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Everything posted by Strider

  1. WOW! Simply WOW! Omce again, another yeoman effort by our DavidZoso. How many different sources did these photos come from, David? The LA Times only published two nondescript photos from this gig, and Creem's coverage of the 77 tour was concentrated mainly on the earlier Chicago/Pontiac dates. So I have never seen most of these photos before. I wonder if Irene made it to the end of the show to see her jacket worn by Jimmy? Those concerts were over three hours and some people would leave after Stairway to 'beat the traffic'. Irene, if you're out there, did you stay for the encore? Oh, and don't take my memory as gospel. It's as hazy as the marijuana smoke flowing thru the Forum that night. Whether he was playing the double-neck or the Les Paul on Sick Again I can't remember for certain. I do remember Jimmy having an inordinate amount of trouble with his gear during the 1977 Forum shows: broken straps, broken strings, amp and pedal glitches. Anyway, thanks for the flashback to that great night...For Badgeholders Only!!!
  2. September 19, 1970 Madison Square Garden, NY. The Afternoon show. This was a no-brainer today...and later tonight I will put on the Evening show.
  3. Well I think it was around 1am my time, which would make it close to 4am your time. O's have the look of destiny about them.
  4. Let me ask you a hypothetical, Rick. Say that was your Bills lining up in the Victory formation, which is the universal sign in football that the game is over...the opponent is out of time and time outs and you take a knee and everyone goes home. What if one of your O-line or Fitz gets a knee injury because of some Buccaneer diving at their knees at the end like that? You'd be screaming bloody murder just like Coughlin. It was bush league. If the Giants had been lined up to run a play, then yes, fight to the end. But the unwritten rule is when the other team is taking a knee, the game is over and you stop hitting.
  5. Rick, did you really stay up all night to watch the Orioles beat Seattle in 18 innings? Don't lie now, haha. Angels POUNDED the Rangers. It's feast or famine.
  6. Sometimes simple is best...a bowl of strawberries and oranges for breakfast:
  7. Okay publicenemy3 and any other Southern Californians, I just did a recon of the Rave 18 in Culver City. They won't be selling tickets until October 1. They are screening it one day only so far: Oct. 17. The theatres are located in a sliver of a shopping mall between Sepulveda Blvd. and the 405 Freeway, south of Centinela. Food options are the usual: a Souplantation, Kabuki, Stefano's Pizza, Johnny Rockets, Islands, California Pizza Kitchen, Wetzel's Pretzels, Starbucks. But my advice is to go to Dinah's across the street on Sepulveda near the Centinela intersection. At first glance, just your normal everyday American diner, but Dinah's is beloved for two things: 1) Some of the best Fried Chicken you'll find outside of The South and 2) Its pancakes...especially the Dutch Baby and the German Apple Pancake, better than some of the ones I had in Germany!
  8. Here's the finished puzzle. As you can see, I kind of got derailed a bit with 17 Across and 4 Down. John Bonham made an appearance and the shaded squares ascended like a stairway thru the puzzle. The shaded squares spell out 'Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin'.
  9. Hahaha...I am having lunch right now and I like to work the NY Times puzzle while I eat, so as I get a few clues into the puzzle(the first clue across is 'Rock legend Jimmy'), I notice the Led Zeppelin theme! I gotta share this with the forum...but someone already did, I see. If you still get the actual newspaper like me, the puzzle is in The Arts section, page C7.
  10. This is all well and good, but can someone who watched the game please answer my question? Was the officiating as bad as this article suggests? http://m.espn.go.com/nfl/story?storyId=8393575
  11. They can gussy it up by calling it The Championship, but the fact remains Wolverhampton wouldn't be playing where they are now if they hadn't been relegated. Hence, my colloquialism.
  12. I missed the Monday Night game last night. Was it as big a refereeing debacle as ESPN is making it out to be?
  13. ^^^ "THE HIT" is one of my favourite films ever, so I know I must have written about it at some point on this thread. In fact, Fire Opal, I think how we first bonded was over our adoration of John Hurt. But "The Hit" is more than John Hurt...you get the always underrated Terrence Stamp and a very young Tim Roth, years before Quentin Tarantino started using him. If you haven't seen it, put it on your list. Another great Terrence Stamp gem is "The Limey", with Peter Fonda. Check 'em out, kids.
  14. ^^^ So do you take mint with your lamb, Mr. Chillum?
  15. Your first suggestion is cool but dear God, no Der Stingle. Ugh! Please, no Sammy Haggar, Steve Tyler, or any other 'classic rock' has-been, either.
  16. Yep. All the major colour groups are represented! For dinner tonight I had garlic-crusted lamb kabobs, saffron rice and a greek salad. No mint jelly. I seem to be one of the few people who doesn't like mint with my lamb.
  17. ^^^ There's a Viagra jingle? I concur 100% Patrycja. Absolute bollocks...almost as bad as the Twilight films. I had the good fortune of seeing "The Hunger Games" at Doug Benson's monthly Movie Interruption at the Cinefamily. But there were parts of the movie that were so awful that even Doug and his friends were speechless and several minutes would go by before someone could say anything. It really says something dire about today's culture that drips like Katniss and Twilight's Bella are posited as role models for today's tween-teen girls. Ok, ok Knebby, I finally saw this and you're right..."Searching for Sugar Man" is fantastic. One of the better music docs I've seen this year...and I've seen a ton. Just in the last month I have seen new documentaries on the Clash, the Bad Brains, Circle Jerks, LCD Soundsystem, and "Music from the Big House", where Canadian blues singer Rita Chiarelli visits Louisiana's infamous Angola State Penitentiary.
  18. ^^^ Beauty and brains! Yeah, the 'frequency hopping' thing is fascinating...and George Antheil is an interesting person in his own right; an early avant-garde industrial music pioneer. As good as "Hedy's Folly" is when it sticks to her and George's scientific collaboration, for a better overall biography, I suggest Stephen Michael Shearer's "Beautiful: The Life of Hedy Lamarr". http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0312550987/ref=mp_sim_s_2?pi=SL500_SY125
  19. Oh well, at least I finished above. 500 for the week.
  20. If you're ever in Hollywood, stop by my friend's store Larry Edmunds Bookshop. They got 8x10s, 11x14s, Lobby Cards, posters, scripts, old movie magazines, autographed photos, tons of stuff on old, classic film stars...and new.
  21. God! What must have they SOUNDED like in that tiny room?!? Thanks Mr. Norman for at last sharing these priceless pics with the world. It looks like you had a ptime spot, too. Sam, have you asked Mr. Norman his impressions of the gig? A lot of these photos look to be from "Dazed and Confused"...this one for instance: I'd bet my bottom dollar that this photo is from D & C.
  22. If we ever meet, Knebby, the drinks are on me. Fantastic thread, fantastic job...and since it seems we both have the same magazines in our collection, you've saved me the trouble of having to scan and photograph mine to post.
  23. No shit! What, did Nosferatu and his merry band of whiners come back for 'world peace'? Fuck off, Billy!
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