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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. Hahaha! That really cracked me up! Such a cool podcast! Many thanks for providing the link!
  2. Oh, brother! Here we go again! I truly cannot believe that, that punk Skidmore was actually allowed to file an appeal! Sheesh! Just when I thought that it was all done and dusted...
  3. Dinner tonight: Egg Fried Rice served with baked potatoes, immersed in chili and garlic. Will try and post photos later!
  4. Some relief from the heat, at last! A wonderfully cool evening!
  5. Got into a huge fight with my parents. I really regret even talking to them now and sharing things about my life, with them. No more. This is the last time. I rather be on my own. I neither want their advice nor their incredibly hurtful words, anymore. Just want to be left alone.
  6. A friend of mine who has really been into pop music for years (Justin Beaver, etc.), has suddenly discovered the likes of Led Zeppelin and Rush! Wonders never cease!
  7. Kinda reminds me of the look that my dad sometimes gives me!
  8. Hi Esther! Sorry I didn't see your reply till now! I totally agree! I especially loved Lady Gaga's performance with Metallica, in spite of all those technical glitches!
  9. It is isn't it, Morgan? I am going to post this on the 'Good Cover Songs' thread. Thanks for the suggestion!
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