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Everything posted by Jahfin

  1. The first single from Collapse Into Now, "It Happened Today", is due for release on December 20th: Oh and by the way, this year's fanclub Holiday single is now out. If you care to hear it, click here.
  2. Different strokes for different folks. I love Achilles Last Stand and I'm not 12 years old.
  3. Sounds like you're the one with the issues, not Robert Plant.
  4. Who is that says they read this just for the articles?
  5. Best guitar solo EVER, maybe even better than the one on the original studio version.
  6. He was in Zeppelin so he can play any song in any manner he wants to, just like Led Zeppelin themselves used to do. They never played a song the same way twice (or even once) so why should Plant? As for your dissatisfaction with Plant's current musical direction, what do you make of John Paul Jones' work with Sara Watkins (Nickel Creek), Uncle Earl, the Duhks, Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, etc.? By the same token what's your take on Jimmy Page learning to play guitar by listening to the likes of James Burton?
  7. So, you saw him with Alison Krauss but won't take him to this show? Surely you know this is a Plant solo show, not a Zeppelin concert.
  8. Listened to all of these on my iPod today on the way to a reunion with some old radio buds from our college days. Just a few months ago I finally retrieved all of my old vinyl from storage but I need to invest in a new turntable. Since being separated from my records circa Hurricane Floyd in '99 I've acquired lots of other albums (old & new) that I'm looking forward to listening to.
  9. Buddy Miller is very well known in his own right and was named Artist of the Decade for the 00s by No Depression magazine. I first heard of him via Spyboy, Emmylou Harris' backing band for a number of years. His solo records are well worth seeking out as are the albums he's recorded with his wife, Julie.
  10. No need to question my hearing (or mine yours), it's actually a difference of opinions.
  11. I remember watching the first California Jam as well as California Jam II years later. Besides Sabbath and Deep Purple at the first one, ELP's performance really stands out in my memory, particularly this segment:
  12. I enjoyed The Hangover but I also didn't go into it thinking it was going to be something deep and meaningful. Not saying you did but you seemed to be expecting something more from it than what you got. Believe you me, those type movies do still get made but it's not what appeals to the masses. I'm not sure about everyone else but before I rent a movie I usually browse the customer reviews at Amazon beforehand. After reading a handful of those, I feel like I have a pretty accurate understanding of what to expect from a movie. That doesn't always mean I'll actually like it though.
  13. To each their own but it depends on how you define "dull". While Raising Sand is definitely a subdued album that can't be said of the Band of Joy record, at least it's not to my ears. Again, it depends upon how you choose to define the term. To me, "subdued" (if that's what you're getting at) doesn't equal "dull" in my book. Band of Joy sounds more like the direction Plant was following with The Mighty Rearranger record but with a strong hint of the musical stylings that informed Raising Sand. I find them both to be very exciting, intriguing albums that keep me coming back for more. If someone found III or Zeppelin's other forays into acoustic territory "dull", I could possibly see where they might reach the same conclusion about the Raising Sand and Band of Joy albums but that would be the last word to pop into my mind to describe any of them. Maybe you have a low tolerance for experimentation. If that's the case, I'd have to question your Zeppelin fandom as that is what their entire ideal was based on whether it be blues, country, folk, reggae or any of the other diverse musical paths they journeyed down.
  14. You have the innerwebz right there at your disposal, I'm sure you could look him up on something like YouTube or MySpace without a whole lot of trouble.
  15. A tribute to Big Star's third album Sister Lovers featuring a line up assembled by Chris Stamey (the dB's) that includes members of R.E.M., Let's Active, the dB's, Megafaun, Lost in the Trees, the Love Language, etc.
  16. Again, the mainstream press doing all they can to misinform the public.
  17. Perhaps a mod could move this topic to a more appropriate place on the board since it isn't actually a poll.
  18. Vintage clip of the butt of nearly every joke made about Southern Rock, Molly Hatchet. I still love and listen to their first two albums on a regular basis and even managed to see them a few times over the years, all at times when Danny Joe Brown was still with the band. I've seen very few frontmen stalk the stage with the same prowess Danny Joe had.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nro4dWnqob8&feature=player_embedded
  20. I remember a similar shirt but I believe the footprints were on the back and it said something like "I Survived the Who Concert in Cincinnati". A friend of mine that's a Who fan used to wear one. Rather than being disrespectful I believe he was using dark humor as a way of coping with the tragedy. Back in the day, Nantucket, a local (NC) band that could be right out of Almost Famous offered up this poignant take on the tragic events of that sad day in Cincinnati.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ios71secjNQ&feature=player_embedded
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