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Everything posted by kipper

  1. I don't buy that theory either Frogman. First off by 1968 most Americans were very ready to change parties after the total fuck over by the Johnson administration and the Vietnam war. In 1968 Nixon was very likely to win and in fact he won a much larger margin of electoral votes than Hubert Humphrey ended up with. There was also a HUGE 3rd party spoiler in the mix--- George Wallace-- who carried a large chunk of Southern states pretty much assuring that those votes for Wallace would come out of the Democrat party column. So with all of that then looking ahead for the Democratic party, why on Earth would the "CIA" need to assassinate RFK since the political pendulum was already swinging toward the Republicans that year anyway? Sirhan-Sirhan was a loon. Even more loony than Lee Harvey Oswald. The guy was a disturbed man who target RFK based off whatever squirmy thinking was going on in Sirhan-Sirhan's brain. He is the same type who might do a mass shooting, but in '68 he was dead set on targeting RFK. As already stated, the simplest answer is usually the correct answer. A nut with gun.
  2. Problem with these a-holes in China is they are concentrating many different live wild animals species at their wet markets. Here in America even if you hunt wild game animals, you don't bring them back alive, put them in a cage, and then allow their blood and feces to intermingle with other animals. Something really dirty and nasty about the food culture in China. So yeah, 'humane" or just otherwise sanitary and regulated by the USDA I'm fine with. I once went to a slaughterhouse where they were processing beef. It wasn't as weird of frightening as you might think. It's actually pretty well organized and sanitary. Not as much in this video, but close. This video will affect people two different ways: either horrified, or made hungry. For me it makes me hungry.
  3. So much as for "unless you are prepared to eat RICE for a thousand years" as said by Ho Chi Minn regarding the Vietnamese will to continue to fight against ALL imperialists nations including the U.S. Maybe he should have said "rat salad" to steal a song by the great Black Sabbath. GROSS!
  4. Well.... I would NEVER go to India. Not because I have an issue with the people or their culture---- but in terms of protecting my health--- or in anticaption of what may happen if you have an accident and need to go to the hospital, there are MANY countries I would not travel to. The closest country to me on that list is Mexico. NOPE--- won't go. Not even for a few hours in TJ. No reason to go to a 3rd world nation---- maybe no reason to go to many 1st world nations too, but I digress. If we were in a 'lifeboat' situation and our survival depended on eating Fido--- then that is one thing. In fact Fido would just be eaten FIRST.... and the whoever is the next to die would be eaten next. But we do not live in that kind of situation, and while we human are in fact omnivores--- have sharp cuspid teeth same a canines and tigers for tearing and eating flesh--- we still aren't living during the receding ice age so no reason apart from a dire situation for survival to eat dogs, cats, monkeys, bats--- or many other animals. Dogs aren't more intelligent than some other animals, but over the last 20,000 years we humans have developed along side of dogs and we sort of have a human/canine relationship. It wasn't cows and chickens who were are "early warning system" helping us to be alerted for other threats, both four legged and two legged threats. And it wasn't pigs and sheep who helped us hunt for game. Because clearly at the point we had pigs and sheep we didn't need to hunt as much--- and it was of course the domesticated canine that helped us to herd and protect those sheep, cattle, and even protect our poultry. In the end a dog or cat is still just another form of protein. But the same is true of humans-- and we DON'T eat humans either. Not saying dogs are humans, but the fucking part of the damn Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese cultures that make it okay to eat dogs and cats is just a sign that those are less developed cultures. And if you look into it, eating dogs isn't even an ancient tradition in China anyway, it is much more recent. Much of it is just GREED as there is a billion dollar industry in China for exotic and wild animal meat. That and some odd Chinese "voodoo" / "traditional Chinese medicine" belief that eating these animals increases your stature and "luck". Which can also be said about the market for rare and often endagerd species like Bengal Tiger paws and other parts in the Chinese apothecary trade. China needs to change a lot if they want to be accepted by the rest of the free world. They have done a good job of bull shitting the world for a long time, and now is the time we need to pull back the curtain and expose this damn commie country for the evil place it is. I have no problem with eating meat and I do. My argument is not a vegan argument.
