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Everything posted by Strider

  1. The story as it appeared on rollingstone.com today: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/jimmy-page-forming-new-band-says-led-zeppelin-reunion-doesnt-look-likely-20140930
  2. ^^^ Yeah, I felt I was walking on hallowed ground. Goose bumps. It was KB. But I always think of the Mothers of Invention song "Mud Shark" when I think of the Edgewater and Led Zeppelin. Plus, it just sounds catchier and more concise than Red Snapper. They don't allow you to fish anymore from the Edgewater badgeholder.
  3. Ummm, if you were her, would you come forward? I don't see how she could get any financial gain from coming out in public...certainly not enough reward to be worth the potential embarrassment. I mean, what if she has kids and grandkids? Would you want your kids to know you were the "mudshark girl"?
  4. This is probably the side of the Edgewater where Led Zeppelin had their rooms. The other likely location...
  5. Spent most of Monday exploring Seattle...particularly locations with a rock and roll history. My main goal was to go to the Edgewater Inn at Pier 67 in Seattle. This is where Led Zeppelin and the Beatles and many other bands stayed when touring Seattle. The rooms overlook the water so they could fish right out the window. This is where the infamous mudshark/red snapper story took place on Led Zeppelin's 1969 tour. The Beatles were the first major rock band to stay there and the room they stayed in...Suite 272...is now called The Beatles Suite and is decorated with Beatles memorabilia. Amazingly enough, the Beatles Suite was vacant when I visited and they let me go up to the room and take photos. Nobody at the hotel knew where Led Zeppelin's room was, unfortunately. They could only offer an educated guess...a room facing west towards Puget Sound. But there are Led Zeppelin photos in the lobby as well as other rock stars. Some photos of the Edgewater and the Beatles Suite.
  6. Grrrr...for some reason I had you down for NE. Numbers corrected.
  7. Bloody likely, seeing as how there have been soundboards of many other 1975 shows released. Obviously, whomever has the tapes are waiting until the last possible moment to put them out.
  8. That is nice of you to say, Pagefan. Lovely cats you have Nemea and Sathington Willoughby.
  9. Am I right in assuming this is Australian Rules Football and not rugby or soccer? You know...the one where those guys in the white suits do those funny things with the flags? Like they're directing traffic on an aircraft carrier?
  10. Although, strangely enough the drum solos seemed to fly by compared to the 1975 shows.
  11. Week 5 Schedule Thursday Oct. 2 Minnesota @ Green Bay Sunday Oct. 5 Chicago @ Carolina Buffalo @ Detroit (Will Bong-Man go against his own team again and pick Rick's Bills?) Houston @ Dallas Baltimore @ Indianapolis St. Louis @ Philadelphia Cleveland @ Tennessee Pittsburgh @ Jacksonville Tampa Bay @ New Orleans Atlanta @ NY Giants Arizona @ Denver NY Jets @ San Diego Kansas City @ San Francisco Cincinnati @ New England Monday Oct. 6 Seattle @ Washington Good luck with your picks!
  12. Congratulations to Bong-Man!!! You are the winner of the week. Congratulations are also due to mack, who made a size-able jump in the season standings this week...leapfrogging over 7 people! Bong-Man also jumped up in the season standings. Meanwhile, jabe and I are once again joined at the hip. Now that Kansas City's shellacking of New England is in the books, I can post the final tally of our Week 4 picks. Bong-Man: 9-4* jb126: 8-5 mack: 8-5 Walter: 8-5 apantherfrommd: 7-6 ebk: 7-6 zepscoda: 7-6 Anjin-san: 6-7 paul carruthers: 6-7 jabe: 5-8 LedZeppfan77: 5-8 Strider: 5-8 in_the_evening: 4-9 Season Standings after 61 games: 1. jb126*: 38-23 2. Walter*: 36-25 3. Bong-Man*: 35-26 4. mack: 34-25 5. ebk*: 33-28 5. LedZeppfan77*: 33-28 5. paul carruthers: 33-28 6. Anjin-san*: 32-29 6. apantherfrommmd*: 32-29 6. in_the_evening: 32-29 7. jabe: 31-30 7. Strider: 31-30 8. zepscoda: 26-34 * denotes a weekly win.
  13. It was and is, Dd. Still a couple more days before I return to Hollywood.
  14. Note to self: Never piss SozoZoso off.
  15. Indeed they are. I always forget the Division Series are 5 games. Since I am more of an NBA and NHL fan, I am used to all playoff rounds being 7 games. So Rick, change all my division series picks to 5 games please.
  16. Whoa...Einstein's "spooky action at a distance" theory!
  17. Reconnecting with family. Finally seeing photos of my mom and dad's wedding. Actually, on this trip my mom has dug up loads of photos I have never seen. After my mom and dad divorced in 1968, there was a 40 year gap where I didn't see my mom from 1969 to 2009. So I am only just now discovering my mom's side of the family. My grandfather on my mother's side that I never knew. This was taken just before he enlisted for World War I. My mom and her sister.
  18. Sometime in summer 1963. Mom, dad and me in front of their Austin-Healey. Fast forward 50+ years to September 2014. Mom and I at her local fruit and veggie market.
  19. Welcome to the Forum Kathy! How cool for you to be able to see Led Zeppelin...so many never had the opportunity to see them. Even the ones that were alive and old enough to see them in the 70s, didn't. Either because of logistics or they weren't fans of the band until it was too late. As for why they don't do what the Stones keep doing...touring the stadium circuit...I can only say that Led Zeppelin's aim and approach to their music and its presentation was and is much different than the Rolling Stones.
  20. ^^^ Paul and Walter, you should still be able to edit your original pick post and add in your total runs pick. I did mine that way.
  21. Ha ha ha, you're right Walter...I just rechecked my sheets and I forgot to count your Buffalo pick as a loss. Mistake corrected.
  22. Awww, I missed this bit of news. Damn. How long does NPR archive their shows, ebk? Will it still be up by the time I get back to LA this week?
  23. Yes, this was much better than the Jimmy Page appearance. Much more fun and loose and spontaneous atmosphere. But it wasn't just Jimmy Page's fault that his Tonight Show appearance seemed so stiff. I realize that it wasn't a regularly scheduled slot; that Jimmy was pre-taping his time on the show to be broadcast later, which suggests it was all done on-the-fly. Like "Hey Jimmy, we're here in the Northeast to do the Berklee thing...why not shoot over to New York real quick and promote the remasters on the Tonight Show?" Even though it was a small time-slot and pre-taped, Jimmy Fallon failed in that interview. Just the simple act of showing people what the box sets looked like was a failure...all he did was hold the box up? He never showed us what the insides really looked like, the albums or the book or how everything was arranged inside the box. The other major difference in the two appearances is that Robert Plant still seems like a working musician, while Jimmy Page comes off more like a museum curator. Please bring a guitar next time, Jimmy Page.
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