The Rain Song"...it'll make you feel better. Upon us all...
  14. I'm not a 15 year old girl...I don't even play one on TV...but might I suggest a day of frolicking at the beach, maybe rent some beach cruiser bikes to ride around in? Then at night take in a show...maybe take her to see the musical "Wicked"? Follow that up with a post-show nosh of coffee and tirimasu or cake and ice cream or whatever dessert you prefer. If the beach is out of the way for you, maybe take her horseback riding at your local equestrian center. I have never met a girl who didn't love horses. Good luck and have fun this weekend, E!
  15. So once again, Mrs. CP comes to the rescue. You've got yourself a keeper CP. It warms the cockles of my heart...or the heart of my cockles...to see a happy couple such as yourselves, CP. I get the same warm, fuzzy feeling from planted and slavetozep and their respective beaus.
  16. What? You don't comprehend geek-speak?
  17. I hate when that happens. Hope it doesn't happen to you often. Greetings and welcome back Ugra. Were you Ugra before or did you have a different username? Cheeky chap you are, CP! It is said "idle hands are the work of the devil", so good onya for getting some work. Congrats and may this lead to long-term work and a promotion in the future. TGIF!
  18. Oh no. That is a long wait. Hope it is not too expensive. So I was writing up some Led Zeppelin posts for the 77 tour when an inadvertent elbow wiped out the lot. Entire afternoon wasted. I need a drink.
  19. My copy...and yes, it sounds killer!!!! One of my favourite "Dazed and Confused" ever.
  20. And "Pocketful of Golden" references his line in "Over the Hills and Far Away". Yes, the "Rainbow" track is pretty mellow (being in the U.S., it won't let me listen to "Little Maggie" so I cannot comment on that song yet), but that doesn't necessarily mean the entire album will sound like that. Some people seem to be in a rush to bury the project before it even comes out without giving it a fair listen. And frankly, Robert Plant is nearing 70...I really don't need any more lemon-squeezing and inches of his love anymore. There are plenty of young bands out there singing about drinking and fucking, if that's what you're after. I don't require my interest in Robert Plant to be predicated on him re-enacting 1973 in perpetuity.
  21. This is the second or third article that Forbes has published recently about the Stairway lawsuit that truly shows intelligence and a sense of context, legal and otherwise, and doesn't just regurgitate the same old hack innuendos and misconceptions and inaccuracies that most of the other media outlets have relied upon. Well done Forbes, and thanks for posting it here, dimestoreguru.
  22. I imagine Moon must have been partying all day with them at the Riot House before the show, so they were good and looney-loose by the time they hit the stage. All kinds of wild and crazy extraneous stuff was going on at this show...on stage and off, in the crowd and behind the scenes. Everywhere. To reference another show I was at: THE VIBES WERE REAL!
  23. Yeah, I was pretty livid. Someone didn't get the birthday present she ought to have, thanks to my absent-mindedness.
  24. Because of my Zeppelin disease, I have both of those albums. I also have the grey splatter vinyl BBC Sessions from the same German Swan Song label. Despite the official looking appearance, I have been informed by knowledgeable sources here that they are indeed bootlegs. I have only listened to the BBC Sessions and Southampton ones so far and the sound is pretty incredible. I do wish the Southampton was complete, though. Someone on this Forum would have had the Southampton and BBC Sessions vinyl for her birthday if I hadn't spaced out and left my record bag on the subway on my way to the post office. Nobody turned them in to lost & found, unfortunately. Lesson learned.
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