  5. Looks like the Chinese under pressure to improve their current bad press over the Wuhan virus have finally decided to join the rest of the civilized world. Only took these fucking assholes 20,000 years to figure out what cavemen understood a long time ago. Namely that dogs make better companions and working animals than they do as meals. Now I wonder if the Chinese will take the next big step and stop eating monkeys, bats, and rats too? https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-changes-status-dogs-livestock-pets
  6. Nah, don't buy it. And while RFK suddenly became "bad for business" in terms of profits for the mob, it wasn't anything the mob hadn't dealt with many, many times before and survived. Just because something is bad for business doesn't mean you react by making things possibly even more bad for business. I think people watch too many movies about the mob and assume they just go off half cocked. Well, maybe true later on as the commission began to loose some control over operations due to the high profits made by wild catters breaking off and doing their own drug deals. But in the early '60s most mob money was still made from gambling and sweet union deals. Old mobsters used to operate from a ideology of wanting only "to wet their beak" which was to be happy with a smaller percentage of money and staying under the radar, than doing things which drew a lot of attention. And this is why the NY outfits really hated the way business was done in Chicago during prohibition. Not that NY didn't do business with Capone and company, but they didn't like the bad press. If a mob boss had ordered a hit on the president then he would so so at the risk of having others in the mob come after him.
  7. Corned beef and cabbage tonight. A little late for St Paddy's but still good. Now making a cup of coffee with a shot of Jameson and scoop of cream.
  8. RIP Pussy Galore! She was hot at 20, hotter at 30---- hot till the end.
  9. The guy in the video that Kiwi posted was wrong for his actions, but only because he was violating the store's policy concerning limits on the item. Store can make any policy it wishes to stop hoarders--- or worse, resellers/price gougers.... I was not excusing his actions. But he may actually have a need for more than two of a particular item which is why I left the door open for the need to "stockpile". And if you think about it in terms of the virus and social distancing, we actually do want people to stay home and not go out everyday in public--- possibly in crowds--- foraging for items to buy in crowed stores. So having a bit more on hand in this situation is both prudent and helps with social distancing over a longer number of days or weeks. TP is a curious thing as in most of the world TP would be considered a luxury item. In my case I need to buy more food than many people because I am also buying for 3 other households which have people in their '80s and '90s who do have to stay locked down. So When I order 20lbs of rice, or a case of beans, it isn't just for me, but I'm sure it looks like I am hoarding. Again, "stockpiling" is the more appropriate application. It is what the military must do-- or FEMA, or many other organizations which may have a sudden need to exponentially expand their supply lines during an emergency. If you keep just what you need for only a few days, you may end up running short. About emergency water: Having some store bought gallons of drinking water is fine, but the better thing to do is have larger emergency containers of water. The water in those containers will in fact become non - potable in a shorter time that bottled drinking water, but it can be easily sanitized using some household bleach solution, iodine, or just putting in on to boil for 10 minutes. Everyone should have some of these filled with water for emergencies. And even if not to drink, but for bathing or washing dishes.
  10. Here is Samantha Fish and those wonderful sturdy legs/thighs. She has the kind of legs R. Crumb would love to put in his comics. Killing Floor
  11. I have been eating a lot more fresh prepared foods since the virus. Lots of squash, peppers, beans, rice--- all cooked from scratch. Tonight I am making sauteed yellow squash with red bell peppers in a white wine cream garlic sauce with grilled Italian sausages from my local butcher shop.
  12. There is a difference between stockpiling and hoarding. I live in earthquake country so we keep a lot of water handy in case services are disrupted for a period of time. The general rule is you need one gallon of water per person PER DAY. Therefore those 24 bottles of water (assuming they are gallons) would be only enough for a family of four for 6 days. If you would expect the possibility of water supply being cut off for 2-3 weeks (which after hurricanes and other events has happened), then that same family would need to 'stockpile' 84-126 gallons of potable water. The thing with this virus is that safe water distribution from the local cities is not likely to be affected. Therefore the water coming out of the tap is perfectly safe to drink as long as the water supply infrastructure is still working. What I have noticed where I live is that a lot of newer immigrants from 3rd world countries are suspicious of the safe potable water here in America because where they come from the water infrastructure cannot be trusted and is unhealthy, so they panic buy water when they can just get it out of the tap.
  13. Some people are just clueless. I guess they either don't read the papers, or believe this highly infectious virus is a hoax or something. I was reading a local report where a police officer wrote a fine to someone who he observed spitting on the sidewalk, a violation which has been on the books for over 100 years but never enforced. Anyone who thinks about some of these social distancing requirements and other health violations like expectorating in public only needs to read the history books to know why they were important. Years ago I read that in Singapore you could get 6 months in jail and a good whipping for spitting on the ground. We in western cultures could use some of that stern enforcement to get stupid people to follow the program.
  14. Fountains of Wayne singer Adam Schlesinger died today from coronavirus complications. This is so ironic because just yesterday I posted "Stacy's Mom" music video in another thread. RIP
  15. A beautiful SoCal spring day. This is why we live here in Southern California. It's all about the weather--- among the very best weather / climate in the world. Too bad beaches and hiking trails are closed due to Covid.
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