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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. Definitely like it better than Blizzard of Oz and they both also recently got the reissue treatment.
  2. They didn't have any North Mississippi All-Stars records for sale at the merch stand?
  3. No, it doesn't, which is why I stressed that I don't remember any details off the top of my head about what you were asking. I was just trying to point you in the direction of the book since it would help enlighten you as to Bill Graham's relationship with the members of Led Zeppelin. If you were to read the book you would find that wasn't necessarily true. It sounds to me like you've already got your mind made up about the content of the book before even turning a single page. He was assisted in writing it by Robert Greenfield. Yes, it's an autobiography but it's not nearly as one-sided as you're assuming.
  4. You left out the Blues Brothers clip.
  5. There's a thread about the song here: Bonham releasing 'Zepesque' track
  6. Please enlighten us as to how it is ever smart. Another Blues Brothers clip would probably be helpful.
  7. On an earlier version of this board I believe you could embed videos from most any source but ever since the last upgrade the only ones you can embed are from YouTube.
  8. It's been years since I read it so I can't speak to your specific questions from memory but I suggest reading this book: One thing I do recall is that Bill Graham had a pretty strong relationship with Plant.
  9. Thanks for the Blues Brothers clip, I know there's some that would be completely lost without it.
  10. In case you haven't figured it out yet, attempting to have a reasonable conversation with this person is an exercise in futility.
  11. The sound quality of the new song used during the space mission mentioned above isn't very good (understandably) but from what I could make out, it sounded like more of the same.
  12. On the "Stairway" clip from Wayne's World, I stand corrected. They weren't able to use the actual intro to the song because of copyright law. I never knew that. That said, the whole premise of the "No Stairway" sign is correct, it's because too many amateurs come in and only know the intro. No sure how many here listen to Soundcheck on WNYC but "Bohemian Rhapsody" will be the focus of today's installment as part of their Singles Smackdown feature. If you miss it, these episodes are archived on the site afterwards as podcasts.
  13. I saw that but I feel like an artist can evoke the work of another artist (either consciously or subconsciously) without being a "wannabe". What caught my eye was when you said: "Like I said before the only way a song could be considered "Zepesque" is of course, if it was conceived and played by either Jimmy Page or John Paul Jones."
  14. The local Blockbuster stores are running a Customer Appreciation deal here through July 4th. You rent one "Blue Dot" movie (selected movies from the New Releases section) for $3. Once you return it you can rent any movie in the store (except for the Blue Dot ones) for free through the 4th. They've also marked down everything but the new releases to 99 cents. I'm sure it's their reaction to Redbox but I agree, it's too little too late. I imagine Blockbuster will be out of business sooner rather than later. Redbox has countered with a "Rent One-Get Two Free" offer but unless you can watch three movies in one night, it's really not much of a deal as you're going to end up paying late fees. I'm sure Netflix is probably the best way to go but I haven't signed up yet.
  15. Just a random fact about the album "I Can See Clearly Now" comes from but if my memory serves, the then unknown Bob Marley is all over that record.
  16. I imagine at 23 pages this one has shown up in this thread before. If so, it's one that's well worth posting again:
  17. I love Yankee Hotel Foxtrot as well but I also have a tremendous soft spot for Summerteeth. For obvious reasons, it's one of several perfect albums for this time of year.
  18. Thanks for the heads up. Too bad you're unable to make it. Cool, anxious to know what you think (good or bad). The last time I saw them they were definitely playing at the top of their game. Just read where they're going to be on the Late Show with David Letterman on June 21st performing their cover of Eddie Hinton's "Everybody Needs Love" (which Dave personally requested).
  19. I think something can sound "Zeppelin-esque" without the participation of any of the actual members of the band. Same way the terms "Dylan-esque" or "Beatles-esque" have been applied to countless artists over the years.
